Edits - Issue 118 Arguments to DATE_AND_TIME Subroutine Introduction Issue 118, p. 319, asks whether it would be better to not restrict the lengths of the CHARACTER arguments to the DATE_AND_TIME subroutine. Also, the current wording makes it unclear whether the usual rules of character assignment are used to define the values of these arguments. JOR decided that it is best to apply the usual rules of character assignment when defining the values of these arguments and not to restrict the values of these arguments. This is an extension of the functionality now provided in Fortran 95. Edits The following edits refer to 99-007r2. 319:2-10 Delete the J3 Internal Note. 319:11-29 Replace the text for the DATE, TIME, and ZONE arguments with the following: DATE (optional) shall be scalar and of type default character. It is an INTENT(OUT) argument. It is assigned a value of the form CCYYMMDD, where CC is the century, YY is the year within the century, MM is the month within the year, and DD is the day within the month. If there is no date available, DATE is assigned all blanks. TIME (optional) shall be scalar and of type default character. It is an INTENT(OUT) argument. It is assigned a value of the form hhmmss.sss, where hh is the hour of the day, mm is the minutes of the hour, and ss.sss is the seconds and milliseconds of the minute. If there is no clock available, TIME is assigned all blanks. ZONE (optional) shall be scalar and of type default character. It is an INTENT(OUT) argument. It is assigned a value of the form +hhmm or -hhmm, where hh and mm are the time difference with respect to Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) in hours and minutes, respectively. If this information is not available, ZONE is assigned all blanks. 320:9 Delete "(and is also known as Greenwich Mean Time)" from the note. References J3 / 99-233, "Issue 118" [End of J3 / 99-258]