J3/99-252 Date: 1999/11/12 To: J3 From: Matthijs van Waveren Subject: Issues 34 and 83 (copyright and normative references) A. Introduction This paper addresses a copyright issue and normative reference issues. Standard references are to J3/99-007R2. A.1 Copyright Issue There is an example in section C.2.3, which illustrates the usage of the VOLATILE attribute. This example uses code from the MPI-2 Standard Document. As mentioned in the J3 internal note on page 438 (Unresolved issue 34), the copyright issue of using this code needs to be resolved. The MPI-2 standard has the following copyright notice: "Copyright 1995, 1996, 1997 University of Tennessee, Knoxville, Tennessee. Permission to copy without fee all or part of this material is granted, provided the University of Tennessee copyright notice and the title of this document appear, and notice is given that copying is by permission of the University of Tennessee." We need to comply with this copyright notice. I expect that the first edits in section B are sufficient. I have checked them with our legal adviser. A.2 Normative References The J3 internal note on page 438 (Unresolved issue 34) mentions that a reference to the MPI-2 standard needs to be added in section 1.9 (should be section 1.8). The J3 internal note on page 7 (Unresolved issue 83) mentions that a reference to the C standard needs to be added to section 1.8. Edits in the following section address these normative references. B. Edits Edits refer to J3/99-007R2. [438:32-34] Change last line of paragraph into: The example originates from the MPI-2 standard. The University of Tennessee gives permission to use the example. The VOLATILE attribute has been added to the example. [438:21-25] Delete J3 note. [84:11] Add sentence on a new line in Note 5.20: For an example of the usage of VOLATILE, see C.2.3 [7:6] Add the following references: ISO/IEC 9899-1990 Information Technology - Programming Languages - C We refer to this standard as the C standard. Message Passing Interface Forum: MPI-2: Extensions to the Message-Passing Interface, Copyright 1995, 1996, 1997 University of Tennessee, Knoxville, Tennessee. We refer to this standard as the MPI-2 standard. [7:7-11] Change the text of the J3 internal note to: When the forthcoming standard revision of the C standard has been published, the reference ISO/IEC 9899-1990 should be updated.