To: J3 J3/25-121 From: Malcolm Cohen Subject: Corank and genericity Date: 2025-February-18 Reference: 25-103 1. Discussion Paper 25-103 correctly observes that "Coranks play no part in generic resolution" This may have been a mistake. Corank works the same way as rank does in most situations: e.g. for bounds, extents, and subscripting we have cobounds, coextents, and cosubscripting. It is long past the time when this part of coarray design could be changed very much, however, 25-103 continues on to say "because the coranks of an actual argument and the corresponding dummy argument are not required to agree" This is a specious argument: Rank agreement is not required for explicit-shape. Corank agreement is not required for explicit-coshape. These are almost identical situations. In fact it is an incorrect argument: For deferred coshape, the coranks are in fact required to agree, just as they are for deferred shape. (See [351:18] Allocatable dummy variables, p3.) Consider: GENERIC :: g => p REAL,ALLOCATABLE :: x[:,:,:] CALL g(x) SUBROUTINE p(y) REAL,ALLOCATABLE :: y[:,:] ALLOCATE(y[100,*]) ... Generic resolution turns "CALL g" into "CALL p", which is then incorrect because the coranks differ. Worse, we cannot have a generic that can take corank 2 allocatable and corank 3 allocatable unless we mangle the argument lists to make the calls incompatible (and thus very confusing!). This is because, as 25-103 quite rightly points out, corank is not considered during generic resolution. 2. Proposal Corank should be considered as a disambiguator when one dummy argument is an allocatable coarray and the other dummy argument is an allocatable coarray of different corank. (This is somewhat analogous to how allocatable and pointer are considered to be disambiguators with respect to each other, though they are not with respect to non-allocatable and non-pointer.) 3. Comment This is not sufficient to make auto-generic handle corank genericity, as although we added a RANK(value) clause to the type declaration statement, we neglected to add a CORANK(value) clause to it. ===END===