Documents for meeting 235

Download all meeting documents as: Gzipped tarfile

Name Date Status Author(s) Title
25-001.txt2025-02-10Superseded MenardMembership report
25-001r1.txt2025-02-10Info MenardMembership report
25-007.pdf2024-12-28Info CohenFortran 2028 Working Draft
25-100.txt2024-11-18Info CohenJ3 Fortran interp letter ballot #40 - due 19-December-2024
25-101.txt2024-11-18Pending SnyderInstantiate objects of abstract type -- in a future revision
25-102.pdf2024-12-22Pending IwashitaUse cases of generic coarray dummy arguments
25-102.docx2024-12-22Pending IwashitaUse cases of generic coarray dummy arguments
25-103.txt2024-12-29Pending ReidCoarray dummy arguments in auto-generic subprograms
25-104.pdf2025-01-10Info RasmussenLocal Arrangements for J3 Berkeley Meeting 235
25-105.txt2025-01-27Info CohenEditor's report for 25-007 production
25-106.txt2025-01-28Info Sircombe, ReidReport from UK panel
25-107.txt2025-02-03Unknown genericsEdits for TEMPLATES: Introduction and deferred arguments
25-108.txt2025-02-03Unknown genericsEdits for TEMPLATES: Consistency of deferred args
25-109.txt2025-02-03Unknown genericsEdits for TEMPLATE construct
25-110.txt2025-02-03Unknown genericsEdits for TEMPLATES: Instantiation
25-111.txt2025-02-03Unknown genericsEdits for TEMPLATES: REQUIREMENT and REQUIRE
25-112.txt2025-02-03Unknown genericsMiscellaneous edits to incorporate templates
25-113.txt2025-02-04Pending LionelUS-02 Make D format edit descriptor obsolescent
25-114.txt2025-02-06Superseded ShafranFortran preprocessor requirements
25-114r1.txt2025-02-10Unknown Klimowicz, Bonachea, ShafranFortran preprocessor requirements
25-115.txt2025-02-07Pending ReidSpecific versions of auto-generic subprograms
25-116.txt2025-02-08Pending CohenUS08 Polymorphic PURE function results, req/specs/syntax.
25-117.txt2025-02-10Info SteidelTreasurer's report
25-118.txt2025-02-13Info LongopebMP report
25-119.txt2025-02-17Pending CohenUS13 scoped access to module entities
25-120.txt2025-02-17Unknown ReidEdits for auto-generic subprograms
agenda235.txt2024-12-05Info BudiardjaAgenda of meeting 235

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