X3J3/95-026 To: X3J3 From: Jerry Wagener, with appreciation to John Reid Subject: Floating Point Subset of ENABLE This paper is presented in the belief that handling floating point exceptions is important to keeping Fortran competitive in high performance numerical computation. It describes a highly restricted and simplified facility that is (close to) a subset of the Edinburgh proposal on exception handling. It is believed to address and resolve the technical concerns raised in response to that proposal. While this subset does not provide anywhere close to the functionality of the Edinburgh proposal, it does provide the "80% solution" for floating point exceptions (FPEs). It also is extendible to (something close to) the Edinburgh proposal and/or an exception handling facility, such as discussed thus far, modeled on a condition data type. This subset deals only with FPE events, including floating overflow and floating point divide-by-zero, though the processor may detect additional exceptions. Signaling outside any enable construct are (allowed but are) processor dependent. The enable construct has the general form ENABLE enable block [ HANDLE handle block ] END ENABLE which may be considered roughly functionally equivalent to the Edinburgh form of ENABLE (FLOATING_POINT) enable block HANDLE handle block END ENABLE If a future proposal needs the meaning that the Edinburgh proposal had for the simple ENABLE and HANDLE statements, the syntax ENABLE ( ) and HANDLE ( ) could be used. If an FPE signals during the execution of the enable block, control is transferred to the handle block; otherwise the handle block is not executed. Any FPE that triggers execution of a handle block is cleared prior to entering a handle block. This is not consistent with the Edinburgh proposal, which allowed inquiries to be made about the specific nature of signaling prior to handling. A future proposal could restore this functionality as an option on the HANDLE statement. As in the Edinburgh proposal, the transfer to the handle block after a signal is imprecise in order to allow for optimizations. Any variable that is defined or redefined in such an "uncertainty scope" becomes undefined. The handler may specify returning the signal to the calling program. A significant simplification over the Edinburgh proposal is that if a signal is not handled in the procedure in which it was generated, the processor is required to handle it in the caller only if (1) the call to the procedure is itself in an enable construct and (2) the signal is generated in an enable construct in the callee. If either of these two requirements is not met then the signal is "lost" in the sense that the situation becomes processor dependent. For guaranteed handling up the call chain a condition must be so "fully enabled" on both ends of each call. The SIGNAL statement, which can appear only in an enable construct, allows the user to explicitly signal an FPE. The signal statement has the form SIGNAL which may be considered roughly equivalent to the Edinburgh form of SIGNAL (FLOATING_POINT). This subset enables and handles floating point exceptions, and allows the user to signal a floating point exception, but does not provide any sort of "finer grained" treatment of exceptions. In particular, any notion of "condition value" is intentionally omitted, so as not to unduly impact the nature of future extension. EDITS TO X3J3/94-007r3 ---------------------- Section 1.8 - at end of section, add new reference: IEC 559:1989, Binary floating-point arithmetic for microprocessor systems (also ANSI/IEEE 754-1985, IEEE standard for binary floating-point arithmetic). ....................................................................... Section 2.1 - add to R215 (in alphabetical order) the line: or enable-construct ....................................................................... Section 2.1 - add to R216 (in alphabetic position) the line: or signal-stmt ....................................................................... Section 2.3.4 - in list item(2), after 'CASE constructs,', add 'ENABLE constructs,' ....................................................................... Section 2.3.4 - add a fourth list item: (4) Execution of a signal statement ( may change the execution sequence. ....................................................................... Section 2.5 - insert a new section just before 2.5: 2.4.8 Condition Within an enable construct, a condition is signaled by the processor upon occurrence of a floating point exception, such as overflow, during program execution. How the processor represents such exception conditions is processor dependent. Outside of enable constructs the meaning of exception conditions is processor dependent. The processor is required to support the exceptions floating point overflow and floating point divide-by-zero; the processor may detect and signal other exceptions as well. [Footnote: In a multitasking environment each virtual processor supports its own exception conditions. If an enable construct contains statements that spawn tasks, enable, handle, and end- enable statements act as barriers at which such exception condition values are merged. Condition handling and the enable construct are permitted in a pure procedure.] ..................................................................... Section 3.3.1 - add to the Blanks Optional column (in alphabetical position): END ENABLE ....................................................................... Section 7.1.7 - in fourth paragraph (which starts with 'Any'), after 'program', add ', except in an enable block' ....................................................................... Section 8.1 - add a fourth list item: (4) ENABLE construct ....................................................................... Section 8.1 - in paragraph starting with 'Any', delete 'three' ........................................................................ Section 8.2 - insert a new section just before 8.2: 8.1.5 Condition handling The processor is required to signal a condition if a floating point exception occurs during execution of an intrinsic operation within an enable construct. The processor is permitted, but not required, to signal if a floating point exception occurs during execution of an intrinsic function. Within an enable construct, the user may signal with the SIGNAL statement. The processor may signal outside of an enable construct, but the meaning of such a signal is processor dependent. [Footnote: Note that a SIGNAL statement may not appear outside of an enable construct.] [Footnote: On many processors, it is expected that some exception conditions will cause no alteration to the flow of control when they are signaled and that they will be tested only when the enable block completes. On other processors, this may be very expensive, and on them the handler may be invoked at the time of signaling or soon thereafter.] In a sequence of statements that contains no condition handling statements, if the execution of a process would cause signaling but after execution of the sequence no value of a variable depends on the process, whether signaling occurs is processor dependent. For example, when Y has the value zero, whether the code X = 1.0/Y X = 3.0 signals is processor dependent. A signal must not occur if it could arise only during execution of a process beyond those required or permitted by the standard. For example, the division in the statement IF (X>1.) Y = Z/X must not signal when X is less than 1.0, and for the statement WHERE(A>0.) A = LOG (A) negative elements of A must not cause signaling. On the other hand, when X has the value 1.0 and Y has the value 0.0, the expression X>0.00001 .OR. X/Y>0.00001 is permitted to cause signaling. [Footnote: In general, it is intended that implementations be free within enable constructs to use the code motion techniques that they use outside enable constructs.] The enable construct The enable construct contains an enable block, and (optionally) a handle block. The handle block is executed only if execution of the enable block leads to signaling. R835a enable-construct is enable-stmt enable-block [ handle-stmt handle-block ] end-enable-stmt R835b enable-stmt is [ enable-construct- name : ] ENABLE R835c enable-block is block R835d handle-stmt is HANDLE [ enable- construct-name ] R835e handle-block is block R835f end-enable-stmt is END ENABLE [ enable-construct-name ] Constraint: If the enable-stmt of an enable-construct is identified by an enable-construct-name, the corresponding end- enable-stmt must specify the same enable-construct-name. If the enable-stmt of an enable-construct is not identified by an enable-construct-name, the corresponding end-enable-stmt must not specify an enable-construct-name. If the handle-stmt is identified by an enable-construct-name, the corresponding enable-stmt must specify the same enable-construct-name. Constraint: An enable-block must not contain a cycle-stmt, exit- stmt, or branch statement that would cause branching outside of the enable-block. An alternate return specifier in an enable- block must not specify the label of a statement outside the block. An ERR=, END=, or EOR= specifier in a statement in an enable-block must not be the label of a statement outside the block. Constraint: A handle-block must not contain a cycle-stmt, exit- stmt, or branch statement that would cause branching outside of the handle-block. An alternate return specifier in an handle- block must not specify the label of a statement outside the block. An ERR=, END=, or EOR= specifier in a statement in an handle-block must not be the label of a statement outside the block. If an enable construct has no handler, the effect is as if it had the following handler: HANDLE SIGNAL An ENABLE statement may be a branch target statement (8.2). [Footnote: Neither a HANDLE statement nor an END ENABLE statement is permitted to be a branch target. A handle block is intended for execution only following signaling in its enable block, and an END ENABLE statement is not a sensible target because it would permit skipping the handling of an exception.] [Footnote: Nesting of enable constructs is permitted. An enable or handle block may itself contain an enable construct. Also, nesting with other constructs is permitted, subject to the usual rules for proper nesting of constructs.] [Footnote: Note that in a function subprogram it is very desirable to ensure that the function value is defined even if an exception has occurred and is expected to be handled in the calling subprogram. If the function value is not defined, additional exceptions may occur during evaluation of the expression that gave rise to the function call.] Execution of an enable construct Execution of an enable construct begins with the first executable construct of the enable block and continues to the end of the block unless a condition is signaled. An uncertainty scope consists of a (possibly null) sequence of statements in an enable construct between any pair of consecutive ENABLE, HANDLE, and END ENABLE statements. If a signal is associated with (occurs in) an uncertainty scope, there is a transfer of control sometime during execution of the uncertainty scope subsequent to the signaling. If the uncertainty scope is in an enable block, the (effect is as if the) transfer is to the associated HANDLE statement. If the uncertainty scope is in a handle block the transfer is to the associated END ENABLE statement, thereby completing execution of the enable construct with the condition still signaling. Any variable that might be defined or redefined by execution of a statement of the uncertainty scope or of a procedure invoked in such a statement is undefined, any pointer whose pointer association might be altered has undefined pointer association status, any allocatable array that might be allocated or deallocated may have been allocated or become unallocated, and the file position of any file specified in an input/output statement that might be executed is processor dependent. [Footnote: The transfer to the handle block is imprecise and processor dependent in order to allow for optimizations such as vectorization. As a consequence, some variables become undefined. In Example 1 of, a copy of the matrix itself would need to be available for the slow algorithm.] Although branching from within an enable construct to outside of the construct is not allowed, a RETURN or STOP statement is permitted in an enable construct. If execution of the enable block completes without any of its uncertainty scopes signaling, the execution of the enable construct is complete. If the handler is invoked, the signal(s) triggering the handler are cleared by the HANDLE statement and then execution proceeds with the first executable construct of the handle block. Completion of execution of the handle block completes the execution of the enable construct. If execution of an enable construct completes with a condition still signaling (that is, the signal is not cleared by execution of a HANDLE statement), an immediate transfer takes place. For the purposes of determining the nature of the transfer in the case of a nested enable construct, the signal is considered to be associated with the uncertainty scope immediately following the enable construct. In the case of an enable construct not nested in another enable construct, the transfer is to return to the calling program (or stop, if in a main program), propagating the signal to the caller. [Footnote: Note that the mechanism by which a signal is propagated to the caller is completion of execution of an (outer) enable construct with a condition still signaling - that is, if a signal has occurred in the enable construct and not cleared by a HANDLE statement. Note also that the statement pair SIGNAL; RETURN cannot be relied upon to propagate a signal to the caller because of the uncertainty of when the effects of signaling take place. Finally, note that for guaranteed handling of a signal propagated to the caller, the call must be in an enable construct. Examples 3 and 4 in both illustrate signal propagation back to the caller.] [Footnote: Note that if the processor supports signaling outside of enable constructs, and such a signal exists upon execution of an enable statement, the effect is as if a return (or stop in a main program) is executed with the signal propagating to the caller.] Signal statement R835g signal-stmt is SIGNAL Constraint: A signal-stmt may appear only in an enable-construct. The SIGNAL statement signals a floating point exception. The effect of executing a SIGNAL statement is the same as if the processor had signaled the condition. Examples of ENABLE constructs Example 1: ENABLE ! First try the "fast" algorithm for inverting a matrix: MATRIX1 = FAST_INV (MATRIX) ! MATRIX is not altered during execution of FAST_INV. HANDLE ! "Fast" algorithm failed; try "slow" one: ENABLE MATRIX1 = SLOW_INV (MATRIX) HANDLE WRITE (*, *) 'Cannot invert matrix' STOP END ENABLE END ENABLE In this example, the function FAST_INV may signal. If it does, another try is made with SLOW_INV. If this still fails, a message is printed and the program stops. Note the use of an enable construct within a handler. Note also that the relevant code in both FAST_INV and SLOW_INV must enabled in order to guarantee propagation of a signal. Example 2: ENABLE ! First try a fast algorithm for the computation. . . . ! Code that cannot signal a condition. DO K = 1, N ENABLE : END ENABLE END DO ENABLE : END ENABLE HANDLE ! Alternative code which knows that K-1 steps have executed normally. : END ENABLE Here the code for a computation is in line and the transfer is made more precise by adding to the enable block two enable constructs without handlers. Example 3: REAL FUNCTION CABS (Z) COMPLEX Z ! Calculate the complex absolute value, using a scaled algorithm ! if the straightforward calculation overflows. ! (See also the CABS example, page 225, ACM Transactions on ! Mathematical Software, June 1994.) REAL S, ZI, ZR INTRINSIC REAL, AIMAG, SQRT, ABS, MAX ZR = REAL(Z) ZI = AIMAG(Z) quick: ENABLE ! This is the quick and usual calculation. CABS = SQRT(ZR**2 + ZI**2) HANDLE quick ! Will try again using a scaled equivalent method. S = MAX(ABS(ZR),ABS(ZI)) slow: ENABLE CABS = S*SQRT( (ZR/S)**2 + (ZI/S)**2 ) END ENABLE slow END ENABLE quick END FUNCTION CABS Note that a signal propagates back to the caller if the slow algorithm fails also (but not if only the fast algorithm fails. Example 4: MODULE LIBRARY ... CONTAINS SUBROUTINE B ... ENABLE X = Y*Z(I) IF (X>10.) SIGNAL END ENABLE ... END SUBROUTINE B END MODULE LIBRARY SUBROUTINE A USE LIBRARY ENABLE CALL B HANDLE ... END ENABLE END SUBROUTINE A In this case the user has defined what constitutes a numeric exception in the event that processor overflow has not occurred. In either case the handling takes place in subroutine A. Example 5: SUBROUTINE LONG REAL, ALLOCATABLE A(:), B(:,:) : ! Other specifications ENABLE : ! Lots of code, including many procedure calls : HANDLE ! Fix-up, including deallocation of any allocated arrays, in the event of any ! numeric exceptions that occur in enabled code in called procedures. IF(ALLOCATED(A)) DEALLOCATE (A) IF(ALLOCATED(B)) DEALLOCATE (B) : END ENABLE END SUBROUTINE LONG ...................................................................... Section 8.2 - in first paragraph, after 'end-do-stmt,' add 'an enable-stmt,'. ....................................................................... Section 8.4 - add a new sentence to end of last paragraph: If the STOP statement is in an enable construct and a condition is signaling, the processor must issue a warning on the unit identified by * in a WRITE statement, indicating that an exception has occurred. .......................................................................