X3J3/96-172 To: X3J3 From: John Cuthbertson Subject: A Proposal for OO Features in Fortran References: 96/114, 96/142, 96/149 Introduction This paper aims to summarize the discussions within the /data subgroup about adding support for Object Oriented programming in to the Fortran programming language. Specification of an Object-types and Objects There seems to be a consensus within the Fortran community that if Fortran is to be made an object oriented language it should be a "class-based language"; a class is some structural entity which is used as a template for defining objects. Example: name 0 or more component specifications END where the actual syntax for is yet to be decided. In 96/149 the TYPE keyword is used to define an instance of a CLASS. In the opinion of /data, in order to keep the language regular, the keyword that is used in the specification of the the structural template should also be used in the specification of the object. Hence an object can be defined in the obvious way: (name)::fred This is analogous to the derived-type construct, but /data discussed two extra pieces of semantics that are associated with s but not derived-types and so a different syntax may be desirable. Type Extension (Inheritance) The first of these new semantics is object type extension, where a new is created by extending an existing . Example: name 0 or more component specifications END newname, EXTENDS name 0 or more additional component specifications END The components that have been specified for name are implicitly specified in newname (i.e. they are inherited by newname). Note: this model describes "single-inheritance" (an entends only one ), but can easily be amended to cope with "multiple-inheritance". In an extended , the layout of the components of the base is unchanged; the name of the base is also visible as a component of the extended , where it represents a subobject of the base . The following example from 96/149 should serve as an illustration: POINT REAL::X,Y,Z END SPACETIME_POINT, EXTENDS POINT REAL::TIME END (POINT)::W ! W conntains only the POINT components which are accessed using ! W%X, W%Y, W%Z (SPACETIME_POINT)::V ! V contains the components: V%X, V%Y, V%Z, and V%TIME ! V also contains V%POINT Methods The other additional semantics that is applicable to s, but not derived-types, are methods: procedures that are associated with objects. /data expects that methods can be specified and implemented using pointers to procedures, outlined in 96/142, as constant initialized components of specifications. Example: INTERFACE SUBROUTINE SUB(a,b) REAL A,B END SUBROUTINE END INTERFACE POINT REAL::X,Y,Z PROCEDURE,POINTER,PARAMETER::FRED => SUB END (The actual syntax for procedure pointers is to be specified at Meeting 139, so the above is for illustration only.) Such constant component procedure pointers could be initialized using the NULL() intrinsic. In this case, the method is said to be deferred. /data does not forsee any unsurmountable problems of extending constant component procedure pointers to point to generic or operator interfaces. A reference to a constant component procedure pointer is given as CALL X%FRED() Note: There may be issues with component procedure pointers that point to functions that return arrays, derived-types, or . But any such issues are resolvable and are mainly syntax based. A suggested implementaton would be to actually store the value of the procedure pointer in the object. Thus any reference of a method would at most involve a dereference. Because the methods are constants a processor, if it can resolve the reference at compile-time, would be free to substitute the component with the name of the actual procedure. Also the reference could be substitued for inline code. The trade off of this implementation strategy is that objects with a small number of data components, but a large number of associated methods, would be artificially large. Methods and Type Extension When an is extended to produce another any, all, or none of the methods can be overridden (i.e. the procedure component names do not change, but the procedures to which they point can). Also additional methods can be included in the extended type. Example: POINT REAL X, Y, Z POINTER, PARAMETER::METHOD1=>FRED END SPACETIME_POINT, EXTENDS POINT REAL TIME POINTER, PARAMETER::METHOD1=>SUE ! Method1 overriden POINTER, PARAMETER::METHOD2=>JACK ! New method END A method need not be overridden, in which case the extended type has exactly the same methods and behavior as the base type. In object oriented programming it is very common to extend an just to override the methods. When a method is being overriden, the component name and attributes in both the base type and the extended type must match; otherwise a new component is being defined. Objects as Dummy Arguments An object can be a dummy argument. Example: SUBROUTINE SUB(A) (POINT)::A ... END SUBROUTINE The dummy argument A can be passed objects of (POINT) or any extended from this type. The actual type of the dummy argument is assumed from the actual argument. Note that in the body of SUB only components defined for objects of (POINT) can be referenced. However if a component procedure (that has been over-ridden by objects of an extended type of (POINT)) is referenced, then performing a dereference will still result in the correct procedure being called. Objects as Actual Arguments An object can be passed as as an actual argument to a procedure. The type of the dummy argument must be a base type from which the type of the actual argument is extended from. However if the actual argument is undefined (see Polymorphic Local Variables) then the type of the dummy argument may also be an that is extended from the type of the actual argument. Example: SUBROUTINE SUB1(P) (POINT)::P ... END SUBROUTINE SUB2(Q) (SPACETIME_POINT)::Q ... END (POINT)::A (POINT)::B=POINT(...) (SPACETIME_POINT)::C=SPACETIME_POINT(...) then: CALL SUB1(B) CALL SUB1(C) CALL SUB2(A) CALL SUB2(C) are all valid, but CALL SUB2(B) is not because it has been created and initialized. Deferred Methods Semantically a deferred method is a procedure component that has been initialized with the NULL() instrinsic. A deferred method signifies that the behavior of that method is undefined for objects of a particular type. Example: POINT REAL::X,Y,Z POINTER,PARAMETER::METHOD1=>NULL() END The "undefined behavior" can be over-ridden by initializing the METHOD1 component of an specification that extends (POINT). Example: SPACETIME_POINT, EXTENDS POINT REAL::TIME POINTER,PARAMTER::METHOD1=>FRED END It is an error to reference a deferred method that has not been overridden as this could result in a NULL pointer being dereferenced. Usually this situation indicates an error in the programmer's model. However this could easily be prevented by performing an ASSOCIATED test before the actual reference: SUBROUTINE SUB(A) (POINT) :: A IF (ASSOCAIATED(A%METHOD1)) THEN CALL A%METHOD1() ENDIF END SUBROUTINE Alternatively the deferred method could be initialized with some programmer supplied default (that if called prints a message and halts) which in turn can be overridden. Self Reference In object oriented programming it is fairly common for an object to reference its other components (both data and procedural). This is known as self-reference. This is readily achievable with the mechanism that we are describing by passing the object as an actual argument to the method (some other OO languages do this implicitly but as methods in Fortran are just pointers to ordinary procedures, this must be done explicitly). Example: MODULE P POINT REAL::X,Y,Z POINTER, PARAMETER::MOVE=>MOVE_POINT END CONTAINS SUBROUTINE MOVE_POINT(A,B) (POINT)::A,B A%X=B%X A%Y=B%Y IF (B%Z .NE. 0.0) A%Z=A%Z/B%Z END SUBROUTINE END MODULE The method MOVE and procedure MOVE_POINT can be referenced in the following way: (POINT)::A ... CALL A%MOVE(A,A) or CALL MOVE_POINT(A,A) Initialization and Assignment The members of /data are of the opinion that an specification contains an associated derived-type definition (with all of the data components, but none of the procedure pointers). Compare: POINT TYPE POINT REAL::X,Y,Z REAL::X,Y,Z POINTER,PARAMETER::FRED=>NULL() END TYPE END The components of the derived-type are a subset of the components of the . Since methods are initialized constants, we can define an intrinsic assignment operation which assigns a value of TYPE(POINT) to an object of (POINT) and vice versa. Thus given: POINT REAL::X,Y,Z POINTER,PARAMETER::FRED=>... END (POINT)::A,B TYPE(POINT)::C,D then A = C assigns the values of the components of C to the data components of A (the components that are procedure pointers are already initialized). Further: C = A, B = C, and D = D are all well defined. Note: this intrinsic assignment operation would not be allowed to be over-ridden by the programmer. From the above is logical to allow initialization of an object from a derived-type value created with a constructor. Example: (POINT)::A = POINT(-1.0, 0.0, 1.0) Intrinsic Procedures Paper 96-149 gives a description of an intrinsic function which, given two objects, determines whether their types match. While such a function would be extermely useful, it would appear that the only simple (and efficient) way to implement the function would be to have the additional overhead of storing the type information (or a processor generated identifier which uniquely identifies the ) in the actual object. The /data subgroup believes that the ASSOCIATED intrinsic should be extended to handle object methods. Polymorphic Pointers A polymorhic pointer is declared in the same way as a normal object, but is given th POINTER attribute: (POINT)::P A polymorphic pointer can point to objects of its own type, or objects of any type extended from this type. The ALLOCATE statement gives you an object of the base type, but DEALLOCATE will operate objects of any acceptable type. Polymorphic pointers allow general purpose list/tree/graph/etc code to be written, abstracting away from the type of the element. Example: MODULE P LIST (LIST), POINTER :: NEXT INTEGER, EXTERNAL, POINTER, PARAMETER::CARDINALITY=>CARDIINALITY END INT_LIST, EXTENDS LIST INTEGER VALUE END REAL_LIST, EXTENDS LIST REAL VALUE END CONTAINS INTEGER FUNCTION CARDINALITY(L) (LIST)::L , POINTER::P P=L%NEXT DO WHILE (ASSOCIATED(P)) CARDINALITY=CARDINALITY+1 P=P%NEXT END DO END FUNCTION END MODULE Polymorphic Local Variables Polymorphic local variables begin life as undefined, unless they have been initialized using a constructor. A polymorphic variable can either be an object of its own decalred type, or an object of any type extended from that declared type; the type of a polymorphic local variable is assumed on assignment. A polymorphic local variable can be passed as an actual argument to a procedure. If the actual argument is undefined then the type of the dummy argument must be a type that is extended from that in the declaration of the actual argument; the actual argument assumes the type of the dummy argument (but with undefined data components).