-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 083 Add an Accessibility Attribute Corresponding to READONLY <KEYWORDS> <STATUS> Registered <TARGET> <SUBGROUP> <VERSION> 1 <NOTE> Related to pFR 33 (Object Oriented Fortran, OOF), pFR 43 (OOP Capabilities), pFR 54 (Complete Set of Explicit Attributes), N970-18 (Object Oriented Programming), Draft NP for TR2 on Data type enhancements. </NOTE> <REFLIST> <REF> Bertrand Meyer "Object-Oriented Software Construction," Prentice-Hall, New York, 1988 ISBN:0-13-629049-3 </REFLIST> <REQUIREMENT> Allow the developer of a module to specify a finer degree of control over the accessibility of objects declared in a module. Specifically, allow the developer to indicate that certain variables (including components of variables of derived-type) when accessed by use association may not be defined or redefined. An example of a possible syntax is shown after the suggested implementation. </REQUIREMENT> <JUSTIFICATION> Currently the only control the developer of a module has over the accessibility of individual objects is either to allow complete access, PUBLIC, or forbid any access, PRIVATE. This can lead to awkward or inefficient module implementations. The best example of this is a data object whose value should only be changed through its interface, but other than that should be retrievable by the user of the module. If declared with the PUBLIC attribute, consistent use of the interface is not guaranteed, If declared with the PRIVATE attribute, the value can only be retrieved by creating a procedure whose sole use is to return the data value. It is difficult, in the second case, to optimize away the procedure overhead implied by the resulting semantics, and the creation of the procedure is an unnecessary burden on the programmer. There are two methods of accessing an object, reading a value and writing a value. For simplicity, restrictions on a method should be confined to the values never, once, or always. However, an access restricted to once via procedural encapsulation has little impact on the overall performance of the code. This suggests that the effective combinations read always + write always, read always + write never, read never + write always, and read never + write never are sufficient. The present access attributes effectively allow only two of the above attributes, PUBLIC (read always + write always), and PRIVATE (read never + write never). The above analysis suggests that two more accessibility attributes could be added to Fortran, with the semantics of read always + write never, and read never + write always. An attribute with read always + write never semantics in particular appears to be very useful and has been implemented in several languages. It should also be noted that in many ways a READONLY attribute is similar in semantics to a function without arguments, i.e., a function whose computed value depends only on global values. The principle of encapsulation suggests that the user of the module should not be able to tell the difference between a data object that can only be read and such a parameterless function. Such a lack of distinction has been implemented in a few languages. </JUSTIFICATION> <SUGGESTED IMPLEMENTATION> The committee should consider adding an accessibility attribute to the present language with read always + write never semantics, to be applied initially only to data entities. This attribute will be discussed below under the name READONLY (PUBLIC(READ), or READ_ONLY are other possible terms). Should READONLY be adopted and prove useful, then the extension of READONLY to parameterless functions and an additional attribute, WRITEONLY, with read never + write always semantics, may also be considered for adoption. </SUGGESTED IMPLEMENTATION> <EXAMPLE SYNTAX> The suggested syntax is for illustration only, exact syntax not part of requirement: MODULE FLEET TYPE CAR READONLY INTEGER :: CYLINDERS, MAX_PASSENGERS CHARACTER(LEN=15) :: MANUFACTURER, MODEL_NAME END TYPE CAR TYPE (CAR) :: CAMARY ... INTEGER, READONLY :: FLEET_SIZE CONTAINS TYPE(CAR) FUNCTION REPLACEMENT_CAR(CYLINDERS, & MAX_PASSENGERS, MODEL_NAME) ... END FUNCTION REPLACEMENT_CAR ... ! Several other subroutines and functions END MODULE FLEET The module procedures defined within FLEET can define the components of CAMARY and can define the variable FLEET_SIZE. Scoping units accessing CAMARY or FLEET_SIZE by use association can use the values of the FLEET_SIZE and the values of the components of CAMARY, but cannot directly update those values. The values can be indirectly updated by such units, either as a side effect of invoking one of FLEET's procedures, or, in the case of CAMARY, by using CAMARY as an argument to a procedure, whose corresponding dummy argument has type CAR and an INTENT other than IN, or by an assignment with entities on both sides having type CAR. A procedure with an INTENT other than IN for a dummy argument of type CAR must either be one defined in the MODULE FLEET or, if one defined outside of FLEET, must be one that directly, or indirectly through a chain of calls, performs its update by invoking such a procedure with PUBLIC accessibility. The semantics for updating an entity having a type with READONLY components is intended to correspond to the semantics for updating the components of an entity having a type with PRIVATE components. Similarly a module that uses FLEET can declare entities of type CAR, but can only modify their components by using such entities as argument to procedures satisfying the restrictions on updating components of CAMARY MODULE OUR_FLEET ... USE FLEET ... TYPE(CAR) :: COMPACT_MODEL=CAMARY ... CONTAINS ... SUBROUTINE CHANGE_COMPACT_MODEL(DESIRED_MODEL, & DESIRED_CYLINDERS, DESIRED_CAPACITY, ALLOWED) TYPE(CAR), INTENT(IN) :: DESIRED_MODEL ... IF (ALLOWED) THEN COMPACT_MODEL = & REPLACEMENT_CAR(DESIRED_MODEL, DESIRED_CYLINDERS, & DESIRED_CAPACITY, MODEL_NAME) ... END SUBROUTINE CHANGE_COMPACT_MODEL ... END MODULE OUR_FLEET This ensures that all components remain consistent, while allowing increased flexibility. </EXAMPLE SYNTAX> <PRECEDENTS> The restriction READONLY has been implemented in a number of languages, object oriented languages in particular, e.g., Eiffel, Sather, and Oberon. It has consistently proved useful in such languages. Allowing parameterless functions to also have the equivalent of the READONLY attribute has been implemented in fewer languages, e.g., Eiffel and Sather, but has also proved useful in those languages. I do not known if WRITEONLY has ever been implemented in any major language. A good description of the semantics of READONLY as implemented in Eiffel, (where it is spelled READ_ONLY), appears in Bertand Meyer, "Object-Oriented Software Construction," Prentice-Hall, New York, 1988, ISBN:0-13-629049-3. </PRECEDENTS> <ESTIMATED IMPACT> The suggested requirements should have no impact on the efficiency or compatibility of existing code. The modifications required in the standard and compilers should be small for READONLY. The text in the standard that needs to be revised appears to be well localized. Implementors already have to make a semantic distinction between used and local entities, and place restrictions on used entities. The additional restrictions are similar to those specified by the INTENT attributes of the dummy arguments of procedures, and require a similar analysis. The modifications required in the standard and compilers should be small to moderate for "READONLY" functions and WRITEONLY entities. The modifications are not as well localized as for READONLY. </ESTIMATED IMPACT> <SUBMITTED BY> William B. Clodius phone: (505) 662-3243 email: Wclodius@aol.com </SUBMITTED BY> <HISTORY> <EVENT>email received 22-Dec-1995 </HISTORY> <SUGGESTED EDITING OF THE STANDARD> The following is a suggested partial editing of the standard to include the READONLY attribute for entities. It is based on the draft Fortran 95 standard as published in the Fortran Forum in June 1995. A more detailed final editing will, of course, eventually be necessary. Additional modifications would need to be included if READONLY functions, or WRITEONLY entities were added to the standard. ----- Section 4.4.1 ----- line 16, p. 38: replace "[ private-sequence-stmt ]" with "[ access-sequence-stmt ]" ----- lines 21-22, p. 38: replace with R424 access-sequence-stmt is component-access-stmt or SEQUENCE R424a component-access-stmt is PRIVATE or READONLY ----- line 23, p. 38: replace "PRIVATE statement" with "component access statement" ----- p. 38: Add the following to the constraints after R424 Constraint: A component-access-stmt shall not appear more than once in a given derived-type-def. ----- p. 38: Add the following to the constraints after R427 Constraint: If a component of a derived type is of a type whose components are declared to be readonly, either the derived type definition shall contain a component access statement or the derived type shall be private. ----- p. 40: Add after line 23 If a type definition contains a READONLY statement, except within the module containing that type definition, an entity of that type or any components of such an entity behave as thought they have the PARAMETER attribute, e.g., such entities cannot appear on the left hand side of an assignment, and can only be used as the actual argument to a procedure if the corresponding dummy argument has intent IN, even if the type itself is public ( ----- Section 4.4.2, p.43 ----- line 14: Place "or READONLY" between "PRIVATE accessibility". ----- line 16: Replace "that are PRIVATE." with "that are PRIVATE or READONLY." ----- Section 5.1, p. 48 ----- line 14: Replace "PUBLIC attribute" in "Constraint: An entity shall not have the PUBLIC attribute if ..." with "PUBLIC or READONLY attributes". ----- the following should be added to the list of constraints after R506 Constraint: A named constant shall not have a READONLY attribute. ----- Section should be replaced by Accessibility attribute The accessibility attribute specifies the accessibility of entities R511 access-spec is PUBLIC or PRIVATE or READONLY Constraint: An access-spec shall appear only in the specification-part of a module. Constraint: READONLY cannot be the access-spec in a derived-type-stmt. Entities that are declared with a PRIVATE attribute are not accessible outside the module. Entities that are declared with a PUBLIC or READONLY attribute may be made accessible in other program units by the USE statement. Entities without an explicitly specified access-spec have default accessibility, which is PUBLIC unless the default has been changed by a PRIVATE statement (5.2.3). Entities with a READONLY attribute, in other program units behave as though they are declared with a PARAMETER attribute, e.g., such entities may not appear on the left hand side of an assignment, and may only be used as actual arguments if the corresponding dummy arguments have intent IN. Note 5.9 An example of an accessibility specification is REAL, PRIVATE :: X, Y, Z ----- Section 5.2.3 p. 58 After the constraints following R523 Constraint: The READONLY access-spec shall not appear if a use-name refers to a procedure, a named constant, derived type, or namelist group. ----- In Section 6, p. 71: the following should be added to the list of constraints after R601 Constraint: array-variable-name shall not have the READONLY attribute if it is made accessible through a USE statement. Constraint: scalar-variable-name shall not have the READONLY attribute if it is made accessible through a USE statement. Constraint: subobject shall not be a subobject designator whose parent has the READONLY attribute if the parent is made accessible through a USE statement. Constraint: subobject shall not be a subobject designator whose parent has a type contains a READONLY statement if the type is made accessible through a USE statement. ----- p.71: the following should be added after line 14, i.e., after the constraints which follow R601. R601 readable is scalar-readable-name or array-readable-name or readable-subobject Constraint: array-readable-name shall be the name of a data object that is an array. Constraint: scalar-readable-name shall be the name of a data object with the READONLY attribute or whose type contains a READONLY statement, and the object or type is made accessible through a USE statement. Constraint: array-readable-name shall be the name of a data object with the READONLY attribute or whose type contains a READONLY statement, and the object or type is made accessible through a USE statement. Constraint: readable-subobject shall be the name of a subobject whose parent has the READONLY attribute or whose type contains a READONLY statement, and whose parent or type is made accessible through a USE statement. ----- Section, p. 84, lines 2-8: add to R701 the line or readable ----- Section, p. 199, after line 29 If the actual argument is a readable object, the dummy argument is not definable and shall not have INTENT(OUT) or INTENT(INOUT). When a readable object is used as an actual argument, the value associated with the readable object at the time of invocation of the procedure shall be the value associated with actual argument. </SUGGESTED EDITING OF THE STANDARD> </FORTREQ> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ <FORTREQ> <NUMBER> 084 <TITLE> Make Allocatable Objects More Flexible <KEYWORDS> <STATUS> Registered <TARGET> <SUBGROUP> <VERSION> 1 <NOTE> Related to pFR 33 (Object Oriented Fortran, OOF), pFR 43 (OOP Capabilities), pFR 54 (Complete Set of Explicit Attributes), N970-16 (Allow ALLOCATABLE Derived Type Components), N970-18 (Object Oriented Programming), Draft NP for TR2 on Data type enhancements. </NOTE> <REQUIREMENT> Allow the programmer to utilize allocatable objects in a variety of situations where currently pointers are required. Specifically, in addition to the present plan to allow allocatable objects in derived types and allow allocatable dummy arguments, the standard should allow the developer to have allocatable scalars, and specify parametrized values in an allocation. An example of the possible syntax is shown after the rational. </REQUIREMENT> <JUSTIFICATION> Fortran 90 introduced three forms of dynamic objects, i.e., automatic arrays, allocatable arrays, and pointers. Automatic arrays have a syntax and semantics that is relatively straightforward, however, the syntactical and semantic difference between allocatable arrays and pointers is not clear. It appears that the capabilities of allocatable arrays were limited solely because as some capabilities could be implemented with pointers it was not believed to be necessary to give those capabilities to pointers. This basis for the limitation was a mistake. Pointers, because of their aliasing properties, will always be able to do things that allocatable objects can do, but also, because of their aliasing properties, will be difficult to optimize for many tasks that allocatable objects can also do. Allocatable arrays should be available for all objects which need to be implemented dynamically, but for which aliasing is not an essential aspect of the object's task. Pointers should only be used when aliasing is an essential part of the object's task. Under the constraints of Fortran 90 and the Fortran 95 draft, pointers must be used instead of allocatable arrays in many situations where aliasing is not an essential part of the object's task. As a result, in many contexts the processor generates inefficient code. Further, the many limitations on allocatable arrays are non-intuitive, and it is common for the programmer to attempt to use an allocatable array when the standard does not allow such usage, resulting in wasted development time. The current plan for Fortran 2000 recognizes some of these problems and plans to remove the restrictions on including allocatable components in derived types and on allocatable dummy arguments. This proposal simply suggests that other unnecessary restrictions be removed </JUSTIFICATION> <SUGGESTED IMPLEMENTATION> The committee should consider removing many of the restrictions on allocatable "arrays". The following two modifications in the standard are suggested 1. Allow allocatable entities to be scalars. (This facilitates efficient linked lists, trees, etc., but does not, by itself, facilitate efficient two way linked lists and similar structures where a "component" needs to refer to its container. Such structures will continue to need pointers absent other modifications in the standard.) 2. Allow allocation (for both allocatable arrays and pointers) to specify parametrized values. This adds more flexibility to CHARACTER entities and derived types. The suggested syntax for such an allocation is R622 ALLOCATE ( allocation-list [ , STAT = stat-variable ] ) R624 allocation is allocate-object [ ( allocate-spec-list ) ] [ * char-length ] Note that at present this implies that allocated parametrized value can only be LEN, but this will not continue to be the case if parametrized derived types are included in the standard. Each of these modifications probably requires a separate vote. </SUGGESTED IMPLEMENTATION> <EXAMPLE SYNTAX> The suggested syntax is for illustration only, exact syntax not part of requirement: MODULE EFFICIENT_LINKED_LIST ... TYPE LINKED_LIST CHARACTER(LEN=:), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: NAMES TYPE(LINKED_LIST), ALLOCATABLE :: NEXT END TYPE LINKED_LIST ... TYPE(LINKED_LIST) :: START ... CONTAINS ... RECURSIVE SUBROUTINE ADD_TO_LIST(LIST) TYPE(LINKED_LIST), INTENT(IN OUT) :: LIST, SUBLIST CHARACTER(LEN=:), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: NEW_NAMES INTEGER :: MAX_LENGTH, NUM_LINES LOGICAL :: DONE ... MAX_LENGTH = 0 NUM_LINES = 0 DONE = .FALSE. CALL GET_NAMES (SUBLIST, NEW_NAMES) IF (.NOT. ALLOCATED(NEW_NAMES)) THEN DONE = .TRUE. ELSE IF (SIZE(NEW_NAMES,1) <= 0) DONE = .TRUE. END IF IF (.NOT. DONE) THEN ALLOCATE(LIST%NEXT) ALLOCATE( LIST % NEXT % NAMES (SIZE(NEW_NAMES,1)) & (LEN(NEW_NAMES(1)))) LIST%NEXT%NAMES = NEW_NAMES CALL ADD_TO_LIST ( LIST%NEXT ) END IF RETURN ... CONTAINS RECURSIVE SUBROUTINE GET_NAMES(TEMP, TEMP_NAMES) TYPE(LINKED_LIST) :: TEMP CHARACTER, ALLOCATABLE :: TEMP_NAMES(:)(:) INTEGER LINE_LENGTH, STATUS, LINE_NUMBER CHARACTER(LEN=80) :: LINE LENGTH_LINE = 0 LINE = ' ' READ (FILE,*,IOSTAT=STATUS) LINE IF (STATUS /= 0) LENGTH_LINE = LEN_TRIM(LINE) IF (LENGTH_LINE <= 0 .OR. STATUS /= 0) THEN ALLOCATE ( TEMP_NAMES(NUM_LINES)(MAX_LENGTH) ) ELSE IF (LENGTH_LINE > MAX_LENGTH) MAX_LENGTH = LENGTH_LINE NUM_LINES = NUM_LINES + 1 LINE_NUMBER = NUM_LINES ALLOCATE( TEMP % NEXT ) ALLOCATE( TEMP % NEXT % NAMES(1)(LENGTH_LINE) ) TEMP % NEXT % NAMES = TRIM(LINE) CALL GET_NAMES(TEMP%NAMES) TEMP_NAMES(LINE_NUMBER) = TEMP % NEXT % NAMES END IF END SUBROUTINE GET_NAMES END SUBROUTINE ADD_TO_LIST ... END MODULE EFFICIENT_LINKED_LIST Note that lists implemented using allocatable components appear to require recursive subprograms to manipulate the list. </EXAMPLE SYNTAX> <ESTIMATED IMPACT> None of the above additions has any impact on the conformance of existing code. They appear to have no impact on the performance of existing code. The first addition is well localized and has a small impact on the language reference and the design compilers, but the second addition has more extensive impact on the language. Combined the two additions appear to have a moderate to large impact on the language reference and the design of compilers. </ESTIMATED IMPACT> <SUBMITTED BY> William B. Clodius phone: (505) 662-3243 email: Wclodius@aol.com </SUBMITTED BY> <HISTORY> <EVENT>email received 13-Jan-1996 </HISTORY> <SUGGESTED EDITING OF THE STANDARD> The following is a suggested partial editing of the standard to include all of the above modifications. Because these modifications also interact with the planned allocatable components of derived types and allocatable dummy arguments, suggested edits for implementing allocatable dummy arguments and components of derived types are also included. It is based on the draft Fortran 95 standard as published in the Fortran Forum in June 1995. A more detailed final editing will, of course, eventually be necessary. (Note it is not clear to me whether it would be useful for the sake of syntactic consistency, to have allocatable objects have the NULL() initialization function of pointer objects. This is not required under the present semantics.) Section 4.4.1 p. 38 replace lines 21-22 with R424 component-attribute-spec is ALLOCATABLE or POINTER or DIMENSION ( component-array-spec ) before line 38 add the constraint Constraint: An array shall not have both the ALLOCATABLE attribute and the POINTER attribute. in the constraints on lines 38-42 insert "ALLOCATABLE or " before "POINTER" replace lines 43-46 with Constraint: If the ALLOCATABLE or POINTER attribute is specified, either the component-array-spec will have a deferred-shape-spec-list, or the char-len-parameter ( value will have a deferred-len-param for each entity in the component-decl-list with a component-array-spec, or char-len-parameter value. Constraint: If the ALLOCATABLE or POINTER attribute is not specified, each component-array-spec will have an explicit-shape-spec list, and each char-len-parameter value will be a specification-expr. p.39 replace lines 2 and 3 with R428 component-decl is component-name [ ( component-array-spec ) ] [ * char-length ] [ component-initialization ] in line 8 after "expression (" add " or a deferred-len-param". after line 8 add Constraint: If the character length is a deferred-len-param, either the ALLOCATABLE or POINTER attribute shall appear in the component-attr-spec-list. p.40 add after line 7 A component is allocatable if its component-attr-spec-list contains the ALLOCATABLE attribute. Allocatable entities have an allocation status of allocated or unallocated. The default allocation status of an allocatable entity is unallocated. p. 42 line 1 replace "A pointer" with "An allocatable or pointer" replace lines 6-7 TYPE NODE INTEGER :: VALUE TYPE (NODE), ALLOCATABLE :: NEXT_NODE END TYPE OR TYPE POINTER_NODE INTEGER :: VALUE TYPE (POINTER_NODE), POINTER :: NEXT_NODE => NULL() END TYPE Types such as these may be used to construct linked lists of OBJECTS of type NODE and POINTER_NODE respectively. Type NODE will typically have the best run time efficiency as it does not have aliasing. Type POINTER_NODE can be useful if storage requirements are critical as the same object can be a value for many POINTER_NODEs. See C.13 for an example. p. 48 delete lines 1 and 2 Section p. 50 after line 36 add or assumed-len-param or deferred-len-param An assumed-length entity is a non-allocatable/non-pointer dummy argument entity that takes its length from the associated actual argument. R510a assumed-len-param is : A deferred-length entity is a character pointer or allocatable entity. A character allocatable entity is a named character entity with the ALLOCATABLE attribute. When declared with a deferred-len-param, its length is determined when space is allocated for the entity by execution by an ALLOCATE statement (6.3.1), with the length attributes value associated in with the LEN specifier in the ATTRIBUTES specifier. A character pointer is a character entity with the POINTER attribute. When declared with a deferred-len-param, its length is determined when it is associated with a target by pointer assignment (7.5.2), or when space is allocated for the entity by execution by an ALLOCATE statement (6.3.1), with the length attributes value associated in with the LEN specifier in the ATTRIBUTES specifier. R510b deferred-len-param is : The length of an unallocated allocatable character entity declared with a deferred-len-param is undefined. The length of the target of a disassociated character pointer declared with a deferred-len-param is undefined. The length of such a character parameter may be specified in two ways: (1) It is specified in an ALLOCATE statement (6.3.1) when the target is allocated, or (2) It is specified in a pointer assignment statement. The length of the character target or allocatable character entity is unaffected by an subsequent redefinition or undefinition of variables involved in the length. p. 51 after line 2 add Constraint: If the character length is a deferred-len-param, either the ALLOCATABLE or POINTER attribute shall appear in the component-attr-spec-list. p. 53, line 2 replace, " or a dummy pointer" with ", a dummy pointer, or a dummy allocatable object," Section p. 54 line 41 after ", but " add "if declared with a deferred shape specifier " p. 55, line 3 replace "deferred-shape-spec-list" with "combination of a deferred-shape-spec-list or a deferred-len param. The deferred-shape-spec-list, if present, shall be declared". line 4 add after "(5.2.8).", "The deferred-len-param, if present, shall be declared in the CHARACTER type declaration statement.". line 8 after ", but " add "if declared with a deferred shape specifier " line 11 replace "shall" with "may" lines 15 and 20 before " are undefined" add "if declared with a deferred shape specifier " Section, p. 56 line 28-29 replace the last sentence "If the pointer is ..." with "If the pointer is a scalar character object it shall be declared with a deferred length. If the pointer is a non-character array, the array shall be declared with a deferred-shape-spec. If the pointer is a character array it shall have a deferred length or the array shall be declared with a deferred-shape-spec." Section p. 57 replace the paragraph on lines 2-4 with "An object with the ALLOCATABLE attribute shall neither be referenced nor defined unless space has been allocated for the object by execution of an ALLOCATE statement (6.3.1). If the allocatable object is a scalar character object it shall be declared with a deferred length. If the allocatable object is a non-character array, the array shall be declared with a deferred-shape-spec. If the allocatable object is a character array it shall have either a deferred length or the array shall be declared with a deferred-shape-spec. The full shape and length of the object may only be determined when space has been allocated for the object by execution of an ALLOCATE statement." Section 6.1.2 p.73 replace line 5 with R613 part-ref is [ part-name ] [( section-subscript-list ) ] Section 6.3 p. 77 line 22 replace the word "arrays" with the word "objects" Section 6.3.1 p. 77 line 27 replace the word "arrays" with the word "objects" replace line 30 with R624 allocation is allocate-object, [ ( allocate-spec-list ) ] [ * char-length ] after line 35 add R628b char-length is scalar-int-expr in line 36 replace the word "array" with the word "object" after line 36 add the constraints Constraint: An allocate-spec-list shall appear if the object was declared with a deferred array-spec-list. Constraint: An allocate-spec-list shall not appear if the object was not declared with a deferred array-spec-list. Constraint: An * char-length shall appear if the object is a character object declared with a deferred char-length. Constraint: An * char-length shall not appear if the object is not a character object declared with a deferred char-length. Section p. 78 lines 20-26, replace every occurrence of the word "array" with the word "object" Section p. 78 lines 27-43, replace every occurrence of the word "array" with the word "object" Section p. 79 lines 1-5, replace every occurrence of the word "array" with the word "object" Section 6.3.3 p. 80 lines 11 and 14, replace every occurrence of the word "array" with the word "object" Section p. 80 lines 29-42, replace every occurrence of the word "array" with the word "object" Section 6.3.3 p. 81 line 4, replace the word "array" with the word "object" Section before line 38 add the paragraph If the dummy argument is an allocatable object, the actual argument shall be either an allocatable object or a pointer and the types, type parameter, and ranks shall agree. At the invocation of the procedure, the dummy argument receive the allocation status of the actual argument. If the actual argument is currently allocated, the dummy argument becomes associated with the same object. The allocation status may change during the execution of the procedure, and may become undefined (14.7.6). Section 12.6 p. 211-212 replace every occurrence of "POINTER attribute" with "ALLOCATABLE or POINTER attributes" Section 12.7 p. 212 lines 45-46 replace every occurrence of "POINTER attribute" with "ALLOCATABLE or POINTER attributes" Section 13.11.15 p 223, delete line 27 p 224 before Section 13.11.20 line 8 add the section 13.11.19a Object allocation status functions ALLOCATED(OBJECT) Object allocation status Section 13.4.9 p 228 lines 20-26 replace every occurrence of the words "ARRAY" and "array" with "OBJECT" and object respectively. Annex A p 289 replace lines 12-13 with allocatable object ( A named object having the ALLOCATABLE attribute. Only when it has space allocated for it may it be referenced or defined. If it is an array, only when it has space allocated for it does it have a shape. </SUGGESTED EDITING OF THE STANDARD> </FORTREQ> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ <FORTREQ> <NUMBER> 085 <TITLE> Allow Separate Accessibility Attributes for Derived Type Components <KEYWORDS> <STATUS> Registered <TARGET> <SUBGROUP> <VERSION> 1 <NOTE> Related to pFR 33 (Object Oriented Fortran, OOF), pFR 43 (OOP Capabilities), pFR 54 (Complete Set of Explicit Attributes), N970-18 (Object Oriented Programming), Draft NP for TR2 on Data type enhancements. </NOTE> <REQUIREMENT> Allow the developer of a module to specify a finer degree of control over the accessibility of components of a derived type as declared in a module. Specifically, allow the developer to indicate that certain components of variables of derived-type when accessed by use association may not be defined or redefined, although other components when accessed by use association may be defined or redefined. An example of a possible syntax is shown after the suggested implementation. </REQUIREMENT> <JUSTIFICATION> Currently the components of PUBLIC types are either accessible when the module containing the type is used, the default, or none of them are accessible, if a PRIVATE statement is included in the type definition. This can lead to awkward or inefficient derived type implementations. The best example of this is a data object some of whose values should only be changed through the type interface, but other values can be safely modified by the user. The default does not garantee consistent use of the interface. If a PRIVATE statement is included, then use of procedures must be used to access any component. It is difficult, in the second case, to optimize away the procedure overhead implied by the resulting semantics, and the creation of the procedure is an unnecessary burden on the programmer. </JUSTIFICATION> <SUGGESTED IMPLEMENTATION> The components of a derived type should be defined with a syntax as similar as possible to that of module specification part. An access statement near the beginning of the derived type definition defines the default, while an access specifier in a component definition statement defines the specific accessibility of the components defined by the statement. </SUGGESTED IMPLEMENTATION> <PRECEDENTS> The use of detailed component accessibility specification has been used in several object oriented languages, in particular, e.g., Eiffel, Sather, and C++. It has consistently proved useful in such languages. </PRECEDENTS> <ESTIMATED IMPACT> Small. The amount of text in the standard that needs to be revised appears to be well localized. Implementors already have to make a semantic distinction between used and local variables, and intrinsic and derived types, and place restrictions depending on these restrictions. They should have no impact on the efficiency or compatibility of heritage code. </ESTIMATED IMPACT> <SUBMITTED BY> William B. Clodius phone: (505) 662-3243 email: Wclodius@aol.com </SUBMITTED BY> <HISTORY> <EVENT>email received on 15-Jan-1996 </HISTORY> <SUGGESTED EDITING OF THE STANDARD> The following is a suggested partial editing of the standard to allow accessibility distinctions between different components of a derived type. It is based on the draft Fortran 95 standard as published in he Fortran Forum in June 1995. A more detailed final editing will, of course, eventually be necessary. ----- replace 4.4.1 ----- line 16, p. 38: replace "[ private-sequence-stmt ]" with "[ access-sequence-stmt ]" ----- lines 21-22, p. 38: replace with R424 access-sequence-stmt is component-access-stmt or SEQUENCE R424a component-access-stmt is PRIVATE or PUBLIC ----- line 23, p. 38: replace "PRIVATE statement" with "component access statement" ----- p. 38: Add the following to the constraints after R424 Constraint: A component-access-stmt shall not appear more than once in a given derived-type-def. Constraint: A component-access-stmt shall not appear if the access-spec of the type is PRIVATE. ----- lines 31-32, p. 38: replace R426 with R426 component-attr-spec is access-spec or POINTER or DIMENSION ( component-array-spec ) ----- p. 38: Add the following to the constraints after R427 Constraint: An access-spec shall not appear if the access-spec of the type is PRIVATE. ----- lines 19-23, p. 38: This paragraph shall be replaced by Each component of a derived type has associated with it an accessibility attribute ( If a component has the PRIVATE attribute, the component name is accessible only within the module which contains the derived type definition, even if the type itself is public ( The component name is inaccessible in any scoping unit accessing the module via a USE statement. The structure constructor for a type that contains private components shall be employed only within the defining module. The accessibility attribute is associated with a component in several ways. All components of a derived type whose derived type statement has a PRIVATE access-spec have the PRIVATE attribute. Components of a derived type whose derived type statement has a PUBLIC access-spec can have either the PRIVATE or PUBLIC attribute. If the component-def-stmt has an access-spec then its accessibility attribute is that given by the access-spec. A component-access-stmt specifies the default accessibility that applies to all components of the derived type. The statement PUBLIC specifies a default of public accessibility. The statement PRIVATE specifies a default of private accessibility. If no such statement appears in a derived type whose derived type statement has a PUBLIC access-spec, the default is public accessibility. </SUGGESTED EDITING OF THE STANDARD> </FORTREQ> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ <FORTREQ> <NUMBER> 086 <TITLE> STREAM I/O <KEYWORDS> <STATUS> Registered <TARGET> <SUBGROUP> <VERSION> 1 <REQUIREMENT> A extension to the OPEN statement to enable "byte stream" I/O on that logical unit. </REQUIREMENT> <JUSTIFICATION> C-style "byte stream" has become a de facto standard far beyond the direct scope of the C environment. In a scientific application it is not surprising to have a sensor feeding a stream of data to a processor which in turn feeds the results over a heterogeneous network for additional processing. Fortran record structure provides the user with an obstacle to overcome in this scenario (the processors may not have the same record conventions (even when the CPU architecture is the same), etc.) A special specifier on the OPEN statement to provide (formatted or unformatted, direct or sequential) stream I/O. It is intended that such I/O be compatible with that processors equivalent C environment. </JUSTIFICATION> <IMPLEMENTATION> A possible implementation might look like: OPEN (unit=5, file = "stdin", form = "formatted", style = "stream") As there will be no record information stored, BACKSPACE will be prohibited on this unit. There may well be other limitations. (Note: this is not the same as non-advancing I/O. In that case, there is a record structure, even if the programmer only operates on a single record during an entire run. Though the difference may be moot in some operating environments, it may be critical in others. In addition, the extra record information could present difficulties to other Fortran processors or to processors other than Fortran.) </IMPLEMENTATION> <SUBMITTED BY> Keith Bierman, X3J3 </SUBMITTED BY> <HISTORY> <EVENT> Feb-1996, meeting 136, paper 96-044 </HISTORY> </FORTREQ> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ <FORTREQ> <NUMBER> 087 <TITLE> Volatile <KEYWORDS> <STATUS> Registered <TARGET> <SUBGROUP> <VERSION> 1 <REQUIREMENT> A new data attribute, volatile, to allow a user to instruct the processor that a variable may have it’s value changed at any time by means other than Fortran. </REQUIREMENT> <JUSTIFICATION> When writing device drivers and for some forms of shared memory, it is necessary to treat some memory as "volatile" that is it may be changed by means other than Fortran at "any" time. Some implementations have a special declaration "VOLITILE" which notifies the processor that the variable in question must be treated specially (especially by the optimizer). That implementations have seen fit to provide such facilities for many years, suggests that there is a legitimate need. Note that while it can be argued that device driver style code is inherently non-portable, shared memory (at least on a family of operating systems) is often portable across processors. </JUSTIFICATION> <SUBMITTED BY> Keith Bierman, X3J3 </SUBMITTED BY> <HISTORY> <EVENT> Feb-1996, meeting 136, paper 96-044 </HISTORY> </FORTREQ> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ <FORTREQ> <NUMBER> 088 <TITLE> User specified precedence <KEYWORDS> <STATUS> Registered <TARGET> <SUBGROUP> <VERSION> 1 <REQUIREMENT> A method to allow users to specify operator precedence rules for user specified operations on derived types. </REQUIREMENT> <JUSTIFICATION> It is unhelpful to offer users the ability to extend their system to have new datatypes and operations, but to have no control over operator precedence. It is implausible for projects such as INTERVAL ARITHMETIC to establish their interfaces as good candidates for eventual standardization if the prototypes cannot look and feel as if they are part of the language. </JUSTIFICATION> <SUGGESTED IMPLEMENTATION> (Note: It has been suggested that the built in arithmetic operators should retain their precedence rules for derived types, this would limit this new feature to user defined operators of the .op. form. This may be acceptable, but it should be noted that not all mathematical datatypes/operators have the same mathematical properties. It would be nice if Fortran could reflect this). At the point at which a user defined operator is defined, a user specified precedence could be assigned, something of the form: ..., PRECEDENCE =n where n is an integer constant, where 1 has the highest precedence and each larger value is lower. Ties to be broken using a simple left to right rule. </SUGGESTED IMPLEMENTATION> <SUBMITTED BY> Keith Bierman, X3J3 </SUBMITTED BY> <HISTORY> <EVENT> Feb-1996, meeting 136, paper 96-044 </HISTORY> </FORTREQ> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ <FORTREQ> <NUMBER> 089 <TITLE> Generic pointers <KEYWORDS> POINTER, GENERIC, OBJECT ORIENTED, POLYMORPHISM <STATUS> Registered <TARGET> <SUBGROUP> /OOF <VERSION> 1 <REQUIREMENT> Allow a generic pointer, which could point to targets of multiple types. The set of allowed target types is specified at compile time. To simplify both the descriptive model and the implementation, the set of allowed operations with generic pointers is restricted. The general restriction is that a generic pointer can not be used in any context that requires a reference to the target. The only things allowed with such a pointer would be nullification, pointer assignment, and argument passing. </REQUIREMENT> <JUSTIFICATION> It is very common to define procedures that conceptually apply to any data type and that need know virtually nothing about the details of a data type; all they need to know is how to point to an object of such a type. Classic examples of such procedures include ones implementing stacks, lists, trees, and other such data structures. A single program might well want to apply such a procedure to many different types. For example, I have a module that is used to associate names with objects. (These names are run-time-defined character values, not variable names known at compile time). Several thousand objects of a given type might exist in a run of the program. Each object is assigned a name when it is created at run-time. One procedure in the module is called to "associate" the object with the name. The user can then later reference the object by name; another procedure in the module is used to return a pointer to the object of a specified name. There are about a dozen different types of objects which use this naming service. This is a basic form of polymorphism that could be achieved with a generic pointer. Pointer assigment or argument association would be used to "transfer" between the generic pointers and regular, specifically typed pointers. With f95, such polymorphism is extremely awkward. I can come up with 3 general approaches, but none of them are satisfactory. One approach is to just write N copies of the desired code, where N is the number of types to be handled. The N copies can define specific versions of a generic procedure. This approach is awkward enough when there are "only" a dozen or so versions needed as in my application; the problem rapidly expands as soon as there can be combinations of types involved. In addition to the code maintenance problems, this approach ends up with needless duplication of virtually identical executable code. Another approach, suggested in several of the f90 textbooks, is to make use of the TRANSFER intrinsic. I've tried this. The code necessary to actually do it is incredibly complicated and obscure. I have to wonder if those people recommending this have never actually tried it (and without making the non-standard assumption that pointers to different types were always the same physical size, which f95 specifically says need not be the case). The code to do this is so ugly that I'll not try to include it here; I've done a sample as a separate paper. I don't think anyone will ever point to it as a reasonable approach. Additionally, such code makes semantic assumptions about the effects of TRANSFER that are not really guaranteed by the standard; it also almost invariably breaks garbage collectors. The third approach is to "punt" back to Fortran 77 style and use array indices instead of pointers. This basically takes advantage of the fact that the same integer type can be used as an index into an array of any type. This approach can be made to work (witness lots of F77 code), but is pretty restrictive in many ways, and can cause performance problems (if you keep having to resize arrays because you don't know ahead of time how many objects of the type you will need). All of the above approaches strike me as being "object-hostile" instead of object oriented. That they can be made to work at all just reflects the cliche that you can write code to do almost anything in almost any language - but you probably wouldn't want to. Generic pointers would provide a relatively simple way to make at least this limitted form of object orientation viable in Fortran. </JUSTIFICATION> <IMPLEMENTATION> The restrictions placed on generic pointers allow processors to avoid the issues of binding. A processor never really needs to know what the actual type of the target is. The processor may keep track of the type of the target at run time to check for user errors, but this is not required (much like a processor may check for exceeding array bounds, but it is not required). The following are preliminary concepts of the limitations placed on generic pointers. A generic pointer can be pointer-assigned to point to a target of any of the specific types for the generic; rank agreement is required. A pointer assignment statement of the form specific-pointer => generic-pointer can be executed only if generic-pointer is either disassociated of is associated with a target of the same type as specific-pointer. Note that the only way to dereference a generic pointer is to pointer-assign a specific pointer to it and then dereference the specific pointer. A generic pointer could appear as an actual or dummy argument; the corresponding dummy or actual argument would have to be a pointer of the same rank, but could be of any of the specific types for the generic. While a generic pointer dummy argument is associated with a specific pointer actual argument, it may become pointer-associated only with targets of the type of the actual argument. If a generic pointer actual argument is associated with a specific pointer dummy argument, the initial association status of the dummy argument is undefined if the generic pointer points to a target of an inappropriate type (this last rule could be strengthened to disallow the mismatch in the first place; that would force users to nullify generic pointers before using them as actual arguments in some cases). </IMPLEMENTATION> <SUBMITTED BY> Richard Maine, maine@altair.dfrc.nasa.gov </SUBMITTED BY> <HISTORY> <EVENT> Feb 96, Meeting 136: Submitted as X3J3/96-046 </HISTORY> </FORTREQ> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- <FORTREQ> <NUMBER> 090 <TITLE> Optional "START" Statement <KEYWORDS> <STATUS> Registered <TARGET> <SUBGROUP> <VERSION> 1 <REQUIREMENT> Allow an optional start statement between data declarations and executable statements and constructs. This statement must follow PARAMETER statements, derived-type definitions, interface blocks, type declaration statements, specification statements, and statement function statements. This statement must precede executable constructs. </REQUIREMENT> <JUSTIFICATION> This feature would improve readability and may marginally improve compiler performance. I expect that it would be required in educational environments. It provides a compiler check that a similar comment line would not give. </JUSTIFICATION> <SUGGESTED IMPLEMENTATION> The statement would take the form of: START [program-class [name] ] where the program-class is PROGRAM, SUBROUTINE, or FUNCTION. The syntax should be similar to the END statement. name, if present, must match the name of the program, subroutine, or function. </SUGGESTED IMPLEMENTATION> <ESTIMATED IMPACT> </ESTIMATED IMPACT> <SUBMITTED BY> Loren Meissner, Professor of Computer Science University of San Francisco meissner@usfca.edu </SUBMITTED BY> <HISTORY> <EVENT> February 1996, meeting 136: submitted 96-042 </HISTORY> </FORTREQ> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- <FORTREQ> <NUMBER> 091 <TITLE> Extend MAX, MIN, etc. to CHARACTER Data Type <KEYWORDS> <STATUS> Registered <TARGET> <SUBGROUP> <VERSION> 1 <REQUIREMENT> Extend the intrinsic functions MAX, MIN, MAXVAL, MINVAL, MAXLOC, and MINLOC to accept arguments of CHARACTER data type. </REQUIREMENT> <JUSTIFICATION> Regularity is the primary reason for this requirement. These intrinsic functions accept arguments of two other intrinsic data types, REAL and INTEGER. Accepting this proposal would recognize first class status of the CHARACTER data type and would extend these functions to all intrinsic data types for which they would make sense. This requirement would considerably simplify the implementation of generic sort algorithms that are sometimes applied to CHARACTER data. </JUSTIFICATION> <SUGGESTED IMPLEMENTATION> </SUGGESTED IMPLEMENTATION> <ESTIMATED IMPACT> </ESTIMATED IMPACT> <SUBMITTED BY> Loren Meissner, Professor of Computer Science University of San Francisco meissner@usfca.edu </SUBMITTED BY> <HISTORY> <EVENT> February 1996, meeting 136: submitted 96-042 </HISTORY> </FORTREQ> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- <FORTREQ> <NUMBER> 092 <TITLE> Permit (LEN=*) for Initialized CHARACTER Variables <KEYWORDS> <STATUS> Registered <TARGET> <SUBGROUP> <VERSION> 1 <REQUIREMENT> Permit (LEN=*) designation for initialized CHARACTER variables with the specific length to be determined from the initialization expression. </REQUIREMENT> <JUSTIFICATION> This feature would primiarily benefit programs in which all string values have the same actual length with padding or truncation occurring rarely. It simplifies program construction because it is not necessary to count characters in the initialization expression. It adds a bit of regularity in analogy with PARAMETERs of CHARACTER type. </JUSTIFICATION> <SUGGESTED IMPLEMENTATION> </SUGGESTED IMPLEMENTATION> <ESTIMATED IMPACT> </ESTIMATED IMPACT> <SUBMITTED BY> Loren Meissner, Professor of Computer Science University of San Francisco meissner@usfca.edu </SUBMITTED BY> <HISTORY> <EVENT> February 1996, meeting 136: submitted 96-042 </HISTORY> </FORTREQ> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- <FORTREQ> <NUMBER> 093 <TITLE> Extend Non-advancing I/O to List-Directed I/O <KEYWORDS> <STATUS> Registered <TARGET> <SUBGROUP> <VERSION> 1 <REQUIREMENT> Permit list-directed formatting with the ADVANCE="NO" specifier. </REQUIREMENT> <JUSTIFICATION> This feature adds regularity. It simplifies frequently occurring operations where parts of an output record are generated in successive statements by permitting it to be list-directed. It also permits input from a single record to occur in separate statements. In this latter case, the input might include tests based on the first part of the input data. Proof that this would be feasible can be found in most freshman Pascal programs. In such programs, the most common I/O operation is equivalent to Fortran list-directed non-advancing. </JUSTIFICATION> <SUGGESTED IMPLEMENTATION> </SUGGESTED IMPLEMENTATION> <ESTIMATED IMPACT> </ESTIMATED IMPACT> <SUBMITTED BY> Loren Meissner, Professor of Computer Science University of San Francisco meissner@usfca.edu </SUBMITTED BY> <HISTORY> <EVENT> February 1996, meeting 136: submitted 96-042 </HISTORY> </FORTREQ> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- <FORTREQ> <NUMBER> 094 <TITLE> Extend Initialization of COMPLEX Variables <KEYWORDS> <STATUS> Registered <TARGET> <SUBGROUP> <VERSION> 1 <REQUIREMENT> Permit initialization of COMPLEX constants with named constant in either part. Alternatively, permit the intrinsic function CMPLX in initialization expressions. </REQUIREMENT> <JUSTIFICATION> Applications which make extensive use of conplex numbers need maximum flexibility to permit suitable programming style. Such applications occur in a wide variety of fields such as electrical engineering, as seen in the example below. The current standard requires REAL, PARAMETER :: Omega = 1.23E6 COMPLEX :: J_Omega = (0.0, 1.23E6) which means that the same constant must be declared twice, once real and again in the imaginary part of the complex constant. This could lead to inadvertent programming errors. </JUSTIFICATION> <SUGGESTED IMPLEMENTATION> The first method would allow the following syntax: REAL, PARAMETER :: Omega = 1.23E6 COMPLEX :: J_Omega = (0.0, Omega) The alternative method would allow the following syntax: REAL, PARAMETER :: Omega = 1.23E6 COMPLEX :: J_Omega = CMPLX (0.0, Omega) </SUGGESTED IMPLEMENTATION> <ESTIMATED IMPACT> </ESTIMATED IMPACT> <SUBMITTED BY> Loren Meissner, Professor of Computer Science University of San Francisco meissner@usfca.edu </SUBMITTED BY> <HISTORY> <EVENT> February 1996, meeting 136: submitted 96-042 </HISTORY> </FORTREQ> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- <FORTREQ> <NUMBER> 095 <TITLE> Lower Case Syntax Elements <KEYWORDS> <STATUS> Registered <TARGET> <SUBGROUP> <VERSION> 1 <REQUIREMENT> A Fortran processor should recognize the use of lower case letters in all Fortran syntax elements. This should include all keywords and symbolic names. In all cases the use of lower case letters should be equivalent to upper case letters except in a character context (i.e., Fortran syntax would continue to be case insensitive). There may be a need for a second exception as part of the functionality needed to implement interoperability with C. Examples in the standard should include mixed case syntax. </REQUIREMENT> <JUSTIFICATION> The need to restrict syntax elements to upper case letters is a relic from the 1960s. Up until the early 1980s, some machines did not support lower case letters in their character sets. Now, such a restriction is no longer necessary; all platforms with a Fortran 90 processor include support for lower case letters. Removing the upper case only restriction would allow programmers to write more visually appealing code. All other major languages already support lower case letters in their syntax elements. Removing this restriction would help remove the image that Fortran still has of being a "Stone Age" relic. </JUSTIFICATION> <SUGGESTED IMPLEMENTATION> All that would be necessary would be to make the appropriate edits to the text in section 3.1.1. </SUGGESTED IMPLEMENTATION> <ESTIMATED IMPACT> Minimal. Almost all modern Fortran processors already support mixed case syntax elements as an extension. </ESTIMATED IMPACT> <SUBMITTED BY> Craig T. Dedo 17130 W. Burleigh Place Brookfield, WI 53005 (414) 783-5869 E-mail: Craig.Dedo@mixcom.com </SUBMITTED BY> <REFERENCE> ISO/IEC 1539:1991 (E) 3.1.1 </REFERENCE> <HISTORY> <EVENT> February 1996, meeting 136: submitted 96-049 </HISTORY> </FORTREQ> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ <FORTREQ> <NUMBER> 096 <TITLE> Any Kind of Integer for I/O Specifiers <KEYWORDS> <STATUS> Registered <TARGET> <SUBGROUP> <VERSION> 1 <REQUIREMENT> I/O specifiers which use INTEGER data objects should be able to use any kind of INTEGER which is defined on the processor. The current restriction which requires the use only of default INTEGER data objects should be removed. </REQUIREMENT> <JUSTIFICATION> Recent e-mail discussion brought attention to the fact that that the Fortran 90 standard permits any kind of integer for some I/O keywords while it requires the use of default integer data objects for other I/O keywords. This is an unnecessary irregularity. Some Fortran processors use a default integer size of 4 bytes (32 bits) always but also allow the user to specify an 8 byte (64 bit) integer data object. Other Fortran processors also support 8 byte integers but offer the user a choice of a default integer size of either 2 bytes or 4 bytes. On these processors, certain large size I/O operations (i.e., those with a number of records or a record size greater than 2.147 billion) are more difficult than they need to be. Although workarounds are possible, they are clumsy and error prone. </JUSTIFICATION> <SUGGESTED IMPLEMENTATION> Replace scalar-default-int-variable with scalar-int-variable wherever it occurs in connection with an I/O specifier. </SUGGESTED IMPLEMENTATION> <ESTIMATED IMPACT> Minimal. Many Fortran processors already support this feature as an extension. </ESTIMATED IMPACT> <SUBMITTED BY> Craig T. Dedo 17130 W. Burleigh Place Brookfield, WI 53005 (414) 783-5869 E-mail: Craig.Dedo@mixcom.com </SUBMITTED BY> <HISTORY> <EVENT> February 1996, meeting 136: submitted 96-049 </HISTORY> </FORTREQ> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ <FORTREQ> <NUMBER> 097 <TITLE> Standardized and Unique KIND Numbers <KEYWORDS> <STATUS> Registered <TARGET> <SUBGROUP> <VERSION> 1 <REQUIREMENT> The next Fortran standard should require that certain KIND numbers always represent specific representations of data types. If unsigned integers become part of Fortran, they should also have the same standard KIND numbers as the same sized signed integers. The standard should also reserve certain ranges of KIND numbers for use by future Fortran standards while reserving other ranges for processor dependent data representations. All KIND number assignments to data representations should be unique; i.e., for a particular intrinsic data type, there should be a one-to-one correspondence between KIND numbers and data representations. </REQUIREMENT> <JUSTIFICATION> Portability is the main reason for this feature. An application programmer who uses one of the standardized KIND numbers can be guaranteed that the standard KIND will behave the same regardless of processor. </JUSTIFICATION> <SUGGESTED IMPLEMENTATION> As a first proposal, the standard should assign KIND numbers to data type representations as follows: Data Type KIND Representation LOGICAL 1 8 bit logical INTEGER 1 8 bit signed integer INTEGER 2 16 bit signed integer INTEGER 4 32 bit signed integer INTEGER 8 64 bit signed integer REAL 4 32 bit IEEE representation REAL 8 64 bit IEEE representation REAL 16 128 bit IEEE representation COMPLEX 4 32 bit IEEE representation each for real and imaginary parts COMPLEX 8 64 bit IEEE representation each for real and imaginary parts COMPLEX 16 128 bit IEEE representation each for real and imaginary parts CHARACTER 1 ASCII CHARACTER 2 ISO 10646 (2 byte), a.k.a. Unicode CHARACTER 3 C language character set (8 bit) </SUGGESTED IMPLEMENTATION> <ESTIMATED IMPACT> This feature should have minimal to moderate impact. Most of the proposed KIND number assignments are already in use in most Fortran 90 processors. A few vendors will have to change the KIND numbers of their non-IEEE representations in order to satisfy the uniqueness requirement. </ESTIMATED IMPACT> <SUBMITTED BY> Craig T. Dedo 17130 W. Burleigh Place Brookfield, WI 53005 (414) 783-5869 E-mail: Craig.Dedo@mixcom.com </SUBMITTED BY> <HISTORY> <EVENT> February 1996, meeting 136: submitted 96-049 </HISTORY> </FORTREQ> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ <FORTREQ> <NUMBER> 098 <TITLE> Required INTEGER and LOGICAL Kinds <KEYWORDS> <STATUS> Registered <TARGET> <SUBGROUP> <VERSION> 1 <REQUIREMENT> The new Fortran standard should require Fortran processors to support one kind of LOGICAL and four kinds of INTEGER data objects, as shown in the following table. If unsigned integers become part of Fortran, they should also be supported in the same manner as for signed integers. Data Type KIND Representation LOGICAL 1 8 bit logical INTEGER 1 8 bit signed integer INTEGER 2 16 bit signed integer INTEGER 4 32 bit signed integer INTEGER 8 64 bit signed integer </REQUIREMENT> <JUSTIFICATION> This feature will greatly aid portability. An application programmer who uses one of the required kinds can be guaranteed that the standard kind will be available regardless of processor. </JUSTIFICATION> <ESTIMATED IMPACT> Minimal. Some vendors may have to develop support for one of the kinds on the list. In some cases the hardware will not support one of the kinds so the processor will have to emulate the kind in software. </ESTIMATED IMPACT> <SUBMITTED BY> Craig T. Dedo 17130 W. Burleigh Place Brookfield, WI 53005 (414) 783-5869 E-mail: Craig.Dedo@mixcom.com </SUBMITTED BY> <HISTORY> <EVENT> February 1996, meeting 136: submitted 96-049 </HISTORY> </FORTREQ> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ <FORTREQ> <NUMBER> 099 <TITLE> Include "Sets" and "Subsets" <KEYWORDS> <STATUS> Registered <TARGET> <SUBGROUP> <VERSION> 1 <NOTE> Related to pFR 1 (Bit Data Type, Non-string)?, pFR 12 (Condition Handling), pFR 17 (Bit Data Type, String), pFR 33 (Object Oriented Fortran), N970-5 (Exception Handling), N970-11 (Aliasing Type Definitions), N970-14 (Parameterized Derived Types), N979-18 (Object Oriented Programming), Draft NP for TR2 on Data type enhancements. </NOTE> <REQUIREMENT> Provide a means of specifying a collection of objects, and other collections that may only contain a subset of that collection of objects, or collections that contain a superset of that collection of objects. Collections that are subsets of the same collection should be allowed the normal binary set operations, e.g., union, disjoint union, difference, symmetric difference, intersection, and inquiries as to whether one is a subset or superset of the other, or whether the sets are equivalent. Elements of a set and subsets of the set should be subject to the operations of element insertion, element deletion, and inquiries as to whether the element is also an element of the subset. </REQUIREMENT> <JUSTIFICATION> The concept of set is intrinsic to many aspect of programming languages, e.g., type systems, and many problems addressed by programming languages. Typically this concept is implicit in programming languages, but some languages have benefited by explicitly including the concept, e.g., SETL and the set types of Modula 3. Fortran would benefit in several ways by explicitly including the set concept. Direct benefits could include serving as the basis of an exception handling mechanism, implementing the capabilities of bit data types, providing the capabilities of the enumerations of other languages in a safer form, providing a type with a KIND value that can map to some implementations of C's enums, and as a means of expressing typed polymorphism. It would benefit Fortran indirectly by serving as a reminder to those involved with the language of the set basis of every programming language. The question might arise as to whether the inclusion of sets in the language is the best means of obtaining the desired benefits. Of the noted applications, only the bit data type appears to be implementable as a library or user defined module. The other applications typically involve name recognition or syntax of a form that must be implemented either by a compiler or by a preprocessor. Although these capabilities can individually be made part of the language with their set relationship invoked abstractly if at all, if more than one or two of these capabilities are to be added to the language it appears to be simpler to give the language an overall framework for their description. </JUSTIFICATION> <SUGGESTED IMPLEMENTATION> There are at least two ways Fortran would benefit by incorporating the set concept. One is as a special form of user defined type, defining a finite set of values, the other is as an entity attribute, which defines an entity that may contain more than one value of a type. It is simplest to restrict the second concept to subsets of a type defined via the first concept, as that avoids any problems associated with dealing with very large value sets, e.g., INTEGERs and REALs. This is similar to the set concept of Modula 3. Both implementations should be subject to the normal operations of sets, e.g., union, disjoint union, difference, symmetric difference, intersection, inquiries as to whether one set is a subset, superset, or equivalent to another, element insertion, element deletion, and inquiries as to whether the element is also an element of the set. However, unlike normal sets, which may contain any object and hence are considered untyped, for efficiency and type safety the syntax and semantics should restrict the possible contents of the sets so that the sets can be considered typed objects. It should also be possible to index arrays with elements of set. It is possible that Fortran would also benefit from sets of entities, similar to SETL's implementation of sets. In particular such sets would facilitate some forms of parallelization. However, inclusion of that capability would have much larger impact, both on the language and on compilers and should only be considered after other approaches have failed. </SUGGESTED IMPLEMENTATION> <ESTIMATED IMPACT> The impact on the efficiency or compatibility of heritage code should be negligible. The effect on the text of the standard and compilers can be anywhere from very small, if the sets are confined to user defined types, to moderate, if subsets are made an attribute of entities of such user defined types, to very large if subsets of large value sets or of sets of entities are added to the language. </ESTIMATED IMPACT> <REFERENCES> William B. Clodius, "Comments on sets and their inclusion in Fortran," X3J3/96-060. J.M. Sipelstein and G.E. Blelloch, "Collection-Oriented Languages," Carnegie Mellon University, School of Computer Science report, CMU-CS-90-127, March 18, 1991. W. Kirk Snyder, "The SETL2 Programming Language," Technical Report 490, Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences, New York University, September 9, 1990. Samuel P. Harbison, "Modula-3." pp. 92-97, Prentice-Hall, Engelwood Cliffs, New Jersey, 1992. </REFERENCES> <SUBMITTED BY> William B. Clodius phone: (505) 662-3243 email: Wclodius@aol.com </SUBMITTED BY> <HISTORY> <EVENT>email received on 13-Mar-1996 </HISTORY> </FORTREQ> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ <FORTREQ> <NUMBER> 100 <TITLE> Implementing an Arbitrary Number of Nested DO Loops <KEYWORDS> <STATUS> Registered <TARGET> <SUBGROUP> <VERSION> 1 <REQUIREMENT> Permit a programmer to use an instruction allowing implementation of an ARBITRARY number of nested DO loop statements. </REQUIREMENT> <JUSTIFICATION> Usually, any problem which needs a given number of nested DO statements in the current compilers cannot be programmed in a general manner, unless a convenient algorithm is used. The users cannot simply program an expression, called a NESTED SUMMATION SYMBOL (NSS), like: (summation from j1) (summation from j2) ... (summation from jn), being n a variable. The aim of a NESTED DO LOOP (NDL) statement is to provide automatic Fortran implementation of this kind of general instruction. This statement is more universal than the FORALL one. A NDL sentence is fully parallellizable. </JUSTIFICATION> <ESTIMATED IMPACT> All Fortran users can benefit of a sentence like that. Fortran, at this moment, has not a direct capability to implement algorithms involving a variable number of DO loops. Providing an automatic way to program such a sentence will ease the implementation of many mathematical, physical, che- mical, and many other problems related to nested sums. This feature should be a Fortran standard because it provides in a unique sentence the possibility to translate a wide variety of mathematical formu- lations. The implementation costs of satisfying this requirement cannot be very big, because once the FORALL sentence is already accepted, then a small modifica- tion will tremendously enhance the existing and new codes. The impact of including NESTED DO LOOP sentences will be so wide that it will encompass all the hardware supports, from sequential to parallell machines. The inclusion of NDL senteces will not invalidate any existing program. Additional information: BACKGROUND OF NESTED DO LOOPS (NDL) A new mathematical concept, the Nested Summation Symbol (NSS) is proposed here. This concept is attached to a mathematical linear operator directly related to the summation symbols. We insist over this symbol potential usefulness to develop sequential and parallel computational algorithms, constituting a powerful link between mathematical formalism and high level languages programming. A NSS is well suited in order to express some kind of mathematical formulae and to implement them in any computational environment. In this sense, NSS's are directly related to Artificial Intelligence techniques. Nested sums are connected with NDL structures. A) DEFINITION A NDL is the algorithmic implementation of a set of NESTED SUMATION SYMBOLS (NSS) like: (summation from j1=i1 to f1 step s1) (summation from j2=i2 to f2 step s2) ... (summation from jn=in to fn step sn) [EXPRESSION(j1,j2,...,jn)] In a NDL one must describe the following parameters: j : A vector which returns at every time the summation symbol index values i : A vector containing the initial values for the indices collected in vector j f : A vector containing the final values for the indices collected in vector j s : A vector containing the increment values for the indices collected in vector j n : The so called dimension of the NDL, that is, the number of DO sentences to nest. n is the dimension of all the previous vectors. B) UTILITY Among other mathematical and general applications, using a NDL you can solve several problems such as: * How to simulate n DO sentences ? * How to count and generate all the combinations of m elements taken in groups of n ? Answers: * How to simulate n DO sentences ? Program 1 codifies in FORTRAN language a simple algorithm which generates all the j index vectors arising from a general NSS. The step vector s can have positive or negative indices. The values of the parameters depend on the particular application one wants when running the algorithm. A call to the Application routine is performed for every form of the vector j. ! Program 1. Fortran 90 version. !------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! This is a solution using NDL. ! This produces n=3 nested DO instructions. ! The value range for each index is from 0 to 1 with an increment of 1. !------------------------------------------------------------------------- Parameter (n=3) ! Dimension of the NSS Integer*1 j(n),i(n),f(n),s(n) ! Parameters of the NSS ! < Initial parameter values > i(:)=0 ! Initial value f(:)=1 ! Final value s(:)=1 ! Step increment j(:)=i(:) ! Initialization of NSS variable ! < NDL procedure > k=n ! k signals the active summatory number NDL: do while (k>0) if ((j(k)-f(k))*s(k)>0) then ! Index out of range ? j(k)=i(k); k=k-1 else ! executes and application using the n vector j indices write (*,*) j ! Here the Expression(j) is evaluated k=n end if if (k>0) j(k)=j(k)+s(k) ! Step Increment end do NDL END !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! The output of this program is ! ! 0 0 0 ! 0 0 1 ! 0 1 0 ! 0 1 1 ! 1 0 0 ! 1 0 1 ! 1 1 0 ! 1 1 1 ! * How to count and generate all the combinations of m elements taken in groups of n ? !------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! This is a solution using a revised version of a NDL. ! This simulates how to count and GENERATE the 10 combinations of M=5 ! elements taken in groups of N=3 !------------------------------------------------------------------------- integer*1 J(0:2),F(2) ! M=5 N=2 ! Is the dimension of the NDL MN=M-N J(0)=0; DO I=1,N; J(I)=J(I-1)+1; F(I)=MN+i; END DO ! Initializes NDL ! ICOUNTER=0; K=N NDL: DO WHILE (K/=0) IF (J(K)>F(K)) THEN K=K-1; J(K)=J(K)+1 DO I=K+1,N; J(I)=J(I-1)+1; END DO ! Redefines internal indices ELSE ICOUNTER=ICOUNTER+1 ! WRITE(*,'(I3,2X,3I3)') ICOUNTER,(J(I),I=1,N) ! Application K=N; J(K)=J(K)+1 END IF END DO NDL END !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! The output of this program is ! ! 1 1 2 ! 2 1 3 ! 3 1 4 ! 4 1 5 ! 5 2 3 ! 6 2 4 ! 7 2 5 ! 8 3 4 ! 9 3 5 ! 10 4 5 A NDL is a general algorithm, which enables to perform a parallel EXPRESSION(j1,j2,...,jn) implementation, if the available hardware allows to run it in this manner. This is so because the NDL internal statements may always run independently on separate CPUs. That is, despite the forms of the vector j are generated in a sequential manner, the evaluation of the code in EXPRESSION(j1,j2,...,jn) using a vector j form can be done independently of the remaining vector forms. In fact, it can be said that any formula or algorithm which can be written in terms of NSS can be written in a NDL form and parallelized. Some Fortran or C compilers, by the way, have no capacity of processing more than a limited number of classical do loops in a nest. Thus, a simple scheme as the one shown in Program 1 is a good candidate to circumvent this limitation in any compiler, if it is present. But the principal characteristic of a NDL is that a single routine serves to simulate 1, 2, ... or n NESTED DO LOOP statements. See Program 2 for details about the practical implementation of a NSS in terms of a NDL in the C++ language. There it is shown how the NSS codification can be easily used as a pseudoinstruction. It can be seen how once the Header of the program is defined, the use of the NDL appears to be an 'ad hoc' language capability. As an example, Program 2 shows a main program using Header 1: It defines a NDL and calls the application procedure. There the application is a routine showing the current values of the NDL index vector j. In Program 2 the Header has been used and it has been defined a NDL with the parameters n=3, j=(0,0,0), i=(1,1,1), f=(1,1,1) and step vector s=(1,1,1). This NDL generates all the 3 digit binary numbers in canonical order (variations generation). // Program 2 //------------------------------- Program in C++ version ------------ #include <stdio.h> #include <process.h> #include <stdarg.h> #include <iostream.h> #include "ndl.h" // NDL methods: Header 1 code // Application shows the J vector index values of the NDL void Application(NDL &A) { for (int i=1 ; i<=A.DIMENSION() ; i++) cout << A.J(i); puts(""); } void main() { // Defines the 3-dimensional NDL called A NDL A(3, 0,0,0, 1,1,1, 1,1,1); // Generates forms of vector J and calls Application while (A.RUNNING()) Application(A); } //------------------------------------------------------------------ //The output generated by Program 2 is: // // 000 // 001 // 010 // 011 // 100 // 101 // 110 // 111 Header 1 shows the header file needed to implement the NDL object and related methods. This implementation covers the ability to define arbitrary dimensional NDL's. Error tests have been omitted in order to simplify the program listing and make it more transparent. // Header 1 //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- class NDL // Defines the NDL object { int dimension,n,k; // n, k: Auxiliar variables int *j,*i,*f,*s; // Pointers to the Parameters of the NDL public: NDL(const int, ...); // Constructor ~NDL(void); // Destructor unsigned int RUNNING(void); // Generates next leader vector void INITIALIZE(void); // Initializes NDL int DIMENSION(void); // Returns NDL dimension int J(int); // Return NDL J index value }; //------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Nested Do Loop (NDL) algorithm unsigned int NDL::RUNNING(void) // Generates next leader vector form { if (k>=0) *(j+k)+=*(s+k); // Step while (k>=0) if ( (*(j+k)-*(f+k))*(*(s+k))>0 ) // Limit exceeded: index out of range { *(j+k)=*(i+k); k--; if (k>=0) *(j+k)+=*(s+k); // Step } else { k=n; return 1; // Another vector J form is achieved } NDL::INITIALIZE(); // Initialize NDL for further use return 0; // Ends NDL vector generation } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- int NDL::DIMENSION(void) { return dimension; } // Returns the NDL dimension //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Returns the NDL vector index m value (indices numbered from 1 to dimension) int NDL::J(int m) { return *(j+m-1); } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // NDL definition NDL::NDL(const int dim, ...) // Constructor { va_list index; va_start(index,dim); j=new int[dim]; // Allocate needed vectors i=new int[dim]; f=new int[dim]; s=new int[dim]; dimension=dim; // Store auxiliar variables n=dim-1; // Initial, Final and Step vectors (variable number of arguments) for (int m=0;m<dim;m++) {*(i+m)=va_arg(index,int);} for (m=0;m<dim;m++) {*(f+m)=va_arg(index,int);} for (m=0;m<dim;m++) *(s+m)=va_arg(index,int); va_end(index); NDL::INITIALIZE(); // Initialize NDL } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- void NDL::INITIALIZE(void) // Initializes leader vector J of the NDL { for (int m=0 ; m<n ; m++) *(j+m)=*(i+m); *(j+n)=*(i+n)-*(s+n); // Last index decremented k=n; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- NDL::~NDL(void) // Destructor { dimension=n=k=0; delete j,i,f,s; // Deallocates vectors } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- Header 1: Codification of the NDL object definition and related methods. </ESTIMATED IMPACT> <REFLIST> 1. Nested Summation Symbols and Perturbation Theory. R.Carbo and E.Besalu. J.Math.Chem. 13 331-342 (1993) 2. Definition, Mathematical Examples and Quantum Chemical Applications of Nested Summation Symbols and Logical Kronecker Deltas. R.Carbo and E.Besalu. Computers & Chemistry 18 (2) 117-126 (1994) 3. Applications of Nested Summation Symbols to Quantum Chemistry: Formalism and Programming Techniques. R.Carbo and E.Besalu in Strategies and Applications in Quantum Chemistry: from Astrophysics to Molecular Engineering. M.Defranceschi and Y.Ellinger (Editors). Kluwer Ac.Pub. Amsterdam (1993) </REFLIST> <SUBMITTED BY> Emili Besalu & Ramon Carbo Phone: 34 72 226366 or 34 72 418362 Fax: 34 72 418357 Address: emili@stark.udg.es or director@iqc.udg.es Postal Add.: Institute of Computational Chemistry University of Girona 17071 Girona Spain </SUBMITTED BY> <HISTORY> <EVENT>email from US2RMC::"admpap@xamba.udg.es" "Pilar del Acebo" on 12-Mar-1996 </HISTORY> </FORTREQ> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ <FORTREQ> <NUMBER> 101 <TITLE> Permit BOZ constants in the TRANSFER function <KEYWORDS> <STATUS> Registered <TARGET> <SUBGROUP> <VERSION> 1 <REQUIREMENT> Permit BOZ literal constants to be used in the SOURCE argument of the TRANSFER function, either as scalar values or within array constructors. Prohibit the use of such constants in the TRANSFER function if they are too long to fit in any available integer representation method. </REQUIREMENT> <SUGGESTED IMPLEMENTATION> EDITS (based on X3J3/94-007R4): 1. [32:1-2] Section Replace the paragraph beginning "In a DATA statement..." with, An unsigned binary, octal, or hexadecimal literal constant may be used as a <i>data-stmt-constant</> corresponding to an integer scalar variable in a DATA statement (5.2.9) or in the SOURCE argument to the TRANSFER function (13.13.110). 2. [32:6] Section In the constraint following R407, after "DATA statement" add "or in the SOURCE argument of the TRANSFER function". 3. [44:40+] Section 4.5: Insert after the first line of R433, <b>or</> <i>boz-literal-constant</> 4. [45:5+] Section 4.5: Add the following constraints: Constraint: An <i>array-constructor</> shall not contain a <i>boz-literal-constant</> unless it is the actual argument corresponding to the SOURCE dummy argument of the TRANSFER function (13.13.110). Constraint: All <i>boz-literal-constant</>s used in an <i>array-constructor</> must explicitly specify the same number of bits. 5. [271:10+] Section 13.13.110: Add the following new paragraph to the end of the "Result Value" section: If SOURCE is specified as a <i>boz-literal-constant</> (, or as an <i>array-constructor</> containing <i>boz-literal-constant</>s, these constants shall be treated as integer values in the representation method having the smallest value for the model parameter, <i>s</> (13.5.7), that is at least as large as the number of bits explicitly specified in the constant. For example, if SOURCE is specified as Z'00FF', it is treated as 255_K16, where K16 is whatever integer kind type parameter gives the smallest value of BIT_SIZE(0_K16) that is greater than or equal to 16. A <i>boz-literal-constant</> specifying more bits than allowed by any available integer representation method shall not be used in SOURCE. </SUGGESTED IMPLEMENTATION> <SUBMITTED BY> Leonard J. Moss <ljm@slac.stanford.edu> Stanford Linear Accelerator Center MS 97; P.O. Box 4349; Stanford, CA 94309 </SUBMITTED BY> <HISTORY> <EVENT>email received from LJM@SLACVM.bitnet on 15-Dec-1994 </HISTORY> </FORTREQ> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ <FORTREQ> <NUMBER> 102 <TITLE> Delete Arithmetic IF <KEYWORDS> <STATUS> Registered <TARGET> <SUBGROUP> <VERSION> 1 <REQUIREMENT> The Fortran 2000 standard should delete the arithmetic IF construct (8.2.4, B.2(1)). </REQUIREMENT> <JUSTIFICATION> The arithmetic IF is a construct left over from the 1950s when Fortran was designed to run on a particular machine, i.e., the IBM 704, which had an instruction set which was particularly well suited to this form of branching. Continued use of this feature encourages the construction of difficult to follow, spaghetti-style control flow. The arithmetic IF can be replaced by the block IF construct, which is an easier to use and more generalized form of the IF control structure. The availability of sophisticated, highly reliable code restructuring tools means that converting arithmetic IF constructs to block IF constructs can be done automatically, efficiently, and economically. </JUSTIFICATION> <SUGGESTED IMPLEMENTATION> Delete section 8.2.4 from the standard. Enter the text of 8.2.4 into Annex B as part of section B.1 for the benefit of those vendors who wish to continue supporting the arithmetic IF feature. Most likely, the person who does the work will have to find the other places in the standard where this construct is mentioned. </SUGGESTED IMPLEMENTATION> <ESTIMATED IMPACT> Minimal. As noted above, users of older codes can easily convert their arithmetic IF constructs to block IF constructs. </ESTIMATED IMPACT> <SUBMITTED BY> Craig T. Dedo 17130 W. Burleigh Place Brookfield, WI 53005 (414) 783-5869 E-mail: Craig.Dedo@mixcom.com </SUBMITTED BY> <REFERENCE> X3J3 / 96-007r0 8.2.4, B.2(1) </REFERENCE> <HISTORY> <EVENT> May 1996, meeting 137: submitted 96-070 </HISTORY> </FORTREQ> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ <FORTREQ> <NUMBER> 103 <TITLE> Delete Non-Block DO Constructs <KEYWORDS> <STATUS> Registered <TARGET> <SUBGROUP> <VERSION> 1 <REQUIREMENT> The Fortran 2000 standard should delete the non-block form of the DO construct (,, B.2(2)). </REQUIREMENT> <JUSTIFICATION> The non-block form of the DO construct is a construct left over from the 1950s and 1960s when little was known about how to write code so that it would be easy to follow. The high cost of main memory and disk space in those years also put a high premium on writing Fortran so that it would occupy as little space as possible. Continued use of this feature encourages the construction of difficult to follow, spaghetti-style control flow. The non-block form of the DO construct can be replaced by the block form of the DO construct, which is an easier to use form of the DO control structure. The availability of sophisticated, highly reliable code restructuring tools means that converting non-block DO constructs to block DO constructs can be done automatically, efficiently, and economically. </JUSTIFICATION> <SUGGESTED IMPLEMENTATION> Delete section and the second paragraph of from the standard. Move the text of both parts into Annex B as part of section B.1 for the benefit of those vendors who wish to continue supporting the non-block DO construct. Most likely, the person who does the work will have to find the other places in the standard where this construct is mentioned. </SUGGESTED IMPLEMENTATION> <ESTIMATED IMPACT> Minimal. As noted above, users of older codes can easily convert their non-block DO constructs to block DO constructs. </ESTIMATED IMPACT> <SUBMITTED BY> Craig T. Dedo 17130 W. Burleigh Place Brookfield, WI 53005 (414) 783-5869 E-mail: Craig.Dedo@mixcom.com </SUBMITTED BY> <REFERENCE> X3J3 / 96-007r0,, B.2(2) </REFERENCE> <HISTORY> <EVENT> May 1996, meeting 137: submitted 96-070 </HISTORY> </FORTREQ> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ <FORTREQ> <NUMBER> 104 <TITLE> Delete Computed GO TO Statements <KEYWORDS> <STATUS> Registered <TARGET> <SUBGROUP> <VERSION> 1 <REQUIREMENT> The Fortran 2000 standard should delete the computed GO TO statement (8.2.3, B.2.2). </REQUIREMENT> <JUSTIFICATION> The computed GO TO statement is a construct left over from the 1950s and 1960s when little was known about how to write code so that it would be easy to follow. The high cost of main memory and disk space in those years also put a high premium on writing Fortran so that it would occupy as little space as possible. Continued use of this feature encourages the construction of difficult to follow, spaghetti-style control flow. The computed GO TO statement can be replaced by a CASE construct, which is an easier to use and more generalized form of the same kind of control structure. The availability of sophisticated, highly reliable code restructuring tools means that converting computed GO TO constructs to CASE constructs can be done automatically, efficiently, and economically. </JUSTIFICATION> <SUGGESTED IMPLEMENTATION> Delete section 8.2.3 from the standard. Move the text of section 8.2.3 into Annex B as part of section B.1 for the benefit of those vendors who wish to continue supporting the computed GO TO construct. Most likely, the person who does the work will have to find the other places in the standard where this construct is mentioned. </SUGGESTED IMPLEMENTATION> <ESTIMATED IMPACT> Minimal. As noted above, users of older codes can easily convert their computed GO TO constructs into CASE constructs. </ESTIMATED IMPACT> <SUBMITTED BY> Craig T. Dedo 17130 W. Burleigh Place Brookfield, WI 53005 (414) 783-5869 E-mail: Craig.Dedo@mixcom.com </SUBMITTED BY> <REFERENCE> X3J3 / 96-007r0 8.2.3, B.2.2 </REFERENCE> <HISTORY> <EVENT> May 1996, meeting 137: submitted 96-070 </HISTORY> </FORTREQ> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ <FORTREQ> <NUMBER> 105 <TITLE> Delete Fixed Form Source <KEYWORDS> <STATUS> Registered <TARGET> <SUBGROUP> <VERSION> 1 <REQUIREMENT> The Fortran 2000 standard should delete fixed form source (3.3.2, B.2.6). </REQUIREMENT> <JUSTIFICATION> Fixed form source was designed when the principal machine-readable input medium for new programs was punched cards. Now that new and amended programs are generally entered via keyboards using text editing / word processing software and stored on disk files, it is unnecessary overhead and error prone, to have to locate positions 6, 7, and 72 on a line. Free form source was designed expressly for this more modern technology. Fixed form source can be replaced free form source, which is an easier to use and more generalized form of source code. The availability of sophisticated, highly reliable code restructuring tools means that converting fixed form source to free form source can be done automatically, efficiently, and economically. </JUSTIFICATION> <SUGGESTED IMPLEMENTATION> Delete section 3.3.2 from the standard. Move the text of section 3.3.2 into Annex B as part of section B.1 for the benefit of those vendors who wish to continue supporting fixed form source. Most likely, the person who does the work will have to find the other places in the standard where this construct is mentioned. </SUGGESTED IMPLEMENTATION> <ESTIMATED IMPACT> Minimal. As noted above, a software tool can easily convert from fixed to free form source. </ESTIMATED IMPACT> <SUBMITTED BY> Craig T. Dedo 17130 W. Burleigh Place Brookfield, WI 53005 (414) 783-5869 E-mail: Craig.Dedo@mixcom.com </SUBMITTED BY> <REFERENCE> X3J3 / 96-007r0 3.3.2, B.2.6 </REFERENCE> <HISTORY> <EVENT> May 1996, meeting 137: submitted 96-070 </HISTORY> </FORTREQ> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ <FORTREQ> <NUMBER> 106 <TITLE> Delete Alternate Return <KEYWORDS> <STATUS> Registered <TARGET> <SUBGROUP> <VERSION> 1 <REQUIREMENT> The Fortran 2000 standard should delete alternate return (12.4,, B.2.1). </REQUIREMENT> <JUSTIFICATION> Alternate return is a construct left over from the 1950s and 1960s when little was known about how to write code so that it would be easy to follow. The high cost of main memory and disk space in those years also put a high premium on writing Fortran so that it would occupy as little space as possible. Continued use of this feature encourages the construction of difficult to follow, spaghetti-style control flow. Alternate return specifiers can be replaced by a status variable which indicates the completion status of the subroutine and what, if any problems occurred during its execution. The status variable can be evaluated by either a CASE construct or block IF construct immediately after the call to the subroutine. Either of these block structures is an easier to use and more structured method of evaluating a completion status. The availability of sophisticated, highly reliable code restructuring tools means that converting alternate return constructs to CASE constructs or block IF constructs can be done automatically, efficiently, and economically. </JUSTIFICATION> <SUGGESTED IMPLEMENTATION> Delete rule R1215 and the last constraint following R1215 from the standard. Delete section from the standard. Move this text into Annex B as part of section B.1 for the benefit of those vendors who wish to continue supporting alternate returns. Most likely, the person who does the work will have to find the other places in the standard where this construct is mentioned. </SUGGESTED IMPLEMENTATION> <ESTIMATED IMPACT> Minimal. As noted above, a software tool can easily convert alternate return constructs to CASE or block IF constructs. </ESTIMATED IMPACT> <SUBMITTED BY> Craig T. Dedo 17130 W. Burleigh Place Brookfield, WI 53005 (414) 783-5869 E-mail: Craig.Dedo@mixcom.com </SUBMITTED BY> <REFERENCE> X3J3 / 96-007r0 12.4,, B.2.1 </REFERENCE> <HISTORY> <EVENT> May 1996, meeting 137: submitted 96-070 </HISTORY> </FORTREQ> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ <FORTREQ> <NUMBER> 107 <TITLE> Delete Statement Functions <KEYWORDS> <STATUS> Registered <TARGET> <SUBGROUP> <VERSION> 1 <REQUIREMENT> The Fortran 2000 standard should delete statement functions (12.5.4, B.2.3). </REQUIREMENT> <JUSTIFICATION> Statement functions are subject to a number of non-intuitive restrictions and are a potential source of error since their syntax is easily confused with that of an assignment statement. The internal function is a more generalized form of the statement function and completely supersedes it. </JUSTIFICATION> <SUGGESTED IMPLEMENTATION> Delete section 12.5.4 from the standard. Move this text into Annex B as part of section B.1 for the benefit of those vendors who wish to continue supporting statement functions. Most likely, the person who does the work will have to find the other places in the standard where statement functions are mentioned. </SUGGESTED IMPLEMENTATION> <ESTIMATED IMPACT> Minimal. </ESTIMATED IMPACT> <SUBMITTED BY> Craig T. Dedo 17130 W. Burleigh Place Brookfield, WI 53005 (414) 783-5869 E-mail: Craig.Dedo@mixcom.com </SUBMITTED BY> <REFERENCE> X3J3 / 96-007r0 12.5.4, B.2.3 </REFERENCE> <HISTORY> <EVENT> May 1996, meeting 137: submitted 96-070 </HISTORY> </FORTREQ> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ <FORTREQ> <NUMBER> 108 <TITLE> Delete DATA Statements Among Executable Statements <KEYWORDS> <STATUS> Registered <TARGET> <SUBGROUP> <VERSION> 1 <REQUIREMENT> The Fortran 2000 standard should delete the appearance of DATA statements among executable statements (2.3.1, 2.3.2, Table 2.1, B.2.4). </REQUIREMENT> <JUSTIFICATION> The statement ordering rules of FORTRAN 66, FORTRAN 77, and Fortran 90 allowed DATA statements to appear anywhere in a program unit after the specification statements. The ability to position DATA statements among executable statements is very rarely used, is unnecessary, and is a potential source of error. It is generally considered good programming practice to position specification statements such as DATA statements, before the first executable statement. DATA statements which now occur among executable statements can easily be moved into the declarations part of a program without any loss of functionality or program effectiveness. The availability of sophisticated, highly reliable code restructuring tools means that moving DATA statements can be done automatically, efficiently, and economically. </JUSTIFICATION> <SUGGESTED IMPLEMENTATION> Delete the references to DATA statements among executables in sections 2.3.1 and 2.3.2 from the standard. Delete the entry in Table 2.1 which shows "DATA statements" to the left of "Executable constructs". Move this text into Annex B as part of section B.1 for the benefit of those vendors who wish to continue supporting DATA statements among executable statements. Most likely, the person who does the work will have to find the other places in the standard where statement functions are mentioned. </SUGGESTED IMPLEMENTATION> <ESTIMATED IMPACT> Minimal. </ESTIMATED IMPACT> <SUBMITTED BY> Craig T. Dedo 17130 W. Burleigh Place Brookfield, WI 53005 (414) 783-5869 E-mail: Craig.Dedo@mixcom.com </SUBMITTED BY> <REFERENCE> X3J3 / 96-007r0 2.3.1, 2.3.2, Table 2.1, B.2.4 </REFERENCE> <HISTORY> <EVENT> May 1996, meeting 137: submitted 96-070 </HISTORY> </FORTREQ> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ <FORTREQ> <NUMBER> 109 <TITLE> Binary stream I/O <KEYWORDS> <STATUS> Registered <TARGET> <SUBGROUP> <VERSION> 1 <REQUIREMENT> Implement a binary stream I/O facility to allow writing and reading to/from unformatted files without any internal structure. </REQUIREMENT> <JUSTIFICATION> Traditionally, Fortran I/O facilities have been record oriented. Fortran 90 has introduced a non advancing I/O facility that provides for reading and writing partial records in formatted sequential files. However, thers is a category of files that are definitely not record oriented. This category is called "binary stream files". These files are merely constituted of a continuous sequence of storage units, without any internal structure. Stream files are prevalent in many operating systems such as Unix, DOS, Windows and OS/2. Also, there are "industry-standard" file formats that are not record oriented, such as GIF and TIFF formats for digital images. Accessing stream files with standard Fortran I/O facilities is often difficult: unformatted sequential access may fail because the file contains no record delimiters. Using unformatted direct access is also awkward since the data cannot be accessed easily with fixed record lengths. In short, a new file access is needed. Many vendors have already extended their compilers to provide this facility by allowing "binary" or "transparent" file access methods, showing a need for standardization. </JUSTIFICATION> <SUGGESTED IMPLEMENTATION> The feature could be implemented without introducing any new statements: only new keywords and options in OPEN, READ, WRITE, and INQUIRE are needed. A binary stream file consists of a sequence of processor-dependant storage units. These units must be the same to those used to define the record length of an unformatted direct file. The storage units are numbered from 1 to n, n being the last unit written. Two concepts are present in a stream file. A file position pointer is used to locate the next storage unit to be read or written. Following the last storage unit of the file, there is an end-of-file marker that may physically exist or not. This marker can be checked in a READ statement by END or IOSTAT specifiers. The file position pointer may point to the end-of-file marker. Opening a binary stream file could be done by simply adding ACCESS='STREAM' in the OPEN statement. The POSITION specifier is valid for these files. Binary stream I/O should work following in an hybrid fashion between sequential and direct access. Sequential access should be done by using the syntax of unformatted sequential READ and WRITE, except that the unit is connected to a binary stream file. The file position pointer is moved by the amount of data storage units transferred by each READ or WRITE statements executed. Random access should be provided by adding a POS=location specifier to the READ or WRITE statements. Mixed access should be allowed for the same unit. When a WRITE statement overwrites a portion of a stream file, only the amount of storage tranferred should replace the existing locations; the remaining storage units should remain intact (in the contrary of conventional unformatted sequential WRITEs). READ and WRITE statement with POS specifiers but with an empty I/O list merely move the pointer inside the file. In the case of a WRITE statement, if the position pointer is moved with the POS specifier beyond the end-of-file marker, the gap is filled with unitialized data. The BACKSPACE statement should be disallowed for such files, since there is no record delimiters. The ENDFILE statement is used to truncate the binary stream file at the current file pointer position. New specifiers should be added to the INQUIRE statements. In particular, a CURRPOS specifier to obtain the current position of the pointer, and a FILESIZE specifier that returns the amount of units written to the file. The ACCESS specifer should also be extended to allow ACCESS='STREAM' to be returned. <COMPATIBILITY CONSIDERATIONS> None. This new feature can be blended easily with the existing I/O facilities, as described above. </COMPATIBILITY CONSIDERATIONS> <ESTIMATED IMPACT> The new feature affects the OPEN, READ, WRITE, and INQUIRE statements. The ENDFILE statement will acquire a new functionality. Implementing this feature should be very easy, since a similar functionality is already provided as an extension by many vendors. The implementation of the FILESIZE specifier in the INQUIRE statement shouldn't also cause problems since virtually all operating systems provide a facility to obtain the size of a file in bytes or words. </ESTIMATED IMPACT> <SUBMITTED BY> Jean Vezina (phone: (514) 256-6698; email: patrjacq@abl.ca) 6292 Villanelle St-Leonard, Quebec Canada H1S 1W1 </SUBMITTED BY> <HISTORY> <EVENT>email received on 23-Apr-1996 </HISTORY> </FORTREQ> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ <FORTREQ> <NUMBER> 110 <TITLE> In-line procedures <KEYWORDS> PROCEDURE, IN-LINE <STATUS> Registered <TARGET> <SUBGROUP> <VERSION> 1 <REQUIREMENT> Provide a means for a programmer to specify that the desired implementation of that procedure is by in-line expansion of the code at the point of reference to the procedure rather than branch to and return from a single code image. </REQUIREMENT> <JUSTIFICATION> In almost any programming method involving significant data abstraction (including, but not limited to, object-oriented programming), there tend to be a number of procedures which bridge levels of abstraction, but which do little "real" work. In-line expansion of such procedures significantly reduces their cost. In addition, there tends to increased opportunities for optimization in the calling scoping unit. [The value of in-line expansion of statement functions is well known and an example of what this requirement would provide in a somewhat broader context.] </JUSTIFICATION> <SUGGESTED IMPLEMENTATION> Allow a keyword such as INLINE on the procedure header. Since we cannot reasonably directly require in-line expansion, the semantics of this keyword are to prohibit obstacles to in-line expansion: o The INLINE keywords would be permitted on module procedures and internal procedures, but not external procedures or interface bodies. o A procedure could not be both INLINE and RECURSIVE. o An INLINE procedure could not be associated with a dummy procedure (nor with a pointer to a procedure, if we add those). We would have to leave it to market pressure to actually ensure that INLINE procedures are expanded in-line. </SUGGESTED IMPLEMENTATION> <ESTIMATED IMPACT> The impact on the document should be well localized. Impact on existing processors will vary: A processor wishing to meet the literal requirements (without actually doing in-line expansion) could do so with a small amount of syntax checking. Typically, existing processors already do at least some in-line expansion (for statement functions) and some do in-line expansion of arbitrary procedures, but it seems likely that it will vary from processor whether the existing in-line expansion infrastructure is sufficient for doing the kind of expansion expected in this requirement. </ESTIMATED IMPACT> <SUBMITTED BY> Kurt W. Hirchert, hirchert@ncsa.uiuc.edu </SUBMITTED BY> <HISTORY> <EVENT> 29 April 96: submitted </HISTORY> </FORTREQ> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ <FORTREQ> <NUMBER> 111 <TITLE> Local declaration block <KEYWORDS> SCOPING <STATUS> Registered <TARGET> <SUBGROUP> <VERSION> 1 <REQUIREMENT> Provide a mechanism for declaring entities with a more limited scope than an entire procedure or main program. </REQUIREMENT> <JUSTIFICATION> When a program requires an explicitly named temporary, the nature of that entity is clearer to both the compiler and human readers if its scope can be limited. </JUSTIFICATION> <SUGGESTED IMPLEMENTATION> A SCOPE ... END SCOPE construct with usual nesting rules relative to other block constructs. </SUGGESTED IMPLEMENTATION> <ESTIMATED IMPACT> Impact on the document should be localized. Impact on existing processors involves stealing heavily from the implementation of internal procedures. </ESTIMATED IMPACT> <SUBMITTED BY> Kurt W. Hirchert, hirchert@ncsa.uiuc.edu </SUBMITTED BY> <HISTORY> <EVENT> 29 April 96: submitted </HISTORY> </FORTREQ> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ <FORTREQ> <NUMBER> 112 <TITLE> "Clean up" conformance rules <KEYWORDS> CONFORMANCE <STATUS> Registered <TARGET> <SUBGROUP> <VERSION> 1 <REQUIREMENT> Review conformance rules with an eye towards making them more regular, easier to understand, more useful, etc. </REQUIREMENT> <JUSTIFICATION> The standard would be easier to understand, more useful, etc. </JUSTIFICATION> <SUGGESTED IMPLEMENTATION> Specific issues I would suggest looking at include the following: o If a Fortran program uses a procedure defined by means other than Fortran, it can still be a standard-conforming program. However, if the vendor changes that procedure to an intrinsic procedure to make it more efficient, the program becomes nonconforming. We should try to treat these cases similarly. o If a format is written as a FORMAT statement, the processor is required to be able to check it for correctness, but if it is written as a CHARACTER constant, the processor is not. o If we should separate the concepts of a program which is standard conforming in form (i.e., on a static basis) from whether or not the execution of that program conforms. </SUGGESTED IMPLEMENTATION> <ESTIMATED IMPACT> Much of this could be done with only localized changes to the document, but identifying the difference between static and dynamic requirements in the standard might be more widespread. Most of this should have very limited impact on existing processors. The obvious exception would be a requirement that processors check the correctness of formats expressed as character constant expressions. </ESTIMATED IMPACT> <SUBMITTED BY> Kurt W. Hirchert, hirchert@ncsa.uiuc.edu </SUBMITTED BY> <HISTORY> <EVENT> 29 April 96: submitted </HISTORY> </FORTREQ> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ <FORTREQ> <NUMBER> 113 <TITLE> Allow MERGE in constant expressions <KEYWORDS> MERGE, EXPRESSIONS, PARAMETER, CONSTANT <STATUS> Registered <TARGET> <SUBGROUP> <VERSION> 1 <REQUIREMENT> Modify the limitations on initialization expressions in some way that would allow the MERGE intrinsic to be used. </REQUIREMENT> <JUSTIFICATION> It is possible to work around the lack of MERGE, at least for integer relations, but the result tends to be obscure in the extreme. </JUSTIFICATION> <ESTIMATED IMPACT> The document changes will likely be difficult to formulate, but well localized. The changes to existing processors should be similarly localized. </ESTIMATED IMPACT> <SUBMITTED BY> Kurt W. Hirchert, hirchert@ncsa.uiuc.edu </SUBMITTED BY> <HISTORY> <EVENT> 29 April 96: submitted </HISTORY> </FORTREQ> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ <FORTREQ> <NUMBER> 114 <TITLE> Extend ALLOCATE to specify non-KIND type parameters <KEYWORDS> ALLOCATABLE, POINTER, ALLOCATE, CHARACTER, PARAMETERIZED DERIVED TYPES <STATUS> Registered <TARGET> <SUBGROUP> <VERSION> 1 <REQUIREMENT> Extend the ALLOCATE statement to allow specification of type parameters. Allow POINTER or ALLOCATABLE to be used with declaration forms used to "assume" type parameters. In the current standard, this affects only the LEN parameter of the CHARACTER type, but it would extended to parameterized derived types. </REQUIREMENT> <JUSTIFICATION> This should be an obvous part of parameterized derived types. E.g., if one creates a parameterized MATRIX type, it should be obvious that one might want an allocatable matrix for much the same reasons one wants allocatable arrays. The ISO varying string module demonstrated the difficulty of having to allocate a character array when what you really needed was a string whose length you could control. </JUSTIFICATION> <SUGGESTED IMPLEMENTATION> CHARACTER(*), ALLOCATABLE :: C ... ALLOCATE ((LEN=L)C) </SUGGESTED IMPLEMENTATION> <SUBMITTED BY> Kurt W. Hirchert, hirchert@ncsa.uiuc.edu </SUBMITTED BY> <HISTORY> <EVENT> 29 April 96: submitted </HISTORY> </FORTREQ> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ <FORTREQ> <NUMBER> 115 <TITLE> Mixed function/subroutine generics <KEYWORDS> GENERIC <STATUS> Registered <TARGET> <SUBGROUP> <VERSION> 1 <REQUIREMENT> Allow generic names (but not operators or assignment) to apply to functions and subroutines at the same time, with function vs. subroutine being an added way to distinguish two specific procecures. Review whether intrinsics such as MVBITS, PACK, and UNPACK should have both function and subroutine interfaces. </REQUIREMENT> <JUSTIFICATION> Subroutine interfaces can be more efficient if only part of what could be modified will actually be modified in a given call. Functions are more suited for allowing operations to be composed. Allowing both interfaces to be provided avoids the necessity of prejudging which issue is going to be most important in the programs of people using the interface. </JUSTIFICATION> <ESTIMATED IMPACT> Impact on both the document and existing processors should be localized. (Some existing processors already have generic intrinsics that mix functions and subroutines.) </ESTIMATED IMPACT> <SUBMITTED BY> Kurt W. Hirchert, hirchert@ncsa.uiuc.edu <SUBMITTED BY> <HISTORY> <EVENT> 29 April 96: submitted </HISTORY> </FORTREQ> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ <FORTREQ> <NUMBER> 116 <TITLE> "Simultaneous" assignment <KEYWORDS> <STATUS> Registered <TARGET> <SUBGROUP> <VERSION> 1 <REQUIREMENT> Provide some mechanism for more general "simultaneous" assignment, i.e. evaluating all "right hand sides" before modifying the "left hand sides". </REQUIREMENT> <JUSTIFICATION> It is a common problem to have a set of variables that must be updated based on their collective current state. Introducing explict temporary variables to achieve this obscures the logic and may produce less efficient code than what a compiler can do with architecture-specific temporary generation. </JUSTIFICATION> <SUGGESTED IMPLEMENTATION> I can think of several very different notation approaches. One would be to allow derived type "pseudo-variables" on the left hand side of an assignment (making use of the simultaneity within a derived type assignment): SWAP(X,Y)=SWAP(Y,X) Another would be to try to extend the simultaneity of the FORALL statement: FORALL(I=1:2) SELECT CASE(I) CASE(1); N=M CASE(2); M=N+M END SELECT END FORALL Yet another would be to create a new construct for this: SIMUL X=X*COS_THETA-Y*SIN_THETA Y=X*SIN_THETA+Y*COS_THETA END SIMUL </SUGGESTED IMPLEMENTATION> <ESTIMATED IMPACT> The impact on the document is likely to be localized. Impact on existing processors appears potentially significant. </ESTIMATED IMPACT> <SUBMITTED BY> Kurt W. Hirchert, hirchert@ncsa.uiuc.edu </SUBMITTED BY> <HISTORY> <EVENT> 29 April 96: submitted </HISTORY> </FORTREQ> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ <FORTREQ> <NUMBER> 117 <TITLE> Use of the SIZE= Keyword <KEYWORDS> <STATUS> Registered <TARGET> <SUBGROUP> <VERSION> 1 <REQUIREMENT> Allow the use of the SIZE= specifier for both advancing and non-advancing I/O. </REQUIREMENT> <JUSTIFICATION> Fortran 90 allows the use of the SIZE= specifier only for non-advancing I/O. Informal conversations at X3J3 meetings in 1994 suggested that the developers of the Fortran 90 standard thought that it would be useful mainly for non-advancing I/O. This is unduly restrictive; users should be able to use the SIZE= specifier both in advancing and non-advancing I/O. </JUSTIFICATION> <SUGGESTED IMPLEMENTATION> This could be accomplished by making minor edits to sections, 9.4.1, and </SUGGESTED IMPLEMENTATION> <ESTIMATED IMPACT> Minimal. Many Fortran compilers already have some other method for obtaining the size of the record when using advancing I/O. </ESTIMATED IMPACT> <SUBMITTED BY> Craig T. Dedo Elmbrook Computer Services 17130 W. Burleigh Place Brookfield, WI 53005 (414) 783-5869 E-mail: Craig.Dedo@mixcom.com </SUBMITTED BY> <REFERENCE> X3J3 / 96-007r0, 9.4.1, </REFERENCE> <HISTORY> <EVENT> May 1996, meeting 137: submitted 96-nnn </HISTORY> </FORTREQ> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ <FORTREQ> <NUMBER> 118 <TITLE> Internal File Data Type <KEYWORDS> <STATUS> Registered <TARGET> <SUBGROUP> <VERSION> 1 <REQUIREMENT> Allow the data objects of any KIND of CHARACTER data type that is defined on the processor to be used as internal files. </REQUIREMENT> <JUSTIFICATION> Fortran 90 requires that internal files must be of default CHARACTER type. This is an unnecessary restriction. In the next 10-12 years (i.e., the expected useful life of the Fortran 2000 standard), I expect that the use of multi-byte character sets such as Unicode (a.k.a. ISO 10646) will grow to be of substantial importance in character manipulation. Fortran should anticipate this development and be prepared to handle it. In addition, not allowing all KINDs of character variables as internal files creates an irregularity. </JUSTIFICATION> <SUGGESTED IMPLEMENTATION> This could be accomplished by making minor edits to sections, 9.3, and 9.4.2. </SUGGESTED IMPLEMENTATION> <ESTIMATED IMPACT> Minimal. Any Fortran processor which supports different KINDs of CHARACTER data types already has to deal with issues such as representation and translation. </ESTIMATED IMPACT> <SUBMITTED BY> Craig T. Dedo Elmbrook Computer Services 17130 W. Burleigh Place Brookfield, WI 53005 (414) 783-5869 E-mail: Craig.Dedo@mixcom.com </SUBMITTED BY> <REFERENCE> X3J3 / 96-007r0, 9.3, 9.4.2 </REFERENCE> <HISTORY> <EVENT> May 1996, meeting 137: submitted 96-nnn </HISTORY> </FORTREQ> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ <FORTREQ> <NUMBER> 119 <TITLE> Internal Files and List-Directed Formatting <KEYWORDS> <STATUS> Registered <TARGET> <SUBGROUP> <VERSION> 1 <REQUIREMENT> Add a note to the standard which explicitly states that starting with Fortran 90, it is permitted to do list-directed I/O on internal files. </REQUIREMENT> <JUSTIFICATION> A frequently asked question about Fortran 90 is whether it is permitted to perform list-directed I/O on internal files. FORTRAN 77 did not permit this practice, but Fortran 90 removed this restriction. Unfortunately, the frequency of the question indicates that many users still doubt whether this is permitted. A note in the standard should make this point clear. </JUSTIFICATION> <SUGGESTED IMPLEMENTATION> Create a note at the end of section which would read something along the lines of, "Starting with Fortran 90, it is permissible to perform list-directed I/O on internal files." </SUGGESTED IMPLEMENTATION> <ESTIMATED IMPACT> None. This is mostly an editorial matter. Some vendors may wish to change their documentation. </ESTIMATED IMPACT> <SUBMITTED BY> Craig T. Dedo Elmbrook Computer Services 17130 W. Burleigh Place Brookfield, WI 53005 (414) 783-5869 E-mail: Craig.Dedo@mixcom.com </SUBMITTED BY> <REFERENCE> X3J3 / 96-007r0 </REFERENCE> <HISTORY> <EVENT> May 1996, meeting 137: submitted 96-nnn </HISTORY> </FORTREQ> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ <FORTREQ> <NUMBER> 120 <TITLE> Named Scratch Files <KEYWORDS> <STATUS> Registered <TARGET> <SUBGROUP> <VERSION> 1 <REQUIREMENT> Allow the user to specify a file name if a file is opened with STATUS="SCRATCH". </REQUIREMENT> <JUSTIFICATION> Fortran 90 does not allow the user to name scratch files. We should lift this restriction. Allowing the programmer to name scratch files can be useful, especially if the program crashes. Not allowing the programmer to name a file in this one case is an unnecessary irregularity. since there is legacy code which has STATUS="SCRATCH" without a FILE= specifier, the best solution is to allow the optional use of FILE= with STATUS="SCRATCH". </JUSTIFICATION> <SUGGESTED IMPLEMENTATION> This could be accomplished by making minor changes to section 9.3.4. </SUGGESTED IMPLEMENTATION> <ESTIMATED IMPACT> Minimal. Adding this capability should not be very difficult to implement. </ESTIMATED IMPACT> <SUBMITTED BY> Craig T. Dedo Elmbrook Computer Services 17130 W. Burleigh Place Brookfield, WI 53005 (414) 783-5869 E-mail: Craig.Dedo@mixcom.com </SUBMITTED BY> <REFERENCE> X3J3 / 96-007r0 </REFERENCE> <HISTORY> <EVENT> May 1996, meeting 137: submitted 96-nnn </HISTORY> </FORTREQ> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ <FORTREQ> <NUMBER> 121 <TITLE> Behavior of OPEN with STATUS="UNKNOWN" <KEYWORDS> <STATUS> Registered <TARGET> <SUBGROUP> <VERSION> 1 <REQUIREMENT> If the OPEN statement specifies that a file is opened with STATUS="UNKNOWN", the standard should specify that if the file exists, it is opened as if STATUS="OLD", and if the file does not exists, it is opened as if STATUS="NEW". </REQUIREMENT> <JUSTIFICATION> Fortran 90 and 95 leave this behavior as processor dependent. This definition interferes with portability. It also requires the user to anticipate the processor's behavior instead of relying on a known, standard behavior. This is an unnecessary irregularity. The recommended change to the standard behavior is already a popular implementation of OPEN with STATUS="UNKNOWN". The DEC (VMS, Unix, and NT), IBM AIX, and Lahey Fortran compilers already use this implementation. </JUSTIFICATION> <SUGGESTED IMPLEMENTATION> This could be accomplished by making minor changes to section </SUGGESTED IMPLEMENTATION> <ESTIMATED IMPACT> This change should not pose any serious implementation problems. I expect that the instances of actual incompatibility will be few. Programmers should be able to easily resolve any such conflicts. Implementors should be able to easily and inexpensively change their implementations to conform to the new rule, which is equivalent to the following code: CHARACTER (LEN=250) :: FILENAME INTEGER :: LUN LOGICAL :: LEXIST ! Define the values of LUN and FILENAME somewhere prior to opening the file. INQUIRE (FILE=FILENAME, EXIST=LEXIST) IF (LEXIST) THEN OPEN (LUN, FILE=FILENAME, STATUS="OLD") ELSE OPEN (LUN, FILE=FILENAME, STATUS="NEW") END IF </ESTIMATED IMPACT> <SUBMITTED BY> Craig T. Dedo Elmbrook Computer Services 17130 W. Burleigh Place Brookfield, WI 53005 (414) 783-5869 E-mail: Craig.Dedo@mixcom.com </SUBMITTED BY> <REFERENCE> X3J3 / 96-007r0 </REFERENCE> <HISTORY> <EVENT> May 1996, meeting 137: submitted 96-nnn </HISTORY> </FORTREQ> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ <FORTREQ> <NUMBER> 122 <TITLE> Action of STATUS="REPLACE" with Multiple Version Files <KEYWORDS> <STATUS> Registered <TARGET> <SUBGROUP> <VERSION> 1 <REQUIREMENT> If an operating system or file system supports files with multiple version numbers, opening a file with STATUS="REPLACE" should create a new file with the next available version number or version designator. </REQUIREMENT> <JUSTIFICATION> The standard is silent on what should happen if a file is opened with STATUS="REPLACE" and the operating system or a file system supported by the operating system supports multiple version files. Currently, the Fortran 95 DIS says, "If REPLACE is specified and the files does exist, the file is deleted, a new file is created with the same name, and the status is changed to old." This appears to imply that on a system that supports multiple versions of files, the old version should be deleted and an empty file with the same version number created in its place. However, close consideration of the text does not make it clear whether: (1) the old version should be deleted or, (2) a new file created with he next available version designator. Here is an example. There is an existing file COMPLEX_FILE.DAT;3, where the number following the semicolon is the version designator. A Fortran program opens the file using STATUS="REPLACE". Does the Fortran program delete COMPLEX_FILE.DAT;3 and re-create it as empty? Or, does the Fortran program create a new version, e.g., COMPLEX_FILE.DAT;4? I believe that the more useful choice is to create a new file with the next available version designator. Choosing this option would preserve the purpose of multiple versions of files, i.e., to make it easier for users of all kinds to recover from disastrous mistakes. For reasons of clarity, regularity, and portability, we should rule on this issue rather than leaving it as processor dependent. Some may argue that few operating systems or file systems offer multiple versions of files right now and therefore this issue is irrelevant for the vast majority of Fortran programmers. While multiple version file systems may be few, this feature of a file system may greatly increase in popularity during the life of the Fortran 2000 standard., which may be as late as 2012. Therefore, the issue may be very relevant for a significant fraction of Fortran programmers during the life of the Fortran 2000 standard. </JUSTIFICATION> <SUGGESTED IMPLEMENTATION> This could be accomplished by making minor changes to section </SUGGESTED IMPLEMENTATION> <ESTIMATED IMPACT> Minimal. Adding this capability should not be very difficult to implement. </ESTIMATED IMPACT> <SUBMITTED BY> Craig T. Dedo Elmbrook Computer Services 17130 W. Burleigh Place Brookfield, WI 53005 (414) 783-5869 E-mail: Craig.Dedo@mixcom.com </SUBMITTED BY> <REFERENCE> X3J3 / 96-007r0 </REFERENCE> <HISTORY> <EVENT> May 1996, meeting 137: submitted 96-nnn </HISTORY> </FORTREQ> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ <FORTREQ> <NUMBER> 123 <TITLE> BACKSPACE with List-Directed and Namelist Formats <KEYWORDS> <STATUS> Registered <TARGET> <SUBGROUP> <VERSION> 1 <REQUIREMENT> Remove the restriction which prohibits backspacing over records written using list-directed and namelist formatting. </REQUIREMENT> <JUSTIFICATION> There appears to be very little, if any, difference between records written using formatted I/O and those using list-directed or namelist I/O. Therefore, this appears to be an unnecessary restriction. Fortran 2000 should remove this restriction. </JUSTIFICATION> <SUGGESTED IMPLEMENTATION> This could be accomplished by making minor changes to section 9.5.1 </SUGGESTED IMPLEMENTATION> <ESTIMATED IMPACT> Minimal. Adding this capability should not be very difficult to implement. </ESTIMATED IMPACT> <SUBMITTED BY> Craig T. Dedo Elmbrook Computer Services 17130 W. Burleigh Place Brookfield, WI 53005 (414) 783-5869 E-mail: Craig.Dedo@mixcom.com </SUBMITTED BY> <REFERENCE> X3J3 / 96-007r0 9.5.1 </REFERENCE> <HISTORY> <EVENT> May 1996, meeting 137: submitted 96-nnn </HISTORY> </FORTREQ> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ <FORTREQ> <NUMBER> 124 <TITLE> NEXTREC= Specifier in the INQUIRE Statement <KEYWORDS> <STATUS> Registered <TARGET> <SUBGROUP> <VERSION> 1 <REQUIREMENT> Fortran 2000 should allow the use of the NEXTREC= specifier for both direct access and sequential access files. </REQUIREMENT> <JUSTIFICATION> The Fortran 95 DIS only allows the use of the NEXTREC= specifier only for direct access files. This is an unnecessary irregularity. </JUSTIFICATION> <SUGGESTED IMPLEMENTATION> This could be accomplished by making minor changes to section </SUGGESTED IMPLEMENTATION> <ESTIMATED IMPACT> Minimal. Adding this capability should not be very difficult to implement. </ESTIMATED IMPACT> <SUBMITTED BY> Craig T. Dedo Elmbrook Computer Services 17130 W. Burleigh Place Brookfield, WI 53005 (414) 783-5869 E-mail: Craig.Dedo@mixcom.com </SUBMITTED BY> <REFERENCE> X3J3 / 96-007r0 </REFERENCE> <HISTORY> <EVENT> May 1996, meeting 137: submitted 96-nnn </HISTORY> </FORTREQ> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ <FORTREQ> <NUMBER> 125 <TITLE> ADVANCE="NO" Specifier and Prompting <KEYWORDS> <STATUS> Registered <TARGET> <SUBGROUP> <VERSION> 1 <REQUIREMENT> Fortran 2000 should guarantee that the use of the ADVANCE="NO" specifier in I/O statements can be used by programmers to implement a genuine prompting capability. </REQUIREMENT> <JUSTIFICATION> Interpretations of the Fortran 90 standard indicate that the of the ADVANCE="NO" specifier in I/O statements does not guarantee that programmers can use a combination of such I/O statements in order to implement a genuine prompting capability. It is my belief that most users expect ADVANCE="NO" I/O statements to provide a prompting capability. This difference creates a gap between what users expect and what the current standard actually provides. The existence of this gap contributes to the image that Fortran has of being a "Stone Age" relic. This situation should be corrected. Although the growing popularity of windowing systems reduces the severity of this gap, I expect that a need for a genuine prompting capability will exist for the life of Fortran 2000. </JUSTIFICATION> <SUGGESTED IMPLEMENTATION> This could be accomplished by making minor changes to sections and </SUGGESTED IMPLEMENTATION> <ESTIMATED IMPACT> Minimal. Adding this capability should not be very difficult to implement. </ESTIMATED IMPACT> <SUBMITTED BY> Craig T. Dedo Elmbrook Computer Services 17130 W. Burleigh Place Brookfield, WI 53005 (414) 783-5869 E-mail: Craig.Dedo@mixcom.com </SUBMITTED BY> <REFERENCE> X3J3 / 96-007r0, </REFERENCE> <HISTORY> <EVENT> May 1996, meeting 137: submitted 96-nnn </HISTORY> </FORTREQ> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ <FORTREQ> <NUMBER> 126 <TITLE> Editorial Changes for Chapter 9 <KEYWORDS> <STATUS> Registered <TARGET> <SUBGROUP> <VERSION> 1 <REQUIREMENT> Fortran 2000 should include any of the editorial changes to Chapter 9 that I recommended in my paper 94-375 at the November of 1994 meeting of X3J3, and which did not make it into Fortran 95. Many of these changes were not included in Fortran 95 due to the heavy schedule of other editorial work that had to be done in order to keep Fortran 95 on schedule. </REQUIREMENT> <JUSTIFICATION> I recommended these editorial changes in order to make Chapter 9 a much more coherent and well organized part of the document. Making these changes would make Chapter 9 much more readable and easier to use. </JUSTIFICATION> <SUGGESTED IMPLEMENTATION> This could be accomplished by making the recommended changes throughout Chapter 9. </SUGGESTED IMPLEMENTATION> <ESTIMATED IMPACT> There would be no impact on the technical content of Fortran 2000. There could be moderate to extensive editorial work required. X3J3 should ask the Fortran 2000 Project Editor to provide an estimate of the impact. Since some of the recommendations reorganize subsections of Chapter 9, it would be necessary to check other parts of the document to see if cross-references to the reorganized parts need to be changed. </ESTIMATED IMPACT> <SUBMITTED BY> Craig T. Dedo Elmbrook Computer Services 17130 W. Burleigh Place Brookfield, WI 53005 (414) 783-5869 E-mail: Craig.Dedo@mixcom.com </SUBMITTED BY> <REFERENCE> X3J3 / 94-375, "Editorial Changes for 007r3 Chapter 9" </REFERENCE> <HISTORY> <EVENT> May 1996, meeting 137: submitted 96-nnn </HISTORY> </FORTREQ> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ <FORTREQ> <NUMBER> 127 <TITLE> CPU_TIME Enhancements <KEYWORDS> <STATUS> Registered <TARGET> <SUBGROUP> <VERSION> 1 <REQUIREMENT> The CPU_TIME intrinsic subroutine should be extended to include additional arguments and to make the TIME argument optional. The additional arguments would allow for the inquiry and measurement of user time, system time, and the minimum unit of time in the processor's measurement system. </REQUIREMENT> <JUSTIFICATION> It is possible that a precise definition of CPU_TIME will evolve as an ISO standard in the near future. This capability would allow the Fortran standard to anticipate and keep up with any such development. If these extensions become part of CPU_TIME, the TIME argument may not be relevant in all calls to CPU_TIME. </JUSTIFICATION> <SUGGESTED IMPLEMENTATION> One method would be to use the following interface: SUBROUTINE CPU_TIME (TIME, USER, SYSTEM, DELTA) REAL, OPTIONAL, INTENT (OUT) :: TIME ! Processor time REAL, OPTIONAL, INTENT (OUT) :: USER ! User time REAL, OPTIONAL, INTENT (OUT) :: SYSTEM ! System time REAL, OPTIONAL, INTENT (OUT) :: DELTA ! Minimum time increment </SUGGESTED IMPLEMENTATION> <ESTIMATED IMPACT> This feature would have no impact on existing implementations. The cost to vendors to implement this feature should be very low. </ESTIMATED IMPACT> <REFERENCE> ISO/IEC 1539:1996 (E) 13.14.25 (a.k.a. X3J3/95-007r1) X3J3/95-259 X3J3/95-268 </REFERENCE> <SUBMITTED BY> Craig Dedo On behalf of Jens Bloch Helmers Elmbrook Computer Services Det Norske Veritas Research AS 17130 W. Burleigh Place Brookfield, WI 53005 N-1322 Hoevik USA NORWAY +1 (414) 783-5869 +47 (67) 57 75 31 E-mail: Craig.Dedo@mixcom.com E-mail: helm@vr.dnv.no </SUBMITTED BY> </FORTREQ> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ <FORTREQ> <NUMBER> 128 <TITLE> $ Character in Symbolic Names <KEYWORDS> <STATUS> Registered <TARGET> <SUBGROUP> <VERSION> 1 <REQUIREMENT> Fortran 2000 should include the use of $ as a permissible character for Fortran symbolic names for such things as arrays, variables, COMMON blocks, modules, etc. </REQUIREMENT> <JUSTIFICATION> The $ character is a popular extension. David Levine's survey of extensions found that it is included in the Cray, DEC, EPC, HP, IBM, and Lahey compilers. Names contain the $ character are often used to name many operating system functions and subroutines. Including this character in the standard will make it easier to have Fortran programs use such routines. </JUSTIFICATION> <SUGGESTED IMPLEMENTATION> Change the list of permissible characters in symbolic names in section 3.1.1 so that $ is in the list. </SUGGESTED IMPLEMENTATION> <ESTIMATED IMPACT> Minimal. </ESTIMATED IMPACT> <SUBMITTED BY> Craig T. Dedo Elmbrook Computer Services 17130 W. Burleigh Place Brookfield, WI 53005 (414) 783-5869 E-mail: Craig.Dedo@mixcom.com </SUBMITTED BY> <REFERENCE> ISO/IEC 1539:1991 (E) 3.1.1 </REFERENCE> <HISTORY> <EVENT> May 1996, meeting 137: submitted 96-074 </HISTORY> </FORTREQ> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ <FORTREQ> <NUMBER> 129 <TITLE> Standardized Character Sets Including ASCII <KEYWORDS> <STATUS> Registered <TARGET> <SUBGROUP> <VERSION> 1 <REQUIREMENT> Fortran 2000 should require a compiler to provide full support for the 7-bit ASCII character set. This would be the ANSI definition, WITHOUT the National character Set Options. This would mean that 7-bit ASCII would be a required KIND on a standard conforming compiler. It would not be necessary for a processor to offer 7-bit ASCII as the default character set or as the KIND type for Fortran source statements. However, a processor would be required to include in the Fortran character set all of the characters in positions 32 - 126 in the ASCII table. In addition, Fortran 2000 should require support of the ASCII character set interpreted according to the latest ISO C language standard. This C language character set would have its own unique KIND number. As an extension of this requirement, the standard could also require support for the ISO Latin-1 character set and possibly other ISO character sets. Development of this requirement should follow the recommendations of the ISO TR 10176, Guidelines for the Preparation of Programming Language Standards. </REQUIREMENT> <JUSTIFICATION> This requirement would greatly increase portability of code, both from one platform to another and from one country to another. Although workarounds exist, they usually are difficult and costly to use. The time and effort of application developers should be spent solving their problems rather than fighting the limitations of the programming language. The increasing use of multiple platforms for software development and the increasingly international character of general business and trade over time means that this functionality gets more desirable each year. Use of a wider variety of characters in ordinary printed materials is becoming far more widespread than previously. This means that the kluges of the past are becoming untenable. It also means that portability is becoming far more important than it used to be. If this issue is ignored, it will become increasingly difficult and costly to engage in workarounds. I do not believe that standards bodies can ignore any longer the need for some standardized character sets in programming languages. The earlier such fundamental issues are standardized, the less costly and difficult implementation will be. </JUSTIFICATION> <SUGGESTED IMPLEMENTATION> The language of sections 3.1 and can be modified to require support of the selected ISO character sets. This should be quite simple by making reference to the necessary ISO standards. </SUGGESTED IMPLEMENTATION> <ESTIMATED IMPACT> This would require vendors to support several additional KINDs for CHARACTER data types. It should not be very difficult or costly for vendors to implement this requirement. Some changes may be required to compilers in the case of vendors who support ASCII according to the C language conventions. This requirement may involve considerable debate in the standards making process in order to make a high quality selection of required character sets. </ESTIMATED IMPACT> <SUBMITTED BY> Craig T. Dedo Elmbrook Computer Services 17130 W. Burleigh Place Brookfield, WI 53005 (414) 783-5869 E-mail: Craig.Dedo@mixcom.com </SUBMITTED BY> <REFERENCE> ISO/IEC 1539:1991 (E) 3.1, </REFERENCE> <HISTORY> <EVENT> May 1996, meeting 137: submitted 96-074 </HISTORY> </FORTREQ> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ <FORTREQ> <NUMBER> 130 <TITLE> TAB Character in Fortran Source <KEYWORDS> <STATUS> Registered <TARGET> <SUBGROUP> <VERSION> 1 <REQUIREMENT> Fortran 2000 should allow the use of TAB characters in free source form. The TAB character should be interpreted as if it was one blank character. </REQUIREMENT> <JUSTIFICATION> This is a popular extension and often makes the source code easier to read. Several vendors, including Cray, DEC, EPC, HP, IBM, and Lahey support this feature. </JUSTIFICATION> <SUGGESTED IMPLEMENTATION> Add TAB to the list of characters in the Fortran character set. Write a rule requiring that TAB be treated the same as space. </SUGGESTED IMPLEMENTATION> <ESTIMATED IMPACT> Minimal. </ESTIMATED IMPACT> <SUBMITTED BY> Craig T. Dedo Elmbrook Computer Services 17130 W. Burleigh Place Brookfield, WI 53005 (414) 783-5869 E-mail: Craig.Dedo@mixcom.com </SUBMITTED BY> <REFERENCE> ISO/IEC 1539:1991 (E) 3.1 </REFERENCE> <HISTORY> <EVENT> May 1996, meeting 137: submitted 96-074 </HISTORY> </FORTREQ> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ <FORTREQ> <NUMBER> 131 <TITLE> BYTE Data Type <KEYWORDS> <STATUS> Registered <TARGET> <SUBGROUP> <VERSION> 1 <REQUIREMENT> Fortran 2000 should include support for the BYTE data type, defined an a sequence of 8 bits. The BYTE data type could be used for very small signed or unsigned integers, for bit masks, and for 8 bit characters. It could be the TARGET of a POINTER assignment and used in building derived types. It could be storage associated with any other data type using the EQUIVALENCE statement. Any kind of data should be able to be assigned to a BYTE data type or a BYTE array. </REQUIREMENT> <JUSTIFICATION> The BYTE data type is very useful for building data structures used to access operating system data structures. It also could be used for building various derived types that either are cumbersome or impossible to build using the currently available data types. BYTE arrays can also be used for various types of low level data manipulation which is difficult to do using the current data types. The implementation of the BYTE data type in compilers from Cray, DEC, EPC, HP, IBM, Lahey, and Sun attests to the popularity and usefulness of the BYTE data type. </JUSTIFICATION> <SUGGESTED IMPLEMENTATION> This feature should be implemented in the same manner as the BYTE data type is implemented in the compilers mentioned above. The syntax should follow the model used for current intrinsic data types. </SUGGESTED IMPLEMENTATION> <ESTIMATED IMPACT> There should be little impact to current processors. Vendors who do not support BYTE should find this easy to implement. </ESTIMATED IMPACT> <SUBMITTED BY> Craig T. Dedo Elmbrook Computer Services 17130 W. Burleigh Place Brookfield, WI 53005 (414) 783-5869 E-mail: Craig.Dedo@mixcom.com </SUBMITTED BY> <REFERENCE> ISO/IEC 1539:1991 (E) 4.3.2, 5.1, 5.1.1 </REFERENCE> <HISTORY> <EVENT> May 1996, meeting 137: submitted 96-074 </HISTORY> </FORTREQ> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ <FORTREQ> <NUMBER> 132 <TITLE> Automatic or Dynamic Data Objects <KEYWORDS> <STATUS> Registered <TARGET> <SUBGROUP> <VERSION> 1 <REQUIREMENT> Fortran 2000 should provide a means of declaring that data objects definitely disappear when they go out of scope. </REQUIREMENT> <JUSTIFICATION> In the Fortran 90 standard and the Fortran 95 DIS, it is processor dependent what happens to data objects if they do not have the SAVE attribute. Some processors make all data objects static while others make non-SAVE data objects dynamic (a.k.a. automatic). There should be a way for an application developer to declare that a data object definitely disappears when it goes out of scope. This would give the application developer more control on exactly how data objects are declared and used. Most other popular languages have this capability. </JUSTIFICATION> <SUGGESTED IMPLEMENTATION> This feature could be implemented by defining another data object attribute (5.1.2) and statement (5.2). Probably the best keywords would be either DYNAMIC or AUTOMATIC. The EPC, HP, IBM, and Sun Fortran compilers use the AUTOMATIC keyword as an extension to Fortran. </SUGGESTED IMPLEMENTATION> <ESTIMATED IMPACT> This feature should not cost a great deal to implement. Since its equivalent appears in most other languages and this feature is already an extension to several Fortran compilers, the implementation methods are already well known. </ESTIMATED IMPACT> <SUBMITTED BY> Craig T. Dedo Elmbrook Computer Services 17130 W. Burleigh Place Brookfield, WI 53005 (414) 783-5869 E-mail: Craig.Dedo@mixcom.com </SUBMITTED BY> <REFERENCE> ISO/IEC 1539:1991 (E) 5.1.2, 5.2 </REFERENCE> <HISTORY> <EVENT> May 1996, meeting 137: submitted 96-074 </HISTORY> </FORTREQ> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ <FORTREQ> <NUMBER> 133 <TITLE> Piecewise Construction of Named Constant Arrays <KEYWORDS> <STATUS> Registered <TARGET> <SUBGROUP> <VERSION> 1 <REQUIREMENT> Fortran 2000 should allow a programmer to construct arrays which are named constants (i.e., have the PARAMETER attribute) in several statements. </REQUIREMENT> <JUSTIFICATION> The current Fortran 90 standard and Fortran 95 DIS require that arrays which are named constants be completely constructed in the same statement in which they are declared. This restriction places a stringent limit on the length of such an array. It also increases program complexity and decreases program understandability since such declarations sometimes require lengthy declaration statements with many continuation lines. According to Jens Bloch Helmers of Det Norske Veritas Research, large sized arrays of named constants are useful in certain fields of research and engineering. </JUSTIFICATION> <SUGGESTED IMPLEMENTATION> One possible method would be to remove the restriction that named constants need to be initialized in the same statement in which they are declared. Then the application developer could use successive PARAMETER statements to initialize successive parts of the array. </SUGGESTED IMPLEMENTATION> <ESTIMATED IMPACT> It is difficult to estimate how much effort it would take for vendors to implement this requirement. </ESTIMATED IMPACT> <SUBMITTED BY> Craig T. Dedo Elmbrook Computer Services 17130 W. Burleigh Place Brookfield, WI 53005 (414) 783-5869 E-mail: Craig.Dedo@mixcom.com </SUBMITTED BY> <REFERENCE> ISO/IEC 1539:1991 (E) 5.1,, 5.2.9 </REFERENCE> <HISTORY> <EVENT> May 1996, meeting 137: submitted 96-074 </HISTORY> </FORTREQ> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ <FORTREQ> <NUMBER> 134 <TITLE> Period as Derived Type Delimiter <KEYWORDS> <STATUS> Registered <TARGET> <SUBGROUP> <VERSION> 1 <REQUIREMENT> Fortran 2000 should recognize the use of the period (.) as a delimiter in derived types in addition to the percent sign (%). </REQUIREMENT> <JUSTIFICATION> The main reason is aesthetic. The period in this context is easier to read. This is shown by the choice of the period as the derived type delimiter in most other languages that support derived types, including Pascal, C, and C++. </JUSTIFICATION> <SUGGESTED IMPLEMENTATION> Change the rule to allow either a period or percent sign as the delimiter. </SUGGESTED IMPLEMENTATION> <ESTIMATED IMPACT> This feature may cause a conflict with user-defined operators. This conflict could be resolved by defining one to have a higher precedence than the other. Implementation costs should be moderate at worst. There may need to be some extra syntax checking. </ESTIMATED IMPACT> <SUBMITTED BY> Craig T. Dedo Elmbrook Computer Services 17130 W. Burleigh Place Brookfield, WI 53005 (414) 783-5869 E-mail: Craig.Dedo@mixcom.com </SUBMITTED BY> <REFERENCE> ISO/IEC 1539:1991 (E) 6.1.2 </REFERENCE> <HISTORY> <EVENT> May 1996, meeting 137: submitted 96-074 </HISTORY> </FORTREQ> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ <FORTREQ> <NUMBER> 135 <TITLE> Floating Point Operations in Initialization Expressions <KEYWORDS> <STATUS> Registered <TARGET> <SUBGROUP> <VERSION> 1 <REQUIREMENT> Fortran 2000 should allow the use of any floating point data objects, functions, and operations in an initialization expression. I.e., the Fortran 2000 standard should remove all current restrictions on the use of floating point data objects, functions, and operations in initialization expressions. </REQUIREMENT> <JUSTIFICATION> The current Fortran 90 standard and the Fortran 95 DIS restricts the use of floating point data objects in initialization expressions. It does not allow the use of floating point exponents nor the use of floating point functions. These limits unnecessarily restrict the freedom of the application developer. If these restrictions are removed, the application developer can initialize data objects using more intuitive and straightforward methods. Thus, this feature would increase programmer productivity. The current restrictions may have been necessary in earlier days when machine time was extremely expensive and computing complex floating point operations would have greatly increased the time required for compilation. Today, the cost of programmer time greatly exceeds the cost of machine time. This trend is expected to continue during the expected useful life of the Fortran 2000 standard (1996-2012). </JUSTIFICATION> <SUGGESTED IMPLEMENTATION> Remove the current restrictions in section Compilers could call the relevant run-time math library if necessary in order to evaluate complex floating point operations or functions. Such capabilities are already available since at run time it is necessary to perform such operations. </SUGGESTED IMPLEMENTATION> <ESTIMATED IMPACT> Minimal. Some Fortran compilers already allow this feature as an extension. It would be useful to ask implementors what unforseen complexities could result from this feature. </ESTIMATED IMPACT> <SUBMITTED BY> Craig T. Dedo Elmbrook Computer Services 17130 W. Burleigh Place Brookfield, WI 53005 (414) 783-5869 E-mail: Craig.Dedo@mixcom.com </SUBMITTED BY> <REFERENCE> ISO/IEC 1539:1991 (E) </REFERENCE> <HISTORY> <EVENT> May 1996, meeting 137: submitted 96-074 </HISTORY> </FORTREQ> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ <FORTREQ> <NUMBER> 136 <TITLE> Indirection and Address Operators and/or Functions <KEYWORDS> <STATUS> Registered <TARGET> <SUBGROUP> <VERSION> 1 <REQUIREMENT> Fortran 2000 should provide operators and/or functions for obtaining the address of a data item and the value of an item given its address. </REQUIREMENT> <JUSTIFICATION> Very often, the use of operating systems procedures is made easier if this functionality is available. This capability could also be used for applications in which fine control of memory is necessary. </JUSTIFICATION> <SUGGESTED IMPLEMENTATION> One possibility is to use the number sign (#) as the address operator and the commercial at sign (@) as the indirection (i.e., value-at-address) operator. Another option is to standardize the LOC() or %LOC() function. Unfortunately, there is no widely used function name for the inverse (i.e., value-at-address) function. </SUGGESTED IMPLEMENTATION> <ESTIMATED IMPACT> Implementation costs should be quite low. These capabilities are implemented in many other languages. </ESTIMATED IMPACT> <SUBMITTED BY> Craig T. Dedo Elmbrook Computer Services 17130 W. Burleigh Place Brookfield, WI 53005 (414) 783-5869 E-mail: Craig.Dedo@mixcom.com </SUBMITTED BY> <REFERENCE> ISO/IEC 1539:1991 (E) 7.2 </REFERENCE> <HISTORY> <EVENT> May 1996, meeting 137: submitted 96-074 </HISTORY> </FORTREQ> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ <FORTREQ> <NUMBER> 137 <TITLE> BLOCKSIZE= Specifier on OPEN <KEYWORDS> <STATUS> Registered <TARGET> <SUBGROUP> <VERSION> 1 <REQUIREMENT> Fortran 2000 should support the BLOCKSIZE= specifier on the OPEN statement, as implemented as an extension in several Fortran compilers. </REQUIREMENT> <JUSTIFICATION> Many file systems allow the user to specify the size of I/O transfer blocks, i.e., the physical record size of data transfers. This could be used by knowledgeable programmers to optimize I/O operations. </JUSTIFICATION> <SUGGESTED IMPLEMENTATION> This could be implemented as a BLOCKSIZE=numeric-expression keyword in the OPEN statement. If absent, the block size would use a processor-dependent default value. If the operating system or file system does not support user-specified block sizes, the use of this keyword would have no effect. </SUGGESTED IMPLEMENTATION> <ESTIMATED IMPACT> Minimal. This keyword is already supported on several popular compilers. </ESTIMATED IMPACT> <SUBMITTED BY> Craig T. Dedo Elmbrook Computer Services 17130 W. Burleigh Place Brookfield, WI 53005 (414) 783-5869 E-mail: Craig.Dedo@mixcom.com </SUBMITTED BY> <REFERENCE> ISO/IEC 1539:1991 (E) 9.3.4 </REFERENCE> <HISTORY> <EVENT> May 1996, meeting 137: submitted 96-074 </HISTORY> </FORTREQ> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ <FORTREQ> <NUMBER> 138 <TITLE> BUFFERCOUNT= Specifier on OPEN <KEYWORDS> <STATUS> Registered <TARGET> <SUBGROUP> <VERSION> 1 <REQUIREMENT> Fortran 2000 should support the BUFFERCOUNT= specifier on the OPEN statement, as implemented as an extension in several Fortran compilers. </REQUIREMENT> <JUSTIFICATION> Many file systems allow the user to specify the number of I/O buffers. This could be used by knowledgeable programmers to optimize I/O operations. </JUSTIFICATION> <SUGGESTED IMPLEMENTATION> This could be implemented as a BUFFERCOUNT=numeric-expression keyword in the OPEN statement. If absent, the buffer count would use a processor-dependent default value. If the operating system or file system does not support user-specified buffer counts, the use of this keyword would have no effect. </SUGGESTED IMPLEMENTATION> <ESTIMATED IMPACT> Minimal. This keyword is already supported on several popular compilers. </ESTIMATED IMPACT> <SUBMITTED BY> Craig T. Dedo Elmbrook Computer Services 17130 W. Burleigh Place Brookfield, WI 53005 (414) 783-5869 E-mail: Craig.Dedo@mixcom.com </SUBMITTED BY> <REFERENCE> ISO/IEC 1539:1991 (E) 9.3.4 </REFERENCE> <HISTORY> <EVENT> May 1996, meeting 137: submitted 96-074 </HISTORY> </FORTREQ> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ <FORTREQ> <NUMBER> 139 <TITLE> CARRIAGECONTROL= Specifier on OPEN <KEYWORDS> <STATUS> Registered <TARGET> <SUBGROUP> <VERSION> 1 <REQUIREMENT> Fortran 2000 should support the CARRIAGECONTROL= specifier on the OPEN statement, as implemented as an extension in several Fortran compilers. </REQUIREMENT> <JUSTIFICATION> Many Fortran processors allow the user to specify the kind of carriage control which is used on the file during I/O operations. This specifier would allow the programmer to specify the carriage control rather than being required to use the carriage control which is mandated by the Fortran compiler for that particular kind of file. </JUSTIFICATION> <SUGGESTED IMPLEMENTATION> This could be implemented as a CARRIAGECONTROL=character-expression keyword in the OPEN statement. The character-expression would take one of the following values: FORTRAN Specifies traditional Fortran interpretation of the first character. LIST Process with single spacing between records. NONE Do not use any carriage control processing. </SUGGESTED IMPLEMENTATION> <ESTIMATED IMPACT> Minimal. This keyword is already supported on several popular compilers. </ESTIMATED IMPACT> <SUBMITTED BY> Craig T. Dedo Elmbrook Computer Services 17130 W. Burleigh Place Brookfield, WI 53005 (414) 783-5869 E-mail: Craig.Dedo@mixcom.com </SUBMITTED BY> <REFERENCE> ISO/IEC 1539:1991 (E) 9.3.4 </REFERENCE> <HISTORY> <EVENT> May 1996, meeting 137: submitted 96-074 </HISTORY> </FORTREQ> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ <FORTREQ> <NUMBER> 140 <TITLE> INITIALSIZE= and EXTENDSIZE= Specifiers on OPEN <KEYWORDS> <STATUS> Registered <TARGET> <SUBGROUP> <VERSION> 1 <REQUIREMENT> Fortran 2000 should support the INITIALSIZE= and EXTENDSIZE= specifiers on the OPEN statement, as implemented as an extension in several Fortran compilers. </REQUIREMENT> <JUSTIFICATION> Many file systems allow the user to specify the initial size and extend sizes of file. This could be used by knowledgeable programmers to optimize I/O operations. </JUSTIFICATION> <SUGGESTED IMPLEMENTATION> This could be implemented as INITIALSIZE=numeric-expression and EXTENDSIZE=numeric-expression keywords in the OPEN statement. If absent, the initial size and extend size would use processor-dependent default values. If the operating system or file system does not support user-specified initial or extend sizes, the use of this keyword would have no effect. </SUGGESTED IMPLEMENTATION> <ESTIMATED IMPACT> Minimal. This keyword is already supported on several popular compilers. </ESTIMATED IMPACT> <SUBMITTED BY> Craig T. Dedo Elmbrook Computer Services 17130 W. Burleigh Place Brookfield, WI 53005 (414) 783-5869 E-mail: Craig.Dedo@mixcom.com </SUBMITTED BY> <REFERENCE> ISO/IEC 1539:1991 (E) 9.3.4 </REFERENCE> <HISTORY> <EVENT> May 1996, meeting 137: submitted 96-074 </HISTORY> </FORTREQ> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ <FORTREQ> <NUMBER> 141 <TITLE> ORGANIZATION= Specifier on OPEN <KEYWORDS> <STATUS> Registered <TARGET> <SUBGROUP> <VERSION> 1 <REQUIREMENT> Fortran 2000 should support the ORGANIZATION= specifier on the OPEN statement, as implemented as an extension in several Fortran compilers. </REQUIREMENT> <JUSTIFICATION> Some file systems allow the user to specify the organization of the file as either sequential (no fixed size and records are organized sequentially), relative (fixed number of fixed-length records), or indexed (some fields are keyed for indexed file access). Knowledgeable programmers would benefit by being able to specify the organization which is appropriate for the application, if such organization is available. </JUSTIFICATION> <SUGGESTED IMPLEMENTATION> This feature could be implemented by an ORGANIZATION=character-expression keyword in the OPEN statement. The character-expression would take one of the following values: SEQUENTIAL The file does not have a fixed size and records are organized sequentially. RELATIVE The file has a fixed number of fixed-length records. INDEXED The file has some fields in each record keyed for indexed file access. If the file system in use does not support a particular organization, the use of the ORGANIZATION keyword would have no effect. </SUGGESTED IMPLEMENTATION> <SUBMITTED BY> Craig T. Dedo Elmbrook Computer Services 17130 W. Burleigh Place Brookfield, WI 53005 (414) 783-5869 E-mail: Craig.Dedo@mixcom.com </SUBMITTED BY> <REFERENCE> ISO/IEC 1539:1991 (E) 9.3.4 </REFERENCE> <HISTORY> <EVENT> May 1996, meeting 137: submitted 96-074 </HISTORY> </FORTREQ> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ <FORTREQ> <NUMBER> 142 <TITLE> RECORDTYPE= Specifier on OPEN <KEYWORDS> <STATUS> Registered <TARGET> <SUBGROUP> <VERSION> 1 <REQUIREMENT> Fortran 2000 should support the RECORDTYPE= specifier on the OPEN statement, as implemented as an extension in several Fortran compilers. </REQUIREMENT> <JUSTIFICATION> Some file systems allow the user to specify the record type of the file. Knowledgeable programmers would benefit by being able to specify the record type which is appropriate for the application, if such record type is available. </JUSTIFICATION> <SUGGESTED IMPLEMENTATION> This feature could be implemented by an RECORDTYPE=character-expression keyword in the OPEN statement. The character-expression would take one of the following values: FIXED Specifies fixed length records. VARIABLE Specifies variable length records. STREAM Specifies stream records, i.e., records which have no organization. As an extension, a processor could offer additional record type values. </SUGGESTED IMPLEMENTATION> <ESTIMATED IMPACT> Minimal to moderate. </ESTIMATED IMPACT> <SUBMITTED BY> Craig T. Dedo Elmbrook Computer Services 17130 W. Burleigh Place Brookfield, WI 53005 (414) 783-5869 E-mail: Craig.Dedo@mixcom.com </SUBMITTED BY> <REFERENCE> ISO/IEC 1539:1991 (E) 9.3.4 </REFERENCE> <HISTORY> <EVENT> May 1996, meeting 137: submitted 96-074 </HISTORY> </FORTREQ> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ <FORTREQ> <NUMBER> 143 <TITLE> USEROPEN= Specifier on OPEN <KEYWORDS> <STATUS> Registered <TARGET> <SUBGROUP> <VERSION> 1 <REQUIREMENT> Fortran 2000 should support the USEROPEN= specifier on the OPEN statement, as implemented as an extension in several Fortran compilers. </REQUIREMENT> <JUSTIFICATION> Some file systems allow the user to specify a user-written external procedure which controls the opening of the file.. Knowledgeable programmers would benefit by being able to specify additional I/O capabilities which are not available using the regular OPEN keywords. </JUSTIFICATION> <SUGGESTED IMPLEMENTATION> This feature could be implemented by a USEROPEN=procedure-name keyword in the OPEN statement. The procedure would be declared EXTERNAL and, if it is a function, be of a processor-dependent type. </SUGGESTED IMPLEMENTATION> <ESTIMATED IMPACT> Minimal to moderate. </ESTIMATED IMPACT> <SUBMITTED BY> Craig T. Dedo Elmbrook Computer Services 17130 W. Burleigh Place Brookfield, WI 53005 (414) 783-5869 E-mail: Craig.Dedo@mixcom.com </SUBMITTED BY> <REFERENCE> ISO/IEC 1539:1991 (E) 9.3.4 </REFERENCE> <HISTORY> <EVENT> May 1996, meeting 137: submitted 96-074 </HISTORY> </FORTREQ> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ <FORTREQ> <NUMBER> 144 <TITLE> UNLOCK Statement <KEYWORDS> <STATUS> Registered <TARGET> <SUBGROUP> <VERSION> 1 <REQUIREMENT> Fortran 2000 should allow a programmer to unlock the most recently read or written record without depending on processor, operating system, or file system defaults. </REQUIREMENT> <JUSTIFICATION> Many operating systems and file systems lock records when they are read or written. In many cases, the record is unlocked at an indeterminate time. This can cause problems in shared file applications and certain other situations. It would be helpful to give to the application programmer the ability to force the unlocking of records. </JUSTIFICATION> <SUGGESTED IMPLEMENTATION> This could be implemented by creating a statement of the form: UNLOCK ([UNIT=]io-unit [, ERR=label] [, IOSTAT=iostatus]) where: io-unit is an I/O unit number label is a label of a branch target statement that receives control if there is an error iostatus is a scalar integer variable that is defined as a processor- dependent positive integer if there is an error and as zero if there is no error If there is no record locked at the time the UNLOCK statement is executed, the statement has no effect. </SUGGESTED IMPLEMENTATION> <ESTIMATED IMPACT> Implementation costs should be quite low since record locking is a function which is inherent to the READ and WRITE operations. </ESTIMATED IMPACT> <SUBMITTED BY> Craig T. Dedo Elmbrook Computer Services 17130 W. Burleigh Place Brookfield, WI 53005 (414) 783-5869 E-mail: Craig.Dedo@mixcom.com </SUBMITTED BY> <REFERENCE> ISO/IEC 1539:1991 (E) 9.3, 9.4 </REFERENCE> <HISTORY> <EVENT> May 1996, meeting 137: submitted 96-074 </HISTORY> </FORTREQ> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ <FORTREQ> <NUMBER> 145 <TITLE> $ and \ Edit Descriptors <KEYWORDS> <STATUS> Registered <TARGET> <SUBGROUP> <VERSION> 1 <REQUIREMENT> Fortran 2000 should include support for the $ and \ edit descriptors, as implemented as extensions in several Fortran compilers. </REQUIREMENT> <JUSTIFICATION> Both of these edit descriptors suppress end-of-record information at the end of a record. This makes it possible to concatenate two or more records in one output line or to create prompting. The $ edit descriptor is an extension in the Cray, DEC, EPC, HP, IBM, Lahey, and Sun compilers. </JUSTIFICATION> <SUGGESTED IMPLEMENTATION> The Fortran 2000 standard should implement these edit descriptors as defined in the above mentioned compilers. </SUGGESTED IMPLEMENTATION> <ESTIMATED IMPACT> The impact of implementing these edit descriptors should not be great. The algorithms already exist. </ESTIMATED IMPACT> <SUBMITTED BY> Craig T. Dedo Elmbrook Computer Services 17130 W. Burleigh Place Brookfield, WI 53005 (414) 783-5869 E-mail: Craig.Dedo@mixcom.com </SUBMITTED BY> <REFERENCE> ISO/IEC 1539:1991 (E) 10.2.1 </REFERENCE> <HISTORY> <EVENT> May 1996, meeting 137: submitted 96-074 </HISTORY> </FORTREQ> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ <FORTREQ> <NUMBER> 146 <TITLE> Q Edit Descriptor (Input Character Count Editing) <KEYWORDS> <STATUS> Registered <TARGET> <SUBGROUP> <VERSION> 1 <REQUIREMENT> Fortran 2000 should support the Q edit descriptor, as implemented as an extension in several Fortran compilers. This edit descriptor obtains the number of characters remaining in the current input record. </REQUIREMENT> <JUSTIFICATION> It is often very useful to obtain a count of the remaining characters in an input record, right in the middle of the input record. The support for the Q edit descriptors an extension in the DEC, EPC, IBM, Lahey, and Sun compilers attests to the popularity and usefulness of this feature. </JUSTIFICATION> <SUGGESTED IMPLEMENTATION> On input, if a Q edit descriptor corresponds to a scalar integer variable, the integer variable is set to the number of characters remaining in the input record. If the corresponding input variable is some other data type, an error occurs. On output, the corresponding output list element is ignored. </SUGGESTED IMPLEMENTATION> <ESTIMATED IMPACT> Since this is a popular extension, the algorithms are well know. Therefore, it should be fairly inexpensive to implement this feature. </ESTIMATED IMPACT> <SUBMITTED BY> Craig T. Dedo Elmbrook Computer Services 17130 W. Burleigh Place Brookfield, WI 53005 (414) 783-5869 E-mail: Craig.Dedo@mixcom.com </SUBMITTED BY> <REFERENCE> ISO/IEC 1539:1991 (E) 10.2.1 </REFERENCE> <HISTORY> <EVENT> May 1996, meeting 137: submitted 96-074 </HISTORY> </FORTREQ> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ <FORTREQ> <NUMBER> 147 <TITLE> Field and Record Justification <KEYWORDS> <STATUS> Registered <TARGET> <SUBGROUP> <VERSION> 1 <REQUIREMENT> Fortran 2000 should provide edit descriptors which allow the user to specify whether a particular field is right justified, center justified, or left justified. If justification is not specified, it would default to the current rules. </REQUIREMENT> <JUSTIFICATION> The current Fortran 90 standard and the Fortran 95 DIS only allow justification as defined by the standard. If the programmer could specify field and record justification, s/he could produce much better aligned output with much less effort. Right now, it takes quite a lot of effort on the programmer's part in order to justify output, especially if it is to be centered on a record. </JUSTIFICATION> <SUGGESTED IMPLEMENTATION> One method would be to precede each field with JR for right justification, JL for left justification, and JC for center justification, with the target field immediately following in parentheses. Specifying JR, JC, or JL at the beginning of a record could specify justification for entire records. Investigation may reveal more effective methods for implementing each of these features. </SUGGESTED IMPLEMENTATION> <ESTIMATED IMPACT> Unknown. This may be fairly easy to implement or there may be unforseen complications. However, the existence of this feature in almost all word processing and spreadsheet software indicates that the algorithms are already highly developed and well known. </ESTIMATED IMPACT> <SUBMITTED BY> Craig T. Dedo Elmbrook Computer Services 17130 W. Burleigh Place Brookfield, WI 53005 (414) 783-5869 E-mail: Craig.Dedo@mixcom.com </SUBMITTED BY> <REFERENCE> ISO/IEC 1539:1991 (E) 10.2.1 </REFERENCE> <HISTORY> <EVENT> May 1996, meeting 137: submitted 96-074 </HISTORY> </FORTREQ> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ <FORTREQ> <NUMBER> 148 <TITLE> Prohibit Embedded Blanks in Edit Descriptors <KEYWORDS> <STATUS> Registered <TARGET> <SUBGROUP> <VERSION> 1 <REQUIREMENT> Fortran 2000 should require that format edit descriptors not contain embedded blanks, except for character strings appearing inside quotes or parentheses. </REQUIREMENT> <JUSTIFICATION> A Fortran 90 interpretation allowed embedded blanks to appear in format edit descriptors. This is counter-intuitive. It is contrary to the practice of the last 1000 years (in Western languages) whereby blanks signify the separation of words and tokens. A format edit descriptor is a single token or "word" in the eyes of application developers. Therefore, embedded blanks should not be allowed inside of edit descriptors. </JUSTIFICATION> <SUGGESTED IMPLEMENTATION> This could be implemented by changing the rules in section 10.2.1 governing the format of edit descriptors. </SUGGESTED IMPLEMENTATION> <ESTIMATED IMPACT> Minimal. Some implementors will have to modify their compilers in order to comply with the new rule. Some users who used blanks embedded in format edit descriptors will have to restructure their code. </ESTIMATED IMPACT> <SUBMITTED BY> Craig T. Dedo Elmbrook Computer Services 17130 W. Burleigh Place Brookfield, WI 53005 (414) 783-5869 E-mail: Craig.Dedo@mixcom.com </SUBMITTED BY> <REFERENCE> ISO/IEC 1539:1991 (E) 10.2.1 </REFERENCE> <HISTORY> <EVENT> May 1996, meeting 137: submitted 96-074 </HISTORY> </FORTREQ> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------