To: J3 J3/23-218 From: John Reid & Reinhold Bader Subject: Interp on deallocating coarrays that do not correspond Date: 2023-October-02 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- NUMBER: Fxx/xxx TITLE: Dellocating coarrays that do not correspond KEYWORDS: Deallocate, coarray DEFECT TYPE: Erratum STATUS: J3 consideration in progress REFERENCES: 23-007r1 QUESTION: Was it intended to allow the deallocation of coarrays that are allocated on all images but do not correspond? For example, in the following program the subroutine is executed on all images and the coarray s%c is allocated on all images. Does this allow the deallocate statement to execute successfully and deallocate subobjects of the actual argument a on some images and subobjects of the actual argument b on the other images? program trouble type outer real, allocatable :: c[:] end type outer type(outer) :: a, b integer :: me,ne me = this_image() ne = num_images() allocate(a%c[*],b%c[*]) if (me>ne/2) then call sub (b) else call sub (a) end if contains subroutine sub(s) type(outer),intent(inout) :: s write(*,*) "allocated(s%c)=", allocated(s%c) deallocate(s%c) end subroutine end program ANSWER: Not. It was intended that deallocation should always apply to corresponding coarrays. An edit is supplied. EDIT to 23-007r1: [148:3] In Deallocation of allocatable variables, last sentence of para 10 change "it is" to "the corresponding coarrays are" so that the sentence reads "A coarray shall not become deallocated on an image unless the corresponding coarrays are successfully deallocated on all active images in this team." SUBMITTED BY: John Reid & Reinhold Bader HISTORY: 23-169 m230 Submitted