This page contains links to the latest version of each standing document. Standing documents are J3's long lived documents, containing information useful beyond any one meeting. Some documents are listed for historical purposes only.
Doc # | Last Revised | Title |
001 | 2025-02-20 | Membership report |
002 | 2008-07-31 | LateX Document Class for PDF Work |
003 | 1994-01-30 | X3J3 Member References |
004 | 1996-12-31 | Journal of Development (fragment) |
005 | 2019-09-14 | WG5 Strategic Plan and Schedule |
006 | 2016-12-11 | Outstanding Fortran Interpretations |
007 | 2024-12-28 | Fortran 2028 Working Draft |
008 | 2017-03-10 | Editorial Enhancements for Future Draft Revisions |
009 | 2019-11-07 | Fortran 202Y Candidates |
010 | 2024-02-20 | F202Y Workplan |
011 | 2021-06-21 | Editor's list of unresolved technical issues |
012 | 2024-08-25 | Emeritus members of INCITS/Fortran (J3) |
013 | 2016-06-09 | Guidelines for Submitting J3 Papers |
014 | 2006-06-30 | Cumulative edits for F2008 develop- ment |
015 | 2005-10-25 | Fortran 95 Interpretations |
016 | 2005-10-25 | Fortran 2003 Interpretations for Corrigenda 1 through 5 |
017 | 2005-10-25 | Combined Technical Corrigenda 1 to 5 for Fortran 2003 |
018 | 2016-02-11 | Fortran 2008 Interpretation Update Pages |
019 | 2016-12-26 | Fortran 2008 Combined Technical Corrigenda 1-4 |
020 | 2016-12-26 | Fortran 2008 Combined Interpretations for Corrigenda 1-4 |
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Web site donated and maintained by Steve Lionel