To: X3J3 X3J3/96-148r1 From: /io (bleikamp) Subject: Preliminary Functional Specification for Derived Type I/O Date: Aug. 14, 1996 This document is a PRELIMINAY specification of the high level functionality to be provided for supporting I/O on derived types. The goals are to provide a powerful and portable way to encapsulate I/O support in a MODULE which defines a derived type. This I/O support would be accessible via the traditional Fortran I/O formatted READ/WRITE statements. Subgroup has discussed some, but not all issues dealt with herein. Please send comments to Rich Bleikamp ( or to the x3j3 mail alias. Management Synopsis: - Add a new edit descriptor, "DT". When the I/O library encounters this, it must match up with a derived type. The I/O library will call a user supplied procedure, which will actually do the I/O. Typically, the provider of a derived type would provide these formatting routines. List directed and NAMELIST I/O will also call these same user supplied routines under certain circumstances. The F90 way of doing formatted (and unformatted) I/O on derived types still works the same as before. Only the presence of an interface for the appropriate I/O routine triggers this new functionality. The user supplied procedures (one for READs, one for WRITEs), will be called with a unit number, the derived type variable/value, and other misc. information. The procedure will use normal I/O statements (READ/WRITE) on the supplied unit to read/write the data in the records of the file. This use of "recursive" I/O will be restricted to this particular feature of the language. The user supplied procedure will be able to inquire about, and in the most general case, have to worry about: - Formatted vs. list directed vs. namelist - both sequential and direct access I/O - non-advancing and advancing I/O - updating the SIZE= variable for non-advancing I/O - the DELIM= and PAD= values for this file (accessible via INQUIRE) Detailed Specification: - A new edit descriptor, "DT", with the usual (optional) "[w[.d[.m]]]" widths is provided. It must match up with a variable/value of a derived type. - The DT characters may be followed by an arbitrary number of alphabetic characters (interspersed blanks allowed). The entire string of alphabetic characters, including the initial "DT", will be passed into the formatting routine (as the "ed" argument). This passed in edit descriptor will have been converted to UPPERCASE and had all blanks removed. The user can develop very sophisticated schemes for requesting different types of formatting for one derived type via this extended edit descriptor. For example, the consecutive characters after the "DT" could be used to request different formatting rules for consecutive components in the derived type, or different formatting rules for nested derived types, etc. - For list directed I/O, the "ed" argument will have the value "LISTDIRECTED". For NAMELIST I/O, the "ed" argument will have the value "NAMELIST". There is no leading "DT" in these cases. - if a derived type is specified in an I/O list and will match up with a "DT" edit descriptor, the user must have also provided the matching read/write procedure for that derived type , with the specified visible interface. Conversley, if the interface is visible, the derived type item MUST match a "DT" edit descriptor. (this converse limitation is not due to implementation difficulties, so we don't have to restrict it in this way) Said procedures must be defined as follows: INTERFACE FORMAT ( DT ) SUBROUTINE READ_xxx (dtv, ed, w, d, m) TYPE (whateveritis) dtv ! the derived type value/variable CHARACTER (*) ed ! the edit descriptor string INTEGER, OPTIONAL :: w,d,m END SUBROUTINE WRITE_xxx (dtv, ed, w, d, m) TYPE (whateveritis) dtv ! the derived type value/variable CHARACTER (*) ed ! the edit descriptor string INTEGER, OPTIONAL :: w,d,m END END INTERFACE where "xxx" is the name of the derived type and the DT in parens on the INTERFACE statement must be one of the allowed edit desciptors ("DT", "DTA", ...). We don't actually need the derived type name as part of the routine name. We could just name the routines READ and WRITE, or FORMATTED_READ, ... The "dtv" dummy arg should be assigned a value by the READ_xxx routine, and contains the value to be output by the WRITE_xxx routine. The "w", "d", and "m" arguments contain the user specified values from the FORMAT (i.e. FORMAT ( DT12.5.2 ) ) If the user did not specify "w", "d", and/or "m", they will not be present. They will not be present for list directed and namelist i/o either. In the absence of an appropriate visible interface in the scope of the I/O statement, list-directed I/O will behave as it did for Fortran 90. Same for namelist. - When an appropriate interface is visible (really, when the routines will be called instead of using F90 semantics), the restrictions on derived type I/O, such as no private components, all components must be defined, no ultimate components with the pointer attribute, etc. do not apply. The normal rules in F95 still apply, about not referencing undefined entities, not referencing/defining POINTERS which are not associated, etc. - If NO appropriate interface is visible for a particular derived type, the processor will assume that the "F90" style I/O is happening, and a "DT" edit descriptor will cause an error (at runtime possibly). When F90 style I/O happens, all the old restrictions still apply. - END=, ERR=, EOR=, SIZE= ... We have not decided yet how to accomodate this specifiers in the original READ/WRITE statement. Most likely, there will be some extra arguments passed in, which need to be defined with .TRUE. if an error occurs, or the end of the file is reached, etc. We may not need to deal with SIZE=, since the runtime might be able to do this all by itself. - The users routine may chose to interpret the "w" argument as a field width, but this is NOT required. If it does so, it would be appropriate, but not required, to fill an output field with "***"s if the value does not fit. - The formatting routines must use the passed in unit #. An implementation is free to substitute a special unit number (such as -999) if it choses, to help the runtime library identify this special recursive I/O stuff. This is likely to be needed to support internal files also. No other I/O is permitted in the formatting routines. - If the original READ/WRITE statement specified sequential I/O, only sequential I/O may be performed by the formatting routine. Similarily for DIRECT ACCESS I/O. We'll probably have to pass in the RECord number or something. - When the original I/O statement was a READ, the formatting routine may only do READs. Similarly for WRITE. - The formatting routines ARE permitted to use a FORMAT with a DT edit descriptor, for handling components of the derived type which are themselves a derived type. List directed and NAMELIST I/O are also permitted for the recursive I/O statement. - The WRITE routine will in essence insert the characters written by the recursive WRITE into the record started by the original WRITE statement. Record boundaries may be created by the recursive WRITE. See examples below. Non-advancing I/O may be used to avoid creating record boundaries. - The READ routine will pick up in the current record, where the last edit descriptor left off. Multiple records can be read, and the current position can be left within a record by the recursive READ statement, thru the use of non-advancing i/o. - A very robust formatting routine may need to use INQUIRE to determine whether sequential or direct access I/O is being performed, what PAD= and DELIM= are for the specified unit, etc. Example: ! derived type i/o example: user program USE mytype_module TYPE (mytype) :: a write(6,*) "hi there, here is my derived type", a ... ! derived type i/o example, user written formatting routine for READ ! usually comtained in the MODULE which defines the derived type MODULE ....... TYPE mytype REAL :: rval1, rval2 END TYPE mytype INTERFACE FORMAT (READ) MODULE SUBROUTINE read (unit, dtv, ed, w, d, m, eof, err) ... END END INTERFACE SUBROUTINE read (unit, dtv, ed, w, d, m, eof, err) INTEGER :: unit ! unit number TYPE (mytype) :: dtv ! derived type variable to assign to CHARACTER, LEN(*) :: ed ! the edit descriptor specified INTEGER, OPTIONAL :: w, d, m LOGICAL :: eof, err ! set to true if condition occurs INTEGER ww, dd, mm CHARACTER, LEN(255) :: fmtstr ! we'll build a runtime format here ! use user specified field widths (if present), else use default VAlues IF ( PRESENT(w) ) THEN ww = w ELSE ww = 12 END IF IF ( PRESENT(d) ) THEN dd = d ELSE dd = 6 END IF IF ( PRESENT(m) ) THEN mm = m ELSE mm = 2 END IF ! make sure field widths are in range ww = MAX (MIN(ww, 99), 5) dd = MAX (MIN(dd, 97), 1) mm = MAX (MIN(mm, 6), 1) eof = .false. ; err = .false. IF ( ed == "NAMELIST") THEN err = .TRUE. ; RETURN ! haven't implemented NAMELIST support yet ELSE IF ( ed == "LISTDIRECTED" ) THEN ! fall thru ELSE ! FORMAT specification IF ( ed <> "DT") THEN ! only "DT" supported for now, no extended DTxxx's allowed ERR = .TRUE. ; RETURN END IF END IF IF ( ed == "LISTDIRECTED" ) THEN ! non-advancing list directed I/O has not been added to F2000 yet READ (UNIT, *, ADVANCE="NO", ERR=101, END=102) dtv%rval1, dtv%rval2 ELSE ! Formatted I/O, build a runtime format based on w,d, and m ! fmtstr should look like "( 2(Ew.d.m,1x))" WRITE (UNIT=fmtstr, 1, ERR=101) ww, dd, mm 1 FORMAT ("( 2(E",I2,".",I2,".",I1,",1x) )") READ (UNIT=unit, FMT=fmtstr, ADVANCE="NO",ERR=101,END=102) dtv%rval1, dtv%rval2 END IF RETURN 101 err = .TRUE. ; RETURN 102 eof = .TRUE. ; RETURN END