To: J3 J3/23-219 From: John Reid & Reinhold Bader Subject: Interp on correspondence of unallocated coarrays Date: 2023-October-02 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- NUMBER: Fxx/xxx TITLE: Correspondence of unallocated coarrays KEYWORDS: coarray, allocatable DEFECT TYPE: Erratum STATUS: J3 consideration in progress REFERENCES: 23-007r1 QUESTION: One of the restrictions on the allocation of a coarray (see [147:32-33], para 4, sentence 3) is "If the coarray is a dummy argument, the ultimate arguments ( on those images shall be corresponding coarrays." and another (see [148:29-30-33], bullet 1, sentence 2) is that the coarray be unallocated . However, there appears to be no definition of correspondence for unallocated coarrays. For example, does this program conform to the standard? program tsplit type :: inner real, allocatable :: c[:] end type inner type :: outer type(inner) :: left, right end type outer type(outer) :: split if (this_image() <= num_images()/2) then call create(split%left%c) else call create(split%right%c) end if write(*,*) this_image(), allocated(split%left%c), & allocated(split%right%c) contains subroutine create(this) real, allocatable :: this[:] allocate(this[*]) end subroutine create end program tsplit ANSWER: A definition is needed. The above program is not intended to conform to the standard because it causes the coarray split%left%c to be allocated only on images 1 to num_images()/2 and the coarrary split%right%c to be allocated only on the other images. 5.4.7 is intended to define correspondence only for nonallocatable or allocated allocatable coarrays. An edit makes this clear. Since the concept of correspondence of unallocated coarrays is needed only for the allocate statement, we provide a defintion in Defining correspondence for unallocated coarray subobjects requires a definition of correspondence for their parent objects. We provide text that defines correspondence for any object, coarray or not. Once this is in place, we need the requirement that that the allocate statement specifies corresponding coarrays on every active image in the current team. This makes all but the first two sentences of para 4 redundant. EDITS: [48:26-27] In 5.4.7 para 3, sentence 1, change both occurences of "coarray" to "nonallocatable or allocated allocatable coarray" so that the sentence reads "For each nonallocatable or allocated allocatable coarray on an image, there is a corresponding nonallocatable or allocated allocatable coarray with the same type, type parameters, and bounds on every other image of a team in which it is established (5.4.8)." [147:30-38] In Execution of an ALLOCATE statement, replace para 4 by "For each named object that is not a dummy argument there is a corresponding object with the same name on every other image of the current team; if the object is an unsaved local variable of a recursive procedure, its corresponding objects are the ones at the same depth of recursion of that procedure on each image. Each element of an array corresponds to the element of each corresponding array that is in the same position in array element order. Each component of a scalar named object corresponds to the same component of a corresponding object. Each dummy argument corresponds to the objects that correspond to its actual argument. If an allocation specifies a coarray, it shall specify corresponding coarrays on every active image in the current team; the dynamic type and the values of corresponding type parameters shall be the same for all these coarrays. The values of corresponding bounds and corresponding cobounds shall be the same for all these coarrays."