X3J3/96-025 (Page 1 of 1) To: X3J3 From: Janice C. Shepherd Subject: RFI on EXTERNAL submitted by M. Hennecke Date: January 19, 1996 NUMBER: 000205 TITLE: Restrictions on EXTERNAL KEYWORDS: EXTERNAL attribute, external subprogram DEFECT TYPE: STATUS: X3J3 consideration in progress QUESTION: Let the following two procedures not be contained within a main program, a module, or another subprogram. In this case they are <>s by the definitions of Fortran 90, section 2.2: SUBROUTINE subroutine_subprogram ( ) ! ... END SUBROUTINE subroutine_subprogram FUNCTION function_subprogram ( ) INTEGER :: function_subprogram ! ... END FUNCTION function_subprogram They are also external procedures, since F90 section (and states that "An <> is a procedure that is defined by an external subprogram or by means other than Fortran." External functions may be given the EXTERNAL attribute in form of an (R503), external procedures may be given the EXTERNAL attribute by an (R1207) [F95: R1208]. QUESTION 1: Is it correct that the current definitions in F90 do allow the EXTERNAL attribute to be specified for the name of the external subprogram in which such a declaration is contained? In other words, is the following code standard-conforming? SUBROUTINE subroutine_subprogram ( ) EXTERNAL subroutine_subprogram ! ... END SUBROUTINE subroutine_subprogram FUNCTION function_subprogram ( ) INTEGER, EXTERNAL :: function_subprogram ! ... END FUNCTION function_subprogram QUESTION 2: If the answer to question 1 is YES: was this the intention, or should it be prohibited that an EXTERNAL attribute is given to the name of an external subprogram by declarations within that subprogram? ANSWER: EDIT: SUBMITTED BY: Michael Hennecke (hennecke@rz.uni-karlsruhe.de) HISTORY: 96-025 m136 submitted