To: J3 J3/24-139 From: John Reid & Hidetoshi Iwashita Subject: Syntax for generic subprograms Date: 2024-June-23 References: N2217, 23-223r2, 23-244r1. 1. Introduction =============== At its meeting Jun 12-16, 2023, WG5 decided to approve generic subprograms as described in N2217 for Fortran 202Y. Use cases for this are set out in N2217. Formal requirements were approved by J3 in 23-233r2. Formal specifications were approved by J3 in 23-244r1. Here we present syntax. 2. Syntax ========= x01. The GENERIC in a or specifies the subprogram to be generic. Its name is a generic name and it defines one or more specific procedures with that generic name. Each dummy argument of a specific procedure has a single type, kind, and rank. The interface of a generic subprogram shall be explicit, that is, to the list of F2023:, the following item should be added: (8) the procedure is generic. If the name is already generic, the new specific procedures will be added to the existing set of specific procedures. Any two of these procedures must satisfy the rules of to ensure that any reference is unambiguous. Example 1 MODULE mod CONTAINS GENERIC SUBROUTINE my_lift(x) TYPE(INTEGER, REAL) :: x ... END SUBROUTINE END MODULE mod Example 2 PROGRAM main ... CONTAINS GENERIC SUBROUTINE my_lift(x) TYPE(INTEGER, REAL) :: x ... END SUBROUTINE END PROGRAM main Example 3 PROGRAM main REAL :: a INTERFACE GENERIC SUBROUTINE my_lift(x) TYPE(INTEGER, REAL) :: x END SUBROUTINE END INTERFACE ... CALL my_lift(a) ... END PROGRAM main GENERIC SUBROUTINE my_lift(x) TYPE(INTEGER, REAL) :: x .... END SUBROUTINE Alternative to x01. Generic external subprograms should be prohibited. Add the following constraint: Constraint: An external subprogram or an interface body for an external subprogram shall not be specified to be generic. Remove Example 3, which violates this constraint. Another alternative to x01. Add the following constraint: Constraint: A generic subprogram shall have at least one generic dummy argument (x03) that is not optional. or, in other words, add the following constraint in x03: Constraint: A generic subprogram shall have at least one generic type declaration statement. Comment. 23-244r1 says s07. A generic procedure shall have at least one generic dummy argument. x02. A in the PROCEDURE statement of a generic interface block or in the GENERIC statement is extended to specify generic names, as follows. <> <> A generic name appearing in the is treated as if all specific procedures identified by the generic name were added to the list. Constraint: If a appears in the of a PROCEDURE statement in a generic interface block, the of the shall not be a generic name. If a appears in the of a GENERIC statement, the shall not be a generic name. Comment This constraint prohibits a generic name identifying generic names. It may cause complicated situations due to mutual inclusions, recurrent references, and evaluation order issues of generic names. Example MODULE example INTERFACE OPERATOR(.myop.) PROCEDURE fun ! All specific procedures with generic name fun FUNCTION fen(a,b) ! External function fen REAL, INTENT(IN) :: a, b REAL :: fen END FUNCTION fen GENERIC FUNCTION fon(a,b) RESULT(c) ! All specific functions REAL, INTENT(IN), RANK(1:) :: a, b ! of external generic fon REAL :: c END FUNCTION fon END INTERFACE CONTAINS GENERIC FUNCTION fun(a) REAL, INTENT(IN), RANK(0) :: a REAL, RANK(0) :: fun ... END FUNCTION fun GENERIC FUNCTION fun(a) RESULT(b) REAL, INTENT(IN), RANK(1:) :: a REAL, RANK(RANK(a)) :: b ... END FUNCTION fun END MODULE x03. A generic type declaration statement is a type declaration statement that is extended to have multiple types (x04), multiple kind type parameters (x05 and x06), or multiple ranks (x07) formally. It can appear only in the specification part of a generic subprogram. A generic dummy argument is a dummy argument declared in a generic type declaration statement. Constraint: a generic type declaration statement shall declare at least one dummy argument that is not optional. Comment This constraint ensures that, each procedure instance created with the generic type declaration statement is mutually distinguishable by the type, kind and rank of at least one dummy argument. In the following Example, if x and y did not appear in the generic type declaration statement, the created instance procedures would not be distinguishable from each other. Constraint: a generic type declaration statement shall not declare a dummy procedure. Constraint: a dummy procedure shall not be declared in an interface body with the GENERIC prefix. Example 1 GENERIC SUBROUTINE lift(x,y) TYPE(INTEGER(4,8), REAL), RANK(1:2), ALLOCATABLE :: x, y, z .... END SUBROUTINE This subroutine defines 6 specific procedures with generic name lift, in which the common attributes of variables x, y and z are, respectively, - kind-4 integer type, rank 1, and allocatable, - kind-8 integer type, rank 1, and allocatable, - default real type, rank 1, and allocatable, - kind-4 integer type, rank 2, and allocatable, - kind-8 integer type, rank 2, and allocatable, and - default real type, rank 2, and allocatable. Alternative to x03. Remove this Constraint: Constraint: a generic type declaration statement shall not declare a dummy procedure. Add the following. Example 2 GENERIC SUBROUTINE sub(f1, f2) TYPE(INTEGER, REAL), external :: f1 INTERFACE FUNCION f2() RESULT(z) TYPE(INTEGER, REAL) :: z END FUNCTION END INTERFACE END SUBROUTINE "TYPE(INTEGER, REAL) :: z" specifies that the dummy argument f2 is generic. x04. In a generic type declaration statement the can be TYPE() or CLASS () to represent non-polymorphic or polymorphic entities of all the types and kinds listed. Repetitions are permitted and are ignored. In , no type shall be an extension of another in the list. Comment. The following code causes repetition of on some processors but not on others: USE ISO_FORTRAN_ENV TYPE(REAL(REAL64), DOUBLE PRECISION) :: x TYPE(INTEGER, INTEGER(INT32)) :: y Example GENERIC SUBROUTINE LIFT(x,y) TYPE(INTEGER, REAL, my_type) :: x, tmp1 CLASS(my_type, your_type) :: y .... END SUBROUTINE Alternative to x04. Repetitions are not allowed. Therefore, two generic type declaration statements following the Comment are illegal. x05. In a generic type declaration statement, the * in an represents all kinds supported on the processor for the type. The syntax is shown in x06. Example GENERIC SUBROUTINE LIFT(x,y) TYPE (INTEGER(*), REAL(*)) :: x, tmp2 INTEGER(KIND=*) :: y .... END SUBROUTINE x06. In a generic type declaration statement, a that specifies the kinds to be supported. (R706) and (R721) in Fortran 2023 are changed as follows: <> ( [ KIND = ] ) <> * <> <> <> <> ( , ) <> ( [ LEN = ] , KIND = ) <> ( KIND = [ , LEN = ] ) For parameterized derived types, the appearing in (R754) is extended for generic type declaration statements, as follows: R701a <> <> = R701 <> <> * <> : R701b <> <> * <> : C701a: For a kind type parameter, the shall be a constant expression and the shall be a list of constant expression. Comment. Therefore, an asterisk or a colon cannot be used for a kind type parameter. C702a: A colon shall not be used as a or expept in the declaration of an entity that has the POINTER or ALLOCATABLE attribute. C798a: A shall not be a unless all preceding s in the are s. Other constraints for derived-type specifiers, C795, C796, C797, C799 and C7100 are varied also for generic parameterized derived types. Comment. Syntactically, are separated by a comma before the first appearance of the , and separated by ", =" thereafter. For the following type definition: type mytyp(k, m, n) integer, kind :: k = 4 integer, kind :: m integer, len :: n = 100 real(k) :: a(m, n) end type mytyp the following s are conformable in generic type declaration statements: type( mytyp(8,100,100) ) type( mytyp(k=8,m=100,200,n=*) ) type( mytyp(m=10,20), mytyp(m=30) ) type( mytyp(4,m=10,20), mytyp(8,m=20,30) ) type( mytyp(m=10,20), mytyp(8,m=20,30) ) type( mytyp(m=10,20,30,k=8), mytyp(m=20), mytyp(m=30,40) ) Duplicated values in the are permitted and ignored. Comment: kind values generated by one of the intrinsic functions SELECTED_..., can be the same on some processors and different on others. In addition, the programmer may want to use an argument as both a default integer and an integer with a particular kind, or may want to write a procedure that is called both from Fortran and from C. In these cases, the duplication of the kind values may or may not occur, depending on the processor. Permitting duplicates will thus promote portability. On the other hand, disallowing them would result in the detection of unintended duplicates. Example GENERIC SUBROUTINE lift(x, y, m) USE ISO_FORTRAN_ENV REAL(REAL32, REAL64, REAL128) :: x TYPE(REAL(REAL32, REAL64), DOUBLE PRECISION) :: y TYPE(INTEGER, INTEGER(INT32, C_INT)) :: m .... END SUBROUTINE Alternative to x06. should be an array constant instead. Duplicated values in it should not be allowed. x07. In a generic type declaration statement, RANK clause (F2023:R829) is exended to specify multiple ranks: <> RANK ( ) <> <> [ ] : [ ] <> <> and <> In a for a dummy argument of a generic subprogram, can be to represent all the ranks listed, which can include zero (scalar). The form : represents the ranks , +1,..., . The value of omitted is 0. The value of omitted is the maximum possible rank of the entity that has the largest corank in the of the generic type declaration statement. Duplicated values are permitted and are ignored in . Constraint: a generic type declaration statement with a generic RANK clause shall have at least one dummy argument without an . Comment 1. If a non-coarray and coarrays with coranks 1 and 2 are present in the , the omitted is 13. Comment 2. Here is an example of duplicate rank vaules. Consider array expressions extended for a user-defined type. C = A + B Where, A is a scalar or an array of any rank, and B is a scalar or an array whose rank is the same as the one of A. So the following generic type declaration statements are suitable for them: TYPE(user_defined_type), RANK( : ) :: A TYPE(user_defined_type), RANK( 0, RANK(A) ) :: B If A is scalar, the rank of B becomes duplicated value zero. Example GENERIC SUBROUTINE lift(x,y) TYPE (INTEGER, REAL), ALLOCATABLE, RANK(:) :: x REAL (REAL32, REAL64), RANK(1:3) :: y .... END SUBROUTINE Alternative to x07. Duplicated values of rank should not be allowed. x08. A local entity, including a dummy argument and function result, may be declared to have the type, kind, or rank of a previously declared generic entity. In every instantiation, that entity will have the same type, kind, or rank as the previously declared entity. The TYPEOF statement, RANK clause, KIND function, and RANK function are available for this purpose. Example GENERIC SUBROUTINE lift(x,y) TYPE (INTEGER, REAL), ALLOCATABLE, RANK(:) :: x TYPEOF(x), RANK(1:2) :: y .... END SUBROUTINE Alternative to x08. Change the first two sentences to: A local entity, including a dummy argument and function result, can be declared to have instance-specific type, kind and rank (TKR). Add this comment. Comment. Each entitiy declared in a generic type declaration statement has an instance-specific TKR. Change Example to: Example GENERIC FUNCTION lift(x,y) RESULT(z) TYPE (INTEGER, REAL), ALLOCATABLE :: x, t TYPEOF(x), RANK(1:2) :: y, u TYPEOF(y), RANK(RANK(y)-1) :: z .... END FUNCTION For each instance, the type/rank of x, t, y, u and z are, respectively, x: INTEGER/0, INTEGER/0, REAL/0, REAL/0 t: INTEGER/0, INTEGER/0, REAL/0, REAL/0 y: INTEGER/1, INTEGER/2, REAL/1, REAL/2 u: INTEGER/1, INTEGER/2, REAL/1, REAL/2 z: INTEGER/0, INTEGER/1, REAL/0, REAL/1 x09. The SELECT GENERIC RANK construct in a generic subprogram selects at most one of its constituent blocks in each instance of the subprogram. Comment. The selection is based on the declared rank of a generic-rank entity. R1150a <> [ ]... R1151a <> [ : ] SELECT GENERIC RANK ( ) C1155a The in a shall be a named variable that is not assumed-rank. Comment: is not allowed in the SELECT GENERIC RANK statement. R1152a <> RANK ( ) [ ] <> RANK DEFAULT [ ] is defined in x07. Duplicated values are permitted and are ignored in . C1157a For a given , the same value shall not be specified in more than one . C1158a For a given , there shall be at most one RANK DEFAULT . R1153a <> END SELECT [ ] The rules on are similar to those of the SELECT CASE construct. The execution of a SELECT GENERIC RANK construct with SELECT GENERIC RANK statement: SELECT GENERIC RANK ( x ) is similar to that of a SELECT CASE construct with SELECT CASE statement: SELECT CASE ( RANK(x) ) where the rank of x is constant. Comment. The intention is that each instantiation shall contain executable code for at most one block. Unlike the SELECT CASE construct, the SELECT GENERIC RANK statement is expected to have no runtime overhead of selection and branching. Example GENERIC FUNCTION fun(x) RESULT(y) TYPE(type1), RANK(0:7) :: x TYPEOF(x), RANK(RANK(x)) :: y SELECT GENERIC RANK (y) RANK (0) !! code if y is a scalar RANK (1:3) !! code if y is an array of 1 to 3 dimensions RANK DEFAULT !! code if y is an array of 4 to 7 dimensions END SELECT END FUNCTION fun x10. The SELECT GENERIC TYPE construct in a generic subprogram selects at most one of its constituent blocks in each instance of the subprogram. Comment. The selection is based on the declared type of a generic-type or generic-kind entity. R1154a <> [ ]... R1155a <> [ : ] SELECT GENERIC TYPE ( ) C1163a The in a shall be a named variable. Comment: is not allowed in the SELECT GENERIC TYPE statement. R1156a <> TYPE IS ( ) [ ] <> TYPE DEFAULT [ ] C1165a The shall be or and shall specify that each length type parameter is assumed. C1168a For a given , the same type and kind type parameter values shall not be specified in more than one TYPE IS . C1169a For a given , there shall be at most one CLASS DEFAULT . R1157a <> END SELECT [ ] Execution: A SELECT GENERIC TYPE construct selects just one block to be executed. Regardless of whether the selector is polymorphic or not, the block to be executed is selected by the declared type and kind of the . If it matches the of a TYPE IS , the block following that statement is selected. Otherwise, if there is a TYPE DEFAULT , the block following that statement is selected, else, no block is selected. Comment: The block is selected at compile time. The execution of the SELECT GENERIC TYPE construct is expected to be the execution of the selected block if any. Example GENERIC FUNCTION fun(x) RESULT(y) TYPE(type1,type2) :: x, y !! code if x is type1 or type2 SELECT GENERIC TYPE (x) TYPE IS (type1) !! code if x is type1 TYPE IS (type2) !! code if x is type2 END SELECT END FUNCTION fun 3. Further Examples =================== Example 1 MODULE example INTERFACE OPERATOR(.myop.) PROCEDURE s ! All of the specific procedures of s. END INTERFACE CONTAINS GENERIC FUNCTION s(a,b) RESULT(c) TYPE(REAL,COMPLEX), INTENT(IN), RANK(:) :: a, b TYPEOF(b), RANK(RANK(b)) :: c, temp ... SELECT GENERIC TYPE (temp) TYPE IS (REAL) temp = temp * (1-b) TYPE IS (COMPLEX) ! Just this once, we want the conjugate. temp = temp * (1-CONJG(b)) END SELECT ... c = temp END FUNCTION END MODULE Example 2 PROGRAM main INTEGER:: n = 5 WRITE(*,*) factorial(n) CONTAINS GENERIC RECURSIVE FUNCTION factorial(n) RESULT (res) INTEGER (*) :: n TYPEOF(n) :: res IF (n >1) THEN res = n*factorial(n-1) ELSE IF (n==1) THEN res = 1 ELSE res =0 END IF END FUNCTION factorial END PROGRAM main