Documents for meeting 148

Name Date Author(s) Title
99-011.txt1999-06-05Editor's List of Unresolved Technical Issues
99-101.txt1998-12-02MaineInterp. Question on public components of private types
99-102.txt1999-01-13MaineEdits incorporated in 99-007
99-103.txt1999-01-13MaineChanges to list of unresolved issues
99-104r2.pdf1999-02-03SnyderSpecifications, syntax, and edits for M.23: Access to status er ror messages
99-105r2.pdf1999-02-03SnyderSpecifications, syntax, and edits to access standard unit numbe rs
99-106r2.pdf1999-02-03SnyderUnresolved issues 72-76, 78, and 79 concerning explicitly typed allocations
99-107.pdf1999-02-09SnyderComments and questions concerning 99-007
99-108.pdf1999-12-31HirchertINITIAL / FINAL Edits Meeting 148
99-108.pdf1999-12-31HirchertINITIAL / FINAL Edits Meeting 148
99-108r1.pdf1999-02-11HirchertINITIAL/FINAL Edits
99-109.txt1999-02-15WalterDIN comments on derived type I/O
99-110r1.txt1999-03-01CohenStream I/O - suggested changes (Unresolved issue 68)
99-111.txt1999-03-02BleikampResponse to DIN DT I/O comments
99-114.txt1999-03-02CohenUnresolved issues 71 and 84
99-115.txt0000-00-00JOREdits for J3 notes, chapters 9-10
99-115r1.txt1999-03-03BleikampEdits for J3 notes, Chapters 9 - 10
99-116r1.pdf1999-03-03SteidelEdits for Enums
99-117r2.pdf1999-03-03BiermanSome Glossary terms
99-118.txt1999-03-03interopAdditional edits for "procedural interoperability"
99-118r1.txt1999-03-03ZongaroInterop edits
99-119.txt1999-02-28CohenUnresolved issues 73, 77, 80, plus related fixups.
99-119r1.txt1999-03-03CohenUnresolved isues 73, 77, 80
99-120.txt1999-03-04CohenMiscellaneous fixes plus some 99-107 edits
99-121r1.pdf1999-03-04SnyderSyntax improvements from 99-007
99-122r1.pdf1999-03-04BiermanUnresolved issue # 11
99-123.txt1999-03-05NorthMeeting 148 Treasurer's Report
99-123r1.txt1999-03-05NorthMeeting 148 Treasurer's Report
99-124r1.txt1999-03-05ZongaroMeeting 148 Minutes
paper148.txt1999-12-31Paper list for meeting 148

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