To: J3 J3/24-153 From: Malcolm Cohen Subject: Recommendation on coroutines and iterators Date: 2024-June-26 References: 24-118, 24-119. This paper presents the /DATA subgroup recommendations on the proposed coroutines and iterators paper. Subgroup notes that this feature suggestion has been rejected by the committee several times, on grounds including complexity of description, complexity of implementation, and perceived usefulness. Subgroup considers that this revision of the standard is already large enough. In particular, we expect it to take much longer than optimists might think to integrate templates and generic subprograms into the revised standard, and to get everything right (or at least close). It is hard to estimate exactly how large this feature is, but it is not a small feature. Therefore subgroup recommends not including the feature at this time. Subgroup further recommends that, resources permitting, a study be done of the desirability and feasibility of the feature in a future revision. Such a study needs to begin soon after publication of F202y, to avoid making any hasty decision. ===END===